The Rittenhouse Verdict

So then your solution to preventing violence is to commit violence. Got it.

I have over 20 years with that in mind. Terrorism and Crime isn't a skin color, religion or major party. I made a commitment to go against terrorists. If you are prancing around with an AR at the Ready then you are nothing but a terrorist, both domestic and foreign.
Irrelevant. There were three or four others guys armed the same way he was and nothing happened with them. Not to mention the fact that Grosskreutz was also armed as was the dumbass who fired his pistol in the air; an act that was arguably more akin to shouting “fire” than Rittenhouse’s being armed and was more likely the trigger (pun intended) that sparked the whole thing. But no Rittenhouse hater has even acknowledged or mentioned this fact

So tell me, how is it that Rittenhouse being armed was akin to shouting “fire” in a theater but the others being armed and the pistol shot was not?

Irrelevant. Whether or not he should have been there is strictly a matter of opinion as he had every right to do so.

No, I don’t. Why? Because Rosenbaum would have attacked him whether he was armed or not.

The argument that Rittenhouse exacerbated things by merely being present and armed just doesn’t hold water for two reasons:

1.) Rosenbaum attacked him for putting out his fire, not because he was armed. Therefore, he would have attacked him in any case.

2.) Other people, including Grosskreutz, were armed.

But neither do you condemn his actions nor do you hold him responsible in any way.

Rather than criticize the person who actually instigated the confrontation because he overreacted to his fire being put out, you vilify the person who was attacked just for being armed.

This whole thing is not a criticism of Rittenhouse and the pertinent facts of the incident, it’s an attack on what you view as gun culture.
I do condemn Rosenbaum actions. Never said I didn't.

As for actions, I see it like this - if Person A punches person B in the face, and B retaliates, then I don't hold B responsible for his response. In this case Rittenhouse is person A. Without his initial actions, there is no reaction.

Of course it is an attack on gun culture. The US gun culture is for neanderthals and the unenlightened. Which would be fine, if only right-wing loon US citizens stop telling the rest of the world how great they are and how they are world's leading light, in well, just about everything, according to them.
I have over 20 years with that in mind. Terrorism and Crime isn't a skin color, religion or major party. I made a commitment to go against terrorists. If you are prancing around with an AR at the Ready then you are nothing but a terrorist, both domestic and foreign.
First of all, Rittenhouse is hardly a terrorist. That’s quite a stretch.
Secondly, in this country we have the right to bear arms which means Rittenhouse was legally allowed to “prance” as much as he wanted to. Third, BLM and Antifa people were prancing around Seattle in the CHAZ with ARs and other weapons and people on the left said precisely shit about it.
First of all, Rittenhouse is hardly a terrorist. That’s quite a stretch.
Secondly, in this country we have the right to bear arms which means Rittenhouse was legally allowed to “prance” as much as he wanted to. Third, BLM and Antifa people were prancing around Seattle in the CHAZ with ARs and other weapons and people on the left said precisely shit about it.

He met my criteria on Domestic Terrorist when he prance around with his AR in the ready position. He could have worn the AR in a non ready position and had his Medical Bag in the ready position. But no, he took the role of a domestic terrorist.

The firearms by the BLM people were concealed. You can bet there were a whole hell of a lot more hidden weapons than you are aware of. A truly concealed weapon does not intimidate. One in the Ready Position does because that's what it is supposed to do.

Around here, we don't tolerate weapons in the Ready Position. That will get you surrounded by cops pretty damned quick. And after a trip to the "Office" they will probably release you and return your weapon. That little unwritten law prevented a school shooting already.

You do have the right to be armed but Society has the right to give you limits for it's own safety.
I do condemn Rosenbaum actions. Never said I didn't.

But you don’t hold him responsible for his attack. An attack he had the choice NOT to do and which forced Rittenhouse to defend himself which in turn caused Grosskreutz and the mob he was with to mistakenly think Kyle was an active shooter.

You people are talking as if everything inevitably and inescapably stemmed from Kyle simply carrying a rifle. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Rosenbaum had not chosen to attack for a stupid reason and that prick had not chosen to fire his gun in the air and if Grosskreutz had not pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse, Kenosha would be a footnote in the history of riots.
As for actions, I see it like this - if Person A punches person B in the face, and B retaliates, then I don't hold B responsible for his response. In this case Rittenhouse is person A. Without his initial actions, there is no reaction.

That’s a Bullshit analogy. The initial action was putting out the fire, not carrying a weapon. THAT is the reason Rosenbaum attacked him. When he said to Rittenhouse “I’m going to kill you”, it was said in response to this, not the weapon.

Of course it is an attack on gun culture. The US gun culture is for neