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The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

Here all along I, as a practicing Christian, believed that the Christian thing to do is to not judge lest I be judged, to not cast the first stone as I bear sins myself, and to do unto others as I would have others do unto me.

Judge not:

Judge not the beliefs of those who support traditional marriage, lest I judge you for your support of gay marriage.

Cast not:

Cast not stones in glass houses.

Doing unto others:

Be considerate of my beliefs, and I'll be considerate of yours. I support traditional marriage, you support gay marriage. So what?
Oh you poor conservatives :itsok:



Those fake tears.
So, when the power of government is used to force a baker to provide a cake for a homosexual mockery of a wedding, in violation of that baker's sincerely-held moral beliefs, or to punish him for refusing to do so, then will you admit that this is “evil” by the definition that you have given? It does, after all, constitute the use of government to impose someone's “morals” on someone else.

Same for the use of government force to compel girls and women to accept the pretense of men (who claim to “identify” as women) in what are supposed to be women's-only dressing and restroom facilities. Will you condemn this as well, since it also meets the definition that you just gave of “evil”.

There is, of course, more to genuine evil than just the abuse of government force.both sides support the use of government force to enforce their notions of right and wrong. The crucial difference is that yours is the side that supports overt evil, and yours is the side that supports the use of government force to uphold that which is evil over that which is good. Yours is the side that supports the killing of innocent children; yours is the side that supports all manner of immoral sexual perversions and madness; yours is the side that supports parasitism; yours is the side that supports the breakdown and destruction of marriage and family; and yours is the side that supports the use of government force to promote these evils, and to punish those who stand against them.

This isn't just a conflict between conservatism and liberalism; it is the conflict between good and evil. It is not a conflict between right and left, but between right and wrong.

And you have taken the side of evil.

If your 'moral' belief were that
Typical left wing idiocy. Christians are not murdering raping and enslaving TODAY...and no Christians alive today did such things. Asshole!

Do you fucking know what century it is?

Paul Hill, a Christian minister, murdered an abortion doctor.

In the 20th century.

Another far left drone debunked narrative being run!

Please cite the portion of the bible that commands people to kill anyone!

Samuel, when God commands the Israelites to perpetrate a genocide upon the Amalekites.

Cite the passage!

The Israelite's "genocide" took place in retaliation for the Amalekites attacks when Israel came out of Egypt.

Ah, so God holds the innocent responsible. That's an interesting God.
Because in essence what you want to do is take "freedom and liberty" from someone in order to grant someone else "freedom and liberty."

It is well worth noting that freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion,and the right to peaceably assemble, are explicitly affirmed and protected in the First Amendment. Freedom of conscience, and freedom of association are very strongly implied by these.

There is nothing anywhere in the Constitution that even hints at some of the insane, immoral, bizarre “rights” that liberals assert, and demand be established and protected to the point of overtly violating genuine Constitutionally-established rights.
Rutger Students Melt Down After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus

Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos made an appearance at Rutgers University, and his ideas and rhetoric so traumatized the delicate flowers who heard him that many of them attended a "group therapy" session afterward.

You are not going to believe what happened next:

According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

“It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,” said one student at the event. “I do not know what else to do for us to be heard for us to be cared about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this room deserves an apology.”

Rutger Students Meltdown After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus
If your 'moral' belief were that
Paul Hill, a Christian minister, murdered an abortion doctor.

In the 20th century.

Another far left drone debunked narrative being run!

Please cite the portion of the bible that commands people to kill anyone!

Samuel, when God commands the Israelites to perpetrate a genocide upon the Amalekites.

Cite the passage!

The Israelite's "genocide" took place in retaliation for the Amalekites attacks when Israel came out of Egypt.

Ah, so God holds the innocent responsible. That's an interesting God.

If you don't believe in God I suggest you stop using his book(which you are clueless about) to attempt to support your weak positions. It's obvious you had no idea why Israel attacked.
These "Christians" are no more actual Christians than their backward thinking counterparts in the Islamic world: the Taliban.

Wow. There goes what up until this point was a cogent argument. You believe so passionately that Christians are wrong that you're willing to compare them to a group of mass murderers who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone here without a second thought. Smart.

