The rise of the religious Left

You can't be a greedy Left Wing Socialist and a Christian at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
"Yea, verily, I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a Republican to enter the Kingdom of God."
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
It has treating women like people instead of just a uterus waiting for an man to own it.

Killing your children is wrong no matter if it done by a man or a woman.

It is really despicable when a woman does it because she doesn't want to be bothered with the child that she conceived. Really despicable.
You can't be a greedy Left Wing Socialist and a Christian at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
"Yea, verily, I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a Republican to enter the Kingdom of God."

Which version of the Bible did that come from? Was it the New Moon Bat Edition?
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
It has treating women like people instead of just a uterus waiting for an man to own it.

Killing your children is wrong no matter if it done by a man or a woman.

It is really despicable when a woman does it because she doesn't want to be bothered with the child that she conceived. Really despicable.
There's that judgmental thing that you guys love that gives Christianity a bad name. For a religion that's supposed to be about love and forgiveness you sure have a lot of hateful bastards.
Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

This study was about money and time given directly to those in need, in addition, they give to their church.

Time to face some facts, before Christ entered the world, no one gave a damn about the poor or those in need. Christianity changed the world. Now secular humanists like you and Hillary create charities to launder money and help the poor.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

What the heck is a "right wing" church? Is that any church that's not Muslim?
Moore is a fat, fanny-sitting, Neo-Marxist asshole and doesn't understand the separation clause.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

What the heck is a "right wing" church? Is that any church that's not Muslim?
Familiarize yourself with a social phenomena called "Prosperity gospel" that shit is the worst perversion of Christianity I have ever seen.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

This study was about money and time given directly to those in need, in addition, they give to their church.

Time to face some facts, before Christ entered the world, no one gave a damn about the poor or those in need. Christianity changed the world. Now secular humanists like you and Hillary create charities to launder money and help the poor.
The right despises the poor, if they didn't they would not talk like they do. becoming a fake charity is obscenely easy in this country.
The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

What the heck is a "right wing" church? Is that any church that's not Muslim?
Familiarize yourself with a social phenomena called "Prosperity gospel" that shit is the worst perversion of Christianity I have ever seen.

Yikes, that sounds like a church (using the term loosely) made up of liberals.
The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

This study was about money and time given directly to those in need, in addition, they give to their church.

Time to face some facts, before Christ entered the world, no one gave a damn about the poor or those in need. Christianity changed the world. Now secular humanists like you and Hillary create charities to launder money and help the poor.
The right despises the poor, if they didn't they would not talk like they do. becoming a fake charity is obscenely easy in this country.

Ain't that the truth about charities.
The Clinton Foundation
Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.



Again, your own narcissism and projections are getting the best of you.

You claimed moral high ground.

I schooled you (but mostly others) on the irony of your hypocrisies.

Don't shoot the messenger. You should thank me for making you more aware of your hypocrisies, instead.
You can't be a greedy Left Wing Socialist and a Christian at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
"Yea, verily, I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a Republican to enter the Kingdom of God."

Which version of the Bible did that come from? Was it the New Moon Bat Edition?
So you're a "Christian" who knows nothing about your own religion?
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.



Again, your own narcissism and projections are getting the best of you.

You claimed moral high ground.

I schooled you (but mostly others) on the irony of your hypocrisies.

Don't shoot the messenger. You should thank me for making you more aware of your hypocrisies, instead.
still boring, go find someone else to pester.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

What the heck is a "right wing" church? Is that any church that's not Muslim?
Familiarize yourself with a social phenomena called "Prosperity gospel" that shit is the worst perversion of Christianity I have ever seen.

Yikes, that sounds like a church (using the term loosely) made up of liberals.
Nope, their central tenet is that the richness of your worldly goods is a direct indication of God's love for you and your tithing is the sole path to gaining favor. When I first heard about it I thought it was some silly little cult but the churches are more correctly called mega-churches with many thousands of members. They exist mainly in Trump country.
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There are passages in the bible like 'judge not lest ye be judged'. I can judge because I'm pretty much a non believer but lots of so called christians get all kinds of judgemental on their fellow man. Maybe even some on this thread. I wonder if a turd like trump will ever get to heaven the way he lies and mouths off and insults others. But then, he's most likely a christian in name only just to get the born again vote.
As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.



Again, your own narcissism and projections are getting the best of you.

You claimed moral high ground.

I schooled you (but mostly others) on the irony of your hypocrisies.

Don't shoot the messenger. You should thank me for making you more aware of your hypocrisies, instead.
still boring, go find someone else to pester.

I'm sorry you feel pestered, snowflake.

Maybe you should have grown a thicker skin before you started slinging mud in a public forum.

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