The rise of the religious Left

Michael Moore: Christianity and socialism are the 'same thing

Who knew? Apparently Michael Moore does.

Filmmaker Michael Moore says being a Christian is the "same thing" as being a socialist.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews on Wednesday, the liberal activist, who says he voted for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) for president in the Democratic primary, defended his decision to vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. (Relevant portion begins around the 2:45 mark):

"You don't understand what's going to happen after 2016. These young people, these 18- to 35-year-olds — remember there's 3 million more 18-year-old voters every single year — so by the next election that's 12 million more of them," Moore said. "They favor socialism over capitalism."

Matthews interrupted, pointing out that "Hillary's not a socialist."

Moore responded: "Well, she's a Christian, so it's the same thing."

"It's all about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and the pie is divided so that everybody gets a slice," Moore added. "Isn't that what Christianity is? That's what she's about."

Pope Told Michael Moore That Capitalism Is a Sin?

Apparently Michael Moore visited the Pope where the Pope declared capitalism a "sin". Then the Pope encouraged him to go make more Left wing films.

Is this the beginning of the religious Left?
All Leftists consider themselves theological experts.

All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.
The religion of the Left nowadays is this Global Warming bullshit scam.

Instead of GOD it is AGW.
All Leftists consider themselves theological experts.

All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

the helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Is it even possible for you to not try to cover your blind hatred for "the other" with the same old single issue bullshit?
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
I believe that is what Moore is attempting to foster by doing such things and visiting the Pope about how evil capitalism is.

However, why is it that the Catholic Churches official position on abortion is that it is mass genocide while seemingly giving sermons on the evils of wall building and capitalism instead?

Perhaps it is the same reason the Catholic church was largely silent during the Holocaust.


“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
Churchgoer? Jesus was no churchgoer because there was no church. Jesus was a rabbi and gave many, many sermons. Does Sermon on the Mount ring a bell?
Probably because we don't think it's moral to bugger each other and kill babies.
You are all the "respectable" Hebrews who passed by on the other side.
I have no idea what you're trying to convey. I'm not Hebrew and I have no idea what you're alluding to.
The parable of the Samaritan. A lesson Jesus gave on moral ambiguity.

The lesson of the Good Samaritan is a story about two men who should have been natural enemies. One took pity on the other, and not one word was spoken between the two.

It is an example of how Christians should help anyone in need of help, no matter if they are your natural enemy.

The helpless, like the unborn, is one good example.
Yes, and that has been happening 24/7 365, for around 2000 years.

Like people like to say, its 5 o clock somewhere, there are christians doing God's will.

From what I read also in regards to Mathew 25:31-46, it seems that many are serving Christ that are not aware they are doing so. At the end, the righteous will ask when did we ever feed you or clothe you or visit you? He will say, truly I tell you, each time you did it unto the least of my bretheren, the you did it unto me.

It also says that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the hyocrites, we will not be entering.

It also says NOT those who cry out Lord Lord, will enter but ONLY those who do my Father's will.

It says blessed the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed be the indulgent for they will be indulged. No

Blessed be the enablers for they shall be enabled. No. That's not it either.
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.
The Catholic church has existed long enough to have supported all sorts of things but the institution itself is socialist and accepts the label. The church is run as a collective that redistributes the considerable wealth it receives to the less fortunate.

The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
Churchgoer? Jesus was no churchgoer because there was no church. Jesus was a rabbi and gave many, many sermons. Does Sermon on the Mount ring a bell?
Jesus was a rebel against the authority of the temple and they killed him for it.
Everyone should give up all other religions and worship Thor.

What better heaven to hope for than feasting, fighting, and fucking for entirety?

All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
The Catholic church is it's own mini state with governing body and army.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world nor could be, but Constantine adopted the fledgling religion to conquer with even though he himself did not convert, he still worshiped the pagan gods, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed.

No, Constantine set up a world bureaucracy that engaged in such evils as Inquisitions and Crusades, all in the name of Christ who warned us of such apostasy.
It is perhaps a little unfair to hold the sins of the early church against it but I have done so myself in the past. I continue to feel it has been way to slow to address the priest molestation scandal but at least on the surface they operate primarily to serve the poor, sick and ignorant knowing that human suffering is a barrier to enlightenment and grace.

There are no greater sins that I know of than an active genocide and molesting children

Try again.
There is not a religious organization on the face of the earth that does not have blood on it's hands, that is why I have rejected all of them. Jesus was not much of a churchgoer. It seems he went around just being an example of how people should be. We practice true religion when we help each other, all the rest is just spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
Churchgoer? Jesus was no churchgoer because there was no church. Jesus was a rabbi and gave many, many sermons. Does Sermon on the Mount ring a bell?
Jesus was a rebel against the authority of the temple and they killed him for it.
That was part of it. The real threat is the truth that was being said and people that were being influenced.

He did say in Mathew 23:1 that sadducees and pharisees SIT ON THE THRONE OF MOSES, therefore do they all they tell you to do, but don't follow their example.

Church leaders will fail and the teachers of will be judged more harshly.

Yes, they killed Him mainly due to their cushy little gig they had with the Roman authority etc.
All rightists feel like they have exclusive ownership of the moral high ground.

Only because you leftarded pro aborts surrendered it with your shameless support for abortion on demand.
Well here you are again trying to turn another thread into an abortion thread. If there is any merit to your argument you spoil it with your naked hate.

You are projecting again, snooowflake.

You can't claim the moral high ground by simply putting your moral shortcomings off limits. It doesn't work like that.
Why? that's what the right does every damned day with their hatred of the poor and the outcast. Just start talking about how hateful you people are to the downtrodden and you start throwing fetuses in people's faces.

Do you work in a cinema?

They could use a good projectionist.
Your one track mind is getting boring.
The religious left... what do they believe in? Unlimited free shit for all?

Didn't their moms tell them to not believe in fairytales?

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