When you're losing an argument, compare someone or something to terrorists. Absolutely brilliant!
Rutger Students Melt Down After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus

Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos made an appearance at Rutgers University, and his ideas and rhetoric so traumatized the delicate flowers who heard him that many of them attended a "group therapy" session afterward.

You are not going to believe what happened next:

According to the paper, students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus, where students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.”

“A variety of different organizations and departments were present to listen, answer questions and show support” to the apparently weak and vulnerable students, who just a few days prior had disrupted Yiannopoulos’ event by smearing fake blood on their faces and chanting protest slogans.

One student at the event told the Targum that they “broke down crying” after the event, while another reported that he felt “scared to walk around campus the next day.” According to the report, “many others” said they felt “unsafe” at the event and on campus afterwards.

“It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,” said one student at the event. “I do not know what else to do for us to be heard for us to be cared about. I deserve an apology, everyone in this room deserves an apology.”

Rutger Students Meltdown After Listening to a Conservative Speaker on Campus

Maybe the speaker will be charged with a 'hate crime'.
Here all along I, as a practicing Christian, believed that the Christian thing to do is to not judge lest I be judged, to not cast the first stone as I bear sins myself, and to do unto others as I would have others do unto me.

Judge not:

Judge not the beliefs of those who support traditional marriage, lest I judge you for your support of gay marriage.

Cast not:

Cast not stones in glass houses.

Doing unto others:

Be considerate of my beliefs, and I'll be considerate of yours. I support traditional marriage, you support gay marriage. So what?
The previous reeks of disingenuousness.
Liberls have declared themselves the moral and intellectual authority and claim that if you don't go along, you are uncaring and just plain mean. Their beliefs are not up for debate. Once they declare something as fact, they will be vicious to anyone who doesn't embrace it without question. Anyone who doubts any part of the liberal ideology can expect to be called greedy, racist or a host of other derogatory names. Even when their ideas prove to be faulty, they believe that their stated intentions are so honorable that they shouldn't be criticized for failure.

Washngton liberals are mean spirited and their programs haven't helped the poor or the minorities in decades. In fact, they've made things worse and the last 7 years have all but undone the advances made in race relations. Liberals need victims and problems and they are experts are creating both just so they can pretend to run to the rescue. It's not really about helping people or we would have seen progress. The only progress being made is on their agenda, which seems to be going okay, thanks to useful idiots.

The left has declared that liberal groups, like BLM, all liberals whether rich or poor, and Muslims as groups that are off limits when it comes to any kind of criticism. They call it hate speech when you express how fed up you are with the terrorist attacks and vitriol from Islamic leaders. While the left preaches tolerance and claims to abhor nasty comments, they continually bash Republicans, people from the south and wealthy people (who don't cozy up to Dems). They say the most vile things and are unapologetic, yet when someone even suggests that we should be more careful letting refugees in or that we should get people back to work instead of being on welfare, the left has a fit and claims that is evil.

Hypocrisy runs rampant through the Dem party. They cried foul when Palin had targets on a campaign map and claimed that promoted violence, yet they laughed at a movie about the assassination of Bush and said it was art. They ignored the violence in the OWS protests. They ignored the violence in Ferguson and other places. They had a fit when a Republican had a photo taken with a gun, but loved it when Beyonce had bullets on her arms during the Super Bowl show as she paid homage to some violent groups. The Black Panthers are responsible for killing a lot of cops over the years, but the left refuses to call them up on that or their intimidation at the polls. BLM has directly called for cops to be killed and too many members answered that call, yet Obama just praised them for their work. Libs had made comments about Palin and her daughters that are too vulgar to repeat, yet said it was wrong to mention Michelle Obama's weight when she was pointing her finger at our 'fat' country and telling us how to eat.

