The Rittenhouse Verdict

Well, if the rioters stayed home, corrupt cops would keep shooting black people in the street... which wouldn't be a good thing.

Frankly, I would be happy if we didn't reform things in this country without the threat of riots.

I wish we had better leadership in 2020 where we didn't have TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RACISM which eventually lead to TRUMP RIOTS.
Everyone has the right to protest. No one has the right to riot. Now, of course, if the protestors would conduct their protests without all the violence they might build more sympathy for their cause, but here we are. At any rate, they had no right to be there in violation of the curfew.
Do you realize that mentally ill people can kill your dumb ace ??

Yes... I mean, it's not like we are going to create treatment programs to make sure they get their meds, that would be crazy talk.

doesn't care, as long as he's not the one being killed or otherwise harmed He cheers when actual human beings are killed or harmed by the subhuman filth whose side he takes..

Please point out where I've ever cheered anyone getting killed, you Lying Mormon Piece of Garbage.


That's one less dangerous, violent, destructive subhuman piece of shit in the world, committing acts of destruction and violence against actual human beings.

The world is a better place with it having been exterminated. You do not agree, of course, because you are a subhuman criminal piece of shit, and you support your kind against the interests of actual human beings.

Uh, Guy, I'm nearly 60, and I don't have anything more serious on my record than a moving violation. That is on top of honorably serving my country. I could even show you my Good Conduct Medal, because I actually got one of those, that's how good my conduct was.

You on the other hand, seem to spend an awful lot of time wanting to wish harm on other people, and fantasizing about violence against the homeless, "criminals" and transsexuals. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Now, on a serious point. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world because we don't treat the mentally ill, we are fine with some people (mostly those of color) living in grinding poverty, we have decided to criminalize addiction instead of treating it as a medical problem, and we let an unethical gun industry flood our streets with guns.

The thing is, we live in the world your side has created, not mine.
Rosenbaum would probably have attacked someone else. He created the situation.
yet oddly, the only people killed that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

Assaulting police, stealing a car, kidnapping, violating a restraining order.
They should have shot him 8 times.

Yes, we need to shoot people in the back for petty domestic disputes... we'd clear out the white trash population in the trailer parks pretty quickly that way.

Those rioters were awesome!!
How many black lives did they save?

Given the mostly peaceful demonstrations led to some serious reforms of police departments, possibly quite q few in the long run.
Everyone has the right to protest. No one has the right to riot. Now, of course, if the protestors would conduct their protests without all the violence they might build more sympathy for their cause, but here we are. At any rate, they had no right to be there in violation of the curfew.

People have been peacefully protesting for years. Hey, remember THIS guy.


Did white people say, "Wow, Colin, what a thoughtful young man you are, we totally need to address your concerns."


They said, "You are disrespecting a song!!!! You dirty bastard, we want you fired from the NFL! We want sanctions against the NFL if they do that! "

When black people decided they weren't going to peacefully protest, and started breaking stuff... wow, it was amazing how fast white people suddenly started caring about police reform.

Now, yes, the TRUMP RIOTS happened because so many people lost their jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE, and anxiety levels were high... The room was full of gasoline and some damned fools started lighting matches.
People have been peacefully protesting for years. Hey, remember THIS guy.

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Did white people say, "Wow, Colin, what a thoughtful young man you are, we totally need to address your concerns."


They said, "You are disrespecting a song!!!! You dirty bastard, we want you fired from the NFL! We want sanctions against the NFL if they do that! "

When black people decided they weren't going to peacefully protest, and started breaking stuff... wow, it was amazing how fast white people suddenly started caring about police reform.

Now, yes, the TRUMP RIOTS happened because so many people lost their jobs in TRUMP PLAGUE, and anxiety levels were high... The room was full of gasoline and some damned fools started lighting matches.
TRUMP! is gone now and Quid Pro is responsible for things, so they're now the Quid Pro riots and Quid Pro plague, just so you're not embarrassed in polite company. let's see if he does anything different to fix what is now his. You wanted to give him the job, let's see if his kill rate is lower this year than last. Hmmm, don't think so. Looks like he's doing a worse job. Oooh, that's too bad. Remember, he owns it and it's his baby. You will whine and carry on about the last administration until the next Republican president, then it magically skips over Quid Pro like he was never there.

So, let's get this straight. It's acceptable in your eyes for rioters to break things and assault people, but it's not acceptable for other people to prevent them from causing the damage and to protect themselves from the rioters having a hissy fit and attacking them?
TRUMP! is gone now and Quid Pro is responsible for things, so they're now the Quid Pro riots and Quid Pro plague, just so you're not embarrassed in polite company.

Except the riots are over and the only reason why TRUMP PLAGUE is still around is because idiots on the right refuse to get their shots.

So, let's get this straight. It's acceptable in your eyes for rioters to break things and assault people, but it's not acceptable for other people to prevent them from causing the damage and to protect themselves from the rioters having a hissy fit and attacking them?

Hardly... I'm all for arresting individual rioters... and making them pay for the shit they broke.

And when some flop-sweaty punk decides to play Rambo and shoots people, he needs to pay for that, too.
Except the riots are over and the only reason why TRUMP PLAGUE is still around is because idiots on the right refuse to get their shots.

Hardly... I'm all for arresting individual rioters... and making them pay for the shit they broke.

And when some flop-sweaty punk decides to play Rambo and shoots people, he needs to pay for that, too.
When it's time for the big breakup, I'm glad you'll be on the other side of the line.
So, again, who’s more dangerous, the prancer or the prancer’s killer?

I’m honestly trying to understand the moral reasoning here where a person prancing with a weapon and harming no one gets shot and killed for prancing.

Basically what you’re saying is that the solution to preventing violence is to commit violence.

