The rise of the religious Left

The right despises the poor, if they didn't they would not talk like they do. becoming a fake charity is obscenely easy in this country.

No, the right despises the left who keeps people poor in order to keep them on the Plantation.
There are passages in the bible like 'judge not lest ye be judged'. I can judge because I'm pretty much a non believer but lots of so called christians get all kinds of judgemental on their fellow man. Maybe even some on this thread. I wonder if a turd like trump will ever get to heaven the way he lies and mouths off and insults others. But then, he's most likely a christian in name only just to get the born again vote.
No one seriously believes Trump is a christian he does not even know how to fake it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.



Again, your own narcissism and projections are getting the best of you.

You claimed moral high ground.

I schooled you (but mostly others) on the irony of your hypocrisies.

Don't shoot the messenger. You should thank me for making you more aware of your hypocrisies, instead.
still boring, go find someone else to pester.

I'm sorry you feel pestered, snowflake.

Maybe you should have grown a thicker skin before you started slinging mud in a public forum.
There are passages in the bible like 'judge not lest ye be judged'. I can judge because I'm pretty much a non believer but lots of so called christians get all kinds of judgemental on their fellow man. Maybe even some on this thread. I wonder if a turd like trump will ever get to heaven the way he lies and mouths off and insults others. But then, he's most likely a christian in name only just to get the born again vote.
No one seriously believes Trump is a christian he does not even know how to fake it.
We all know that. Its just that we know that Obama was not a Christian as we saw the results as their persecution started.
No one seriously believes Trump is a christian he does not even know how to fake it.

No one took Obama seriously when he said he was Christian as well. We all know Obama was a lying Muslim asshat.
There are passages in the bible like 'judge not lest ye be judged'. I can judge because I'm pretty much a non believer but lots of so called christians get all kinds of judgemental on their fellow man. Maybe even some on this thread. I wonder if a turd like trump will ever get to heaven the way he lies and mouths off and insults others. But then, he's most likely a christian in name only just to get the born again vote.
No one seriously believes Trump is a christian he does not even know how to fake it.
We all know that. Its just that we know that Obama was not a Christian as we saw the results as their persecution started.
In your mind.
Well at least we can all agree now that socialism is more of a religion than political philosophy. Therefore, no amount of data, not even Venezuelans eating out of garbage cans, will sway their belief system.

Apparently it's now OK for church and state to be as one.

It always has been. That why the headquarters of the Catholic Church are in Rome, which was the most powerful city state in the world when the Church was founded. Religion and politics have been intertwined since the earliest times, with tribal leaders looking for favourable omens from their gods for crops, wars, all manner of endeavors.

It was the damage caused by mixing religion and politics that lead the Founders to build the separation of church and state into the Constitution. Your Pilgrim foregathers left Europe to escape religious persecution by European governments beholding to the Pope and his minions. They wanted a country where people were free to worship as they chose, and where government and religion were kept completely separate.
You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
Your posts are for your entertainment just like the rest of us. Pretending you are mounting some righteous crusade against evil on a minor message board is pathetic beyond words.



Again, your own narcissism and projections are getting the best of you.

You claimed moral high ground.

I schooled you (but mostly others) on the irony of your hypocrisies.

Don't shoot the messenger. You should thank me for making you more aware of your hypocrisies, instead.
still boring, go find someone else to pester.

I'm sorry you feel pestered, snowflake.

Maybe you should have grown a thicker skin before you started slinging mud in a public forum.


U mad.
There are passages in the bible like 'judge not lest ye be judged'. I can judge because I'm pretty much a non believer but lots of so called christians get all kinds of judgemental on their fellow man. Maybe even some on this thread. I wonder if a turd like trump will ever get to heaven the way he lies and mouths off and insults others. But then, he's most likely a christian in name only just to get the born again vote.
No one seriously believes Trump is a christian he does not even know how to fake it.
We all know that. Its just that we know that Obama was not a Christian as we saw the results as their persecution started.
In your mind.
We saw the proof. Here at jome and overseas. Ph uk U. You will incarcerate and kill the Christians.
The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
Christianity is not a religion, it’s a faith... dumbass
If it has churches, clergy, denominations, members and tithes it is a religion. Calling it a faith implies that it is primarily spiritual. You can be spiritual anywhere but church is where you go to find religion.
Religion is man-made, Christianity is a faith certainly not man-made...
The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

This study was about money and time given directly to those in need, in addition, they give to their church.

Time to face some facts, before Christ entered the world, no one gave a damn about the poor or those in need. Christianity changed the world. Now secular humanists like you and Hillary create charities to launder money and help the poor.
The right despises the poor, if they didn't they would not talk like they do. becoming a fake charity is obscenely easy in this country.

If that is true, why do we see the worst poverty and suffering in socialist countries?
The vast majority of people who donate their money and time to the poor are those who practice their faith. These same people also lean conservative. I've found that to be true with people around me. I've also noticed that those not of faith tend to be Left winged and sit around and bitch about how we need to elect politicians that will force us to give more of our money to the poor in order to help the poor, as they sit on their collective ass.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds
Giving money to a church does not necessarily mean that money does a damned thing beyond buying the preacher a new suit. Do right wing churches even do real charity work anymore?

What the heck is a "right wing" church? Is that any church that's not Muslim?
Familiarize yourself with a social phenomena called "Prosperity gospel" that shit is the worst perversion of Christianity I have ever seen.

Yikes, that sounds like a church (using the term loosely) made up of liberals.
Nope, their central tenet is that the richness of your worldly goods is a direct indication of God's love for you and your tithing is the sole path to gaining favor. When I first heard about it I thought it was some silly little cult but the churches are more correctly called mega-churches with many thousands of members. They exist mainly in Trump country.
And raise untold millions for charities and at home and abroad.
Leftists hate it when people independently generate money.

They think the only legitimate way to raise money for the poor is to steal it via the government.
Leftists hate it when people independently generate money.

They think the only legitimate way to raise money for the poor is to steal it via the government.
Yeap, almost as much as they hate any person, whose skin is a darker shade, that is a conservative. They hate them, more than anyone.

Yes, they despise stories from a Herman Cain who worked his way out of the ghetto and took full advantage of the freedoms the republicans and this country gave him.

That is why a racist skinny lying disgrace like elizabeth warren hates Doctor Ben Carson.

Look at that pathetic piece of shit disrespect and hate she has for Doctor Ben Carson.
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Leftists hate it when people independently generate money.

They think the only legitimate way to raise money for the poor is to steal it via the government.
Yeap, almost as much as they hate any person, whose skin is a darker shade, that is a conservative. They hate them, more anyone.

Yes, they despise stories from a Herman Cain who worked his way out of the ghetto and took full advantage of the freedoms the republicans and this country gave him.

That is why a racist skinny lying disgrace like elizabeth warren hates Doctor Ben Carson.

Look at that pathetic piece of shit disrespect and hate she has for Doctor Ben Carson.

Perhaps if Dr. Carson followed Warren's lead and spouted he was a Blonde haired, blue eyed Swede she would have connected with him. Bet she loves some snoop doggy dog...he be kool!
If christians actually believed the Bible they'd vote Democratic.

I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
Please stop lying.

The Myth of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis. - CNA Columns: Book Reviews

860,000 Lives Saved - The Truth About Pius XII & the Jews

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