It seems that "truth" is whatever they say it is and that can change from day to day. They even talk about creating more hate speech laws that are designed to stop any criticism of their programs (wealth redistribution under the guise of saving the planet), their pet groups and their transformation of this country. We've seen this before in other countries and we all know how it ends. Unless we want America to eventually turn into a liberal wasteland, we need to fight against those who are practicing the Alinsky methods of shaming and ridiculing their political opponents. It's about silencing people who see through their bullshit and understand the real motivation behind their supposed benevolence. With the help of biased media, who selectively report and exaggerate some things and completely ignore others, they have some people afraid to speak their mind for fear of retribution. Neighbors of the San Bernardino terrorists felt that fear and never came forward with info that may have stopped the attack. Suspecting Muslims of being terrorists, no matter what actions you observe, is politically incorrect and likely to get you accused of profiling. People are slowly being trained to remain silent and it's all because of a growing fear of government. We fear punishment from government for merely exercising our rights. This is the very definition of tyranny.

"Why have liberals become so intolerant? They think nothing of denying someone as prominent as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from speaking on a college campus. They embrace activists who shut down speakers. They publicly shame people for the slightest deviation from liberal orthodoxy.

For them everything from science to the law is "settled" once they get into power. Progress is a one way street. Their mindset is the very definition of closed-mindedness.

The short answer is that it pays. A lot of people in and out of government benefit. Liberalism also makes people feel good. Whether you are politician dispensing government benefits or the citizen receiving them, liberalism hides the self-interest and sometimes even greed that motivate people.

But the devolution of liberalism into something now openly illiberal has causes far more complex than these familiar explanations provide.

For one thing, liberalism is no longer mainly about ideas but power—as in who has it and who doesn’t. Believing they already know the answers to all questions, liberals view politics and governing as mopping up operations."

The Rise of Intolerant Liberals


Everyone claims themselves to be the moral authority on things. We debate because we believe we are right on things, based in part on our moral view.

The gay marriage thing saw people who believe gay marriage is immoral against people who believe that everyone should have the rights and freedoms and these are their morals.

Attacking people for using their morals is a bit strange. Attacking morals is another thing, people disagree with what is and isn't moral, that's the point of debate, you'd assume.

Saying that their beliefs aren't up for debate, doesn't this work both ways? If someone says "gay marriage is wrong" and the other says "it's right" and they debate and neither gives ground, yet you're complaining they won't give ground while you don't either. Hmmm...

You ask why Liberals have suddenly just become intolerant. Not necessarily. You're saying they're intolerant because they have a view on things. I can accept that you have views and I can disagree with them.

If I believe that people have rights and freedoms and should be treated equally, why am I intolerant for thinking that someone is intolerant is wrong?

Your argument then says I have to be intolerant. I'm either intolerant for not accepting your views, or I'm intolerant for accepting your views. I can't win.

So, the reality is, your argument is a catch-22 argument.

So, what do I do? I take what I think is the right way. I'll take the being intolerant in the way that I think is the least worst way.
So, in essence, you're saying Gay rights are fine so long as Gays learn their place and relent to being treated as second class citizens who are the worthy of the same level of services offered by public businesses. Why?

Because in turn, they may as well treat those with religiously held beliefs like "second class citizens." They don't want rights, they want revenge.

And for the record, gays enjoy far more freedom here in the US than in any country on Earth, because we ARE the freest nation on Earth. They have the great fortune of living here instead of the middle east, where being gay can get you executed.

Rather ungrateful, don't you agree?

Because the bigotry of some merchants is more viable and valuable rights than those you would grant other Americans because they do not fit into the narrow moral template you would have imposed on the larger American society.

I'm sorry, so one person's rights trump (no pun intended) another person's beliefs? How is that fair? How do you accommodate one but not the other?

How does that translate into freedom and liberty?

Because in essence what you want to do is take "freedom and liberty" from someone in order to grant someone else "freedom and liberty."

Essentially you want to rob Peter to pay Paul. The ideal situation is granting accommodations to both sides, not just one. But you won't have it, will you?

Well, it's very American if you have not progressed beyond 1950.

Actually, this whole "for me and not for thee" attitude dates back to the dawn of humankind.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and hateful.

Seeking one's comprehensive civil rights is not to seek 'revenge.'

Absent the intolerance of the right, gay Americans would have had no need to find a redress of their grievances through either the political or legal process; indeed, if you and others hostile to gay Americans had simply acknowledged their right to due process and equal protection of the law, there would have been no need for such conflict and acrimony.

