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The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

When the "Christians use their interpretation of Scripture to unnecessarily humans late homosexuals, when they seek to hide behind their narrow interpretations in order to discriminate against homosexuals, they are leaning on the implied consent of all other American Christians for implicit approval. What they utterly fail to understand is American Christianity is neither monolithic nor as repressed and repressive as they. Christians, by in large, hold forgiveness closest to their hearts. The alleged Christians would use their narrow view of Scripture as a black jack seeking to bludgeon rather than embrace, to condemn rather than forgive, to foster hate rather than true Christian love

Of course only YOUR interpretation of the Bible is correct. More of that tolerance I see.

jesus never said word one about gays.

he did say a lot about taking care of the poor.

He sure did. That's why conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Fact.

it's because "conservatives" are required to give to their churches.

it's also irrelevant to any discussion on the role of government since the radical right is also the first to say let children starve.

Umm....ok :eusa_whistle:

When a Jew gives tzedakah he is not only giving but also receiving, because when the poor man accepts the tzedakah, the giver receives a zechut for the mitzvah, through which he will get back from Hashem ten times as much as he gave. Regarding the words “Aseir te’aseir”— “You shall surely tithe,” (Devarim 14:22) the Gemara (Ta’anit 9a) says,“Aseir bishevil shetitasheir” — “By giving ten percent to tzedakah, you will become rich.”

Thus, by giving for the Mishkan, the Jews were “taking” from Hashem much more than they actually gave

bubbalah.... that still doesn't have anything to do with the topic since we're talking about far more people than private charity can accommodate. I give tzedackah too. (although your Christian theocrat friends think they have a lock on it... fahrshteyt?)
Oh so now you want to talk world population? Since there are gays in every segment of every population, it's very VERY likely that there are more gays than Jews.

I was speaking, specifically, if the US where Jews make up 2% of the population.

Jews or Israelites?

Self identified Jews make up 2% of the US population...making them "freaks of society" by your "logic".

That's not what I asked. Let me put it this way to make it simple. Who do you yourself identify as being "Jews"? That should be easy enough.

The 2% of people who said they are:

Chapter 1: Population Estimates

Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

Wow...non sequitur much? How about the people that don't realize they're gay? What does any of this have to do with anything, especially equality?
The topic is about intolerant liberals, are you one? Do you not like people that opinions differ from you?
there is a certain irony in labeling as "intolerant liberals" those whose opinions you dislike ...do you not like the opinions of those you label "intolerant"

Everyone is free to have an opinion. Whether they agree with me or not, no big deal. I don't dislike those with differing opinions. It is what makes the world interesting.

Seems you skipped my question, interesting that you did.
There are charitable, however they don't believe government is the answer to helping the poor, the under-sourced and handicapped.
The government is the only source that is equipped to handle the distribution of food/money etc., to the poor and handicapped because the government is the only one that has the resources to verify who the real needy are and who are the moochers. Church charities just take people's word that they are needy and have no way of verifying it, and they don't have enough to properly keep people viable....so it isn't reliable. But giving is giving, it shouldn't matter who applies it, and when you complain that you don't like the government doing it, it is just a way of expressing that you are forced to do it and you don't really want to.

Funny how intolerant liberals like to twist the truth to fit their agenda.

Your claim that you want other than the government to do it basically because that way you wouldn't have to give if you didn't want to....a very small percentage of the members in churches provide 90% of the offerings, so don't tell me that Republican Christians are going to take care of all the needs.

I give with my heart, you give because you are forced. More liberal intolerance spin.

Sure you do.....and you also believe in Unicorns.

No I don't why do you belittle those who have differing opinions than yours.

Oh, it's okay for you to get snarky, but when I do it, it offends you? That's also called hypocrisy.

So it is okay for you to get "snarky", but when I do it, it offends you? That's also called hypocrisy.
Liberals are intolerant because they expect everyone to see things from ONLY their point-of-view.

We can only aspire to the great grand tolerance of conservatives ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Well what about that time the Muslims wanted a mosque near 911? Hmm no.

How about the gays ? Hmm no again

Hold on ill think of somthing !
Liberals are not tolerant of those that don't agree with their ideology. They go after women, gays, hispanics, blacks and on and on, that disagree with their views.
For you see, never in my church has the minister ever admonished the congregation to avoid commerce with homosexuals.