Then I suggest you refrain from prancing while holding a weapon. YOu will live longer.
yet oddly, the only people killed that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

Yes, we need to shoot people in the back for petty domestic disputes... we'd clear out the white trash population in the trailer parks pretty quickly that way.

Given the mostly peaceful demonstrations led to some serious reforms of police departments, possibly quite q few in the long run.

yet oddly, the only people killed that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

Yup. He killed 2 of the 4 felons who attacked him.

Yes, we need to shoot people in the back for petty domestic disputes...

Just the dangerous ones, like Blake. Resisting arrest, stealing a car, kidnapping a kid. Awful.
Yes... I mean, it's not like we are going to create treatment programs to make sure they get their meds, that would be crazy talk.

Please point out where I've ever cheered anyone getting killed, you Lying Mormon Piece of Garbage.

Uh, Guy, I'm nearly 60, and I don't have anything more serious on my record than a moving violation. That is on top of honorably serving my country. I could even show you my Good Conduct Medal, because I actually got one of those, that's how good my conduct was.

You on the other hand, seem to spend an awful lot of time wanting to wish harm on other people, and fantasizing about violence against the homeless, "criminals" and transsexuals. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Now, on a serious point. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world because we don't treat the mentally ill, we are fine with some people (mostly those of color) living in grinding poverty, we have decided to criminalize addiction instead of treating it as a medical problem, and we let an unethical gun industry flood our streets with guns.

The thing is, we live in the world your side has created, not mine.
Pfffft... ROTFLMBO.... You are one deranged scheming human being, always twisting everything into a leftist pretzel while trying to spin the left into some kind of Saint hood in the process.

Again, no one is buying your pathetic weak ace snake oil and/or game's you love to play. Defending the indefensible is a fool's game, so I guess you like playing the fool.

We no longer treat the mentally ill ? And why do you suppose that is ?? Do your homework now, and you will see that to profile someone or to analyze someone is a very serious offense to the left, just like locking up criminal's, and defunding the police, and every other hair brained idea the left has gone to in order to destabilize society. Your favorite thing is cherry picking, but when it comes to everything political or every other thing, (when it involves protecting the leftist position's), then it's blanketing time on everything.
Except the riots are over and the only reason why TRUMP PLAGUE is still around is because idiots on the right refuse to get their shots.

Hardly... I'm all for arresting individual rioters... and making them pay for the shit they broke.

And when some flop-sweaty punk decides to play Rambo and shoots people, he needs to pay for that, too.
Well if you want rioters arrested, then you will be cancelled by the leftist for that statement, because in their mind they were justified to resort to violence and mayhem to get their point across, but thanks for playing. You failed.
Uh, Guy, I'm nearly 60, and I don't have anything more serious on my record than a moving violation. That is on top of honorably serving my country. I could even show you my Good Conduct Medal, because I actually got one of those, that's how good my conduct was.

I call bullshit.

You continually take the side of violent, destructive, subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

You are judged by the company that you choose to keep.

If you were a law-abiding human being, then that is the company that you would keep, that is the side that you would take.

The only reason that you would side with subhuman criminal pieces of shit would be that you are one yourself.

All of your abundant lies about who and what you claim to be notwithstanding, you've made it clear enough, often enough,. vividly enough, what you really are.
I call bullshit.

You continually take the side of violent, destructive, subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

You are judged by the company that you choose to keep.

If you were a law-abiding human being, then that is the company that you would keep, that is the side that you would take.

The only reason that you would side with subhuman criminal pieces of shit would be that you are one yourself.

All of your abundant lies about who and what you claim to be notwithstanding, you've made it clear enough, often enough,. vividly enough, what you really are.
In Joe's defense he is also a sub-human piece of shit, so it's natural that he would defend his own species.
Yes... I mean, it's not like we are going to create treatment programs to make sure they get their meds, that would be crazy talk.

Please point out where I've ever cheered anyone getting killed, you Lying Mormon Piece of Garbage.

Uh, Guy, I'm nearly 60, and I don't have anything more serious on my record than a moving violation. That is on top of honorably serving my country. I could even show you my Good Conduct Medal, because I actually got one of those, that's how good my conduct was.

You on the other hand, seem to spend an awful lot of time wanting to wish harm on other people, and fantasizing about violence against the homeless, "criminals" and transsexuals. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Now, on a serious point. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world because we don't treat the mentally ill, we are fine with some people (mostly those of color) living in grinding poverty, we have decided to criminalize addiction instead of treating it as a medical problem, and we let an unethical gun industry flood our streets with guns.

The thing is, we live in the world your side has created, not mine.
GCMs are basically automatic if you stay out of trouble.
yet oddly, the only people killed that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

Yes, we need to shoot people in the back for petty domestic disputes... we'd clear out the white trash population in the trailer parks pretty quickly that way.

Given the mostly peaceful demonstrations led to some serious reforms of police departments, possibly quite q few in the long run.
Petty domestic dispute? Try auto theft, parental interference, kidnapping, fighting with police, shall I go on?
Except the riots are over and the only reason why TRUMP PLAGUE is still around is because idiots on the right refuse to get their shots.

Hardly... I'm all for arresting individual rioters... and making them pay for the shit they broke.

And when some flop-sweaty punk decides to play Rambo and shoots people, he needs to pay for that, too.
the riots are over because Biden won the election. That alone should tell you something.
Except the riots are over and the only reason why TRUMP PLAGUE is still around is because idiots on the right refuse to get their shots.

Hardly... I'm all for arresting individual rioters... and making them pay for the shit they broke.

And when some flop-sweaty punk decides to play Rambo and shoots people, he needs to pay for that, too.
More people are dying now that the TRUMP! shots are widely available than before when no one was getting the shots.

And when your riot fantasy happens, be sure to let us know. Until then, it hasn't.

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