Moreover, how gays are treated in other countries is completely irrelevant and fails as a red herring fallacy; gay Americans have no need to be 'grateful' for government recognizing the civil rights they've always possessed.
Another far left drone debunked narrative being run!

Please cite the portion of the bible that commands people to kill anyone!

Samuel, when God commands the Israelites to perpetrate a genocide upon the Amalekites.

Cite the passage!

The Israelite's "genocide" took place in retaliation for the Amalekites attacks when Israel came out of Egypt.

Ah, so God holds the innocent responsible. That's an interesting God.

If you don't believe in God I suggest you stop using his book(which you are clueless about) to attempt to support your weak positions. It's obvious you had no idea why Israel attacked.
Why? belief has jackshit to with understanding the bible.
It's been my experience that people who call themselves believers know far less about the bible then non believers.
Thanks for proving me correct.
Samuel, when God commands the Israelites to perpetrate a genocide upon the Amalekites.

Cite the passage!

The Israelite's "genocide" took place in retaliation for the Amalekites attacks when Israel came out of Egypt.

Ah, so God holds the innocent responsible. That's an interesting God.

If you don't believe in God I suggest you stop using his book(which you are clueless about) to attempt to support your weak positions. It's obvious you had no idea why Israel attacked.
Why? belief has jackshit to with understanding the bible.
It's been my experience that people who call themselves believers know far less about the bible then non believers.
Thanks for proving me correct.

GFY loser, I don't take anything you say with a grain of salt. You left loons use it and look foolish doing it, all a Christian does is laugh at you....then point out you're clueless. Now sit down
Laugh at them, it's funny watching them ball their little hands up, stomp their feet and call you a bigoted, racist homophobic right winger

And while you do all that, watch the Democrats take the presidency again.
After eight years of the Magic Negro and Rule by Imperial Decree and a frontrunner nominee one step away from a Justice Department indictment? Good luck with that.
My favorite obama myth.
If the rw dickheads in Congress had not vowed to hinder him at every step executive orders would not have been necessary.
I didn't see you ass hats whining when Reagan and both Bush's used them.
Reagan holds the record for them.
It would be a whole lot simpler if you clowns would have admitted you are racists.

When will you?
Moreover, how gays are treated in other countries is completely irrelevant and fails as a red herring fallacy; gay Americans have no need to be 'grateful' for government recognizing the civil rights they've always possessed.

So am I to understand that only the gay people here matter to you? How short sighted.

You liberals are enigmatic.

You claim to be for women's rights... in America

You claim to be for gay rights... in America

You claim to be against racism... in America

You claim to support civil rights... in America

But as for the rest of the world? That's where your ideals fall silent. You are the most myopic type of people I have ever seen. The whole world does not consist of America.
These "Christians" are no more actual Christians than their backward thinking counterparts in the Islamic world: the Taliban.

Wow. There goes what up until this point was a cogent argument. You believe so passionately that Christians are wrong that you're willing to compare them to a group of mass murderers who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone here without a second thought. Smart.

When you're losing an argument, compare someone or something to terrorists. Absolutely brilliant!
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples? Is their bigotry really driven by Biblical mandate, or good old fashioned Gay bashing? Is it driven by faith in a loving and forgiving God, or by fears, superstitions and ignorance?
These alleged Christian merchants are twisting faith to serve a vile purpose. The Taliban does the same.

It's a matter of degree so far as their reprisals go, but the dogmatic interpretations are the same.

Christian store merchants don't kill people who don't believe the way they do.

There is no discernible comparison. You are simply being childish now.

Do these supposed Christian merchants morally vet all their customers for fear of their mortal souls? Do they cater a Mafia princess' wedding? The marriage of an OB/GYN's daughter who has had an abortion?

You don't seem to mind vetting those people which you consider to be Christians. That task is not up to you.

Or is their precious and jealously guarded bigotry restricted to same sex couples?

So, when you demand that someone give up their beliefs in order to serve same sex couples... who is it that's being jealous? Them?

Or you?

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