Are you Presbyterian?

Rather, he preached to do unto others as we would have others do unto you.

So, I'll ask this question again. You want these people to turn the other cheek, but why won't you? Why can't the homosexuals? You want homosexual clients to be treated fairly, but in turn you're asking someone with deeply held religious beliefs to ignore them for the sake of "being fair." I've been a fan of taking the middle ground, so why can't there be?

He preached to not cast the first stone for we all bear sins.

And as a Southern Baptist, homosexuality is included. Sounds intolerant I know, but that's how I was raised. You bear sin, I bear sin, they bear sin, the bakers bear sin, the homosexuals (besides being homosexuals) bear their own sins. But that doesn't justify why you're a) comparing your own fellow Christians to a group of Islamic terrorists, or b) asking them to ignore their faith to appease persons who engage in a practice the Bible clearly condemns.

And yes, you're casting stones too. We all are.

Then along came these homophobes who refused paying customers because those paying customers subscribe to a lifestyle they find abhorrent.

Those "homophobes" would much rather take a hit in revenue rather than compromise their beliefs. See, the "paying customers" already have power. The power to boycott. No blood, no mess, no sweat.

It has occurred to me that those bigoted homophobes sought some moral cover,,an aegis,behind which they might cower in the face of the outrage freedom loving Americans might shame and dismiss them.

You seem to think these "freedom loving Americans" majorly side with you. Interesting, because we all have our definitions of what "freedom loving Americans" are. What you're demanding is taking freedom from one person to grant it to the other. See, that's not equal treatment either.

It has occurred to me that while you speak out against hate you are showering these "bigots" and "homophobes" with it. You can't repay hate with hate.

"Hey! I know what we'll do! We'll say God told us to unnecessarily humiliate, discriminate and deny homosexuals our services! We'll call it a matter of 'religious freedom'! That way we can still get away with it."

Your fictitious theory notwithstanding...

You seem to think these people plan it out, deviously; cold and calculating. You believe that they collude with one another to target homosexual customers. Well the first flaw is that you can't tell someone is homosexual just by looking at them. Second, religious freedom is a thing, whether you like it or not. You can't just say "no, you must ignore your faith in order to obey the law." As far as I know, the law protects religious freedom too, and not just your right to be satisfied.

Because I have never been exposed to such openly hateful and backward thinking, such a vile misuse of the teachings of a forgiving Savior strikes my ear as shameful,at least, hypocritical at best and a vile twisting of the teachings of my faith to serve an evil purpose at worst.

Before judging others for their sins, get on your knees and beg God for forgiveness of yours. You have evil in your heart like these "Christians" you so relentlessly admonish. You feel it is your duty as a Christian to weed out and condemn what you perceive as evil and hateful. But remember this:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

--Matthew 7:21

This leads me to ask you three questions.

First, are you truly carrying out the will of God by repaying hatred with hatred and refusing to love your fellow Christians?

"If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."

--1 John 4:20

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

--John 13:34

Second, are you carrying out the will of God by refusing to forgive your fellow Christians?

"Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."

--Matthew 18:21

Lastly, are you carrying out the will of God by judging others and not yourself?

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned. "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

--Luke 6:37-38

Before marriage equality, I would wager that there were no pulpits offering ecclesiastical cover for homophobes.

For a reason that I wish you would accept. We have gone over that reason a million times already. No need to re-elaborate.

Certainly throughout the south, churches twisted Christianity in similar ways to provide cover for racists.

I don't doubt it. Those were different times and different people. People who did twist the word of God to justify racism. However, the biggest difference of all is this:

While the Bible never condemns a person for the color of their skin, it clearly condemns them if they are practicing homosexuality.

It's not at all surprising that those driven by strict, narrow dogmatic thinking would once again seek shelter behind a pulpit spewing hatred rather than love

And regrettably, you are spewing hatred of your own. You have no love for those who don't share your views regarding homosexuality. You would use the pulpit to justify something sinful.

condemnation rather than forgiveness and open thought rather than blind obedience to rigid dogma

You are offering condemnation of your own rather than forgiving those who "follow a rigid dogma." You show no tolerance for open thought when you condemn others for holding such "rigid dogma."

You are no better than the people you speak out against. You hate them, you condemn them, you apparently don't forgive them, and you seemingly want to forbid them from holding different beliefs of Christianity.

You should understand that you have no standing to condemn anyone when you practice so many double standards.
I don't hate those alleged Christians. Hate is a commodity they traffic in, not I. Rather, I pity them but I do hate their hatred.

"Let's humiliate the queers and tell them we do not serve their kind. It's the Christian thing to do."

This notion falls on my incongruous ears as nothing noble, but good old fashioned Gay bashing. I hear nothing resembling religion, let alone Christianity. Are these alegded Christians afraid they might be seen as Gay themselves by simply providing the same level of service they provide for every other customer, in spite of the sins of those customers?

For the record, you are correct, I am Presbyterian.

But I do not recognize the bigotry and homophobia as an act of Christian behavior. There's nothing redemptive, noble, righteous or loving about their backwardness and fearfulness and bigotry. I can forgive them as they begin to act nobly, redemptively and in a true Christian manner.

There just is no rationale for shunning people who have not committed any crime. Humiliating people for who they are. For discriminating against the innocent.
Of course only YOUR interpretation of the Bible is correct. More of that tolerance I see.

jesus never said word one about gays.

he did say a lot about taking care of the poor.

He sure did. That's why conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Fact.

it's because "conservatives" are required to give to their churches.

it's also irrelevant to any discussion on the role of government since the radical right is also the first to say let children starve.

Umm....ok :eusa_whistle:

When a Jew gives tzedakah he is not only giving but also receiving, because when the poor man accepts the tzedakah, the giver receives a zechut for the mitzvah, through which he will get back from Hashem ten times as much as he gave. Regarding the words “Aseir te’aseir”— “You shall surely tithe,” (Devarim 14:22) the Gemara (Ta’anit 9a) says,“Aseir bishevil shetitasheir” — “By giving ten percent to tzedakah, you will become rich.”

Thus, by giving for the Mishkan, the Jews were “taking” from Hashem much more than they actually gave

bubbalah.... that still doesn't have anything to do with the topic since we're talking about far more people than private charity can accommodate. I give tzedackah too. (although your Christian theocrat friends think they have a lock on it... fahrshteyt?)
ok ...Say it with me now....You're wrong:thup:
Jews or Israelites?

Self identified Jews make up 2% of the US population...making them "freaks of society" by your "logic".

That's not what I asked. Let me put it this way to make it simple. Who do you yourself identify as being "Jews"? That should be easy enough.

The 2% of people who said they are:

Chapter 1: Population Estimates

Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

Wow...non sequitur much? How about the people that don't realize they're gay? What does any of this have to do with anything, especially equality?
Ooh, people don't realize they are gay?..maybe they need you to tell them. You know so many people don't realize they are a women when they are actually a man. or so many think they are actually a man when they are a women...it's so confusing:uhoh3:
They both rely on dogma to foist their views in spite of what Scripture actually says. The "Christians" doing that also cherry pick the Biblical laws they want enforced.

Big difference. We don't enforce our interpretation of the scriptures by threatening to kill you. As far as cherrypicking is concerned, pro gay rights liberals, and certain gay people, often use the Bible to bash Christians over the head in order to justify why it allows for homosexuality.

Like I pointed out earlier in this thread. Liberals and homosexuals are intolerant of Christianity to a point. But when they find a Bible verse that they perceive to support their views/lifestyles, they become rabid Bible thumpers. It's ironic you would accuse us of trying to impose our faith on people when gays/liberals try to impose their version of Christianity on us.

I call that a double standard.
When the "Christians use their interpretation of Scripture to unnecessarily humans late homosexuals, when they seek to hide behind their narrow interpretations in order to discriminate against homosexuals, they are leaning on the implied consent of all other American Christians for implicit approval. What they utterly fail to understand is American Christianity is neither monolithic nor as repressed and repressive as they. Christians, by in large, hold forgiveness closest to their hearts. The alleged Christians would use their narrow view of Scripture as a black jack seeking to bludgeon rather than embrace, to condemn rather than forgive, to foster hate rather than true Christian love

Of course only YOUR interpretation of the Bible is correct. More of that tolerance I see.

jesus never said word one about gays.

he did say a lot about taking care of the poor.

He sure did. That's why conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Fact.

I've seen this ^^^ meme posted before. Not all no profit 501c3 organizations are equal, giving to the Heritage Foundation vis a vis St. Jude's Hospital is one example of why this dog won't hunt

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