The rise of the religious Left

It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
Churchgoer? Jesus was no churchgoer because there was no church. Jesus was a rabbi and gave many, many sermons. Does Sermon on the Mount ring a bell?
Jesus was a rebel against the authority of the temple and they killed him for it.
That was part of it. The real threat is the truth that was being said and people that were being influenced.

He did say in Mathew 23:1 that sadducees and pharisees SIT ON THE THRONE OF MOSES, therefore do they all they tell you to do, but don't follow their example.

Church leaders will fail and the teachers of will be judged more harshly.

Yes, they killed Him mainly due to their cushy little gig they had with the Roman authority etc.
I was actually reading this passage recently and thought about how this warning against religious corruption by clergy may be the most ignored thing Jesus ever said.
Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

How would you know?
I went to Sunday school and actually paid attention

Did they tell you not to steal like you filthy socialists do by the using the government to steal from other people to satisfy your greed? How about killing babies or taking away Liberties, which you Moon Bats are well known for doing?

If you really went to church then you would have learned that charity comes from the family, church and heart. Not a redistribution of wealth by a corrupt, bloated, oppressive, debt ridden government.

The God of the Left is Greed. Of course when they aren't worshiping at the altar of greed they are praying to the God of Global Warming.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
Did Jesus ever mention abortion?

Is it even in the bible?
You can't be a greedy Left Wing Socialist and a Christian at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

How would you know?
I went to Sunday school and actually paid attention

Did they tell you not to steal like you filthy socialists do by the using the government to steal from other people to satisfy your greed? How about killing babies or taking away Liberties, which you Moon Bats are well known for doing?

If you really went to church then you would have learned that charity comes from the family, church and heart. Not a redistribution of wealth by a corrupt, bloated, oppressive, debt ridden government.

The God of the Left is Greed. Of course when they aren't worshiping at the altar of greed they are praying to the God of Global Warming.
Render unto Caesar...stupid
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
Did Jesus ever mention abortion?

Is it even in the bible?

He sure as hell didn't say "suffer the little children to me so I can kill them for the sake of convenience, did He?
You can't be a greedy Left Wing Socialist and a Christian at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven...

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.

As does yours.

Get over it.
Still boring.

You need to check your narcissism.

My posts are not for your entertainment.

They are to expose your hypocrisies to others.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
Did Jesus ever mention abortion?

Is it even in the bible?

He sure as hell didn't say "suffer the little children to me so I can kill them for the sake of convenience, did He?
What he DIDN'T say was anything about abortion. In fact neither does the Bible
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

How would you know?
I went to Sunday school and actually paid attention

Did they tell you not to steal like you filthy socialists do by the using the government to steal from other people to satisfy your greed? How about killing babies or taking away Liberties, which you Moon Bats are well known for doing?

If you really went to church then you would have learned that charity comes from the family, church and heart. Not a redistribution of wealth by a corrupt, bloated, oppressive, debt ridden government.

The God of the Left is Greed. Of course when they aren't worshiping at the altar of greed they are praying to the God of Global Warming.
Render unto Caesar...stupid

You are ignorant of the Bible Moon Bat. Either that or simply confused

When Jesus said that he was challenging the leaders to chose between God or the State.

If you had really gone to church like you claim you would know that.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
Did Jesus ever mention abortion?

Is it even in the bible?

He sure as hell didn't say "suffer the little children to me so I can kill them for the sake of convenience, did He?
What he DIDN'T say was anything about abortion. In fact neither does the Bible

What do you think He thought about killing children for the sake of convenience you stupid Moon Bat? Are you really that dumb?

If you think he would support killing a child just so the mother wouldn't have to be bothered with it then you know nothing about Jesus or Christianity.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
The religion of the right sure as hell has nothing to do with Jesus

But the religion of the Left sure as hell has the killing of babies, doesn't it? A million a year to the God of Abortion.
It has treating women like people instead of just a uterus waiting for an man to own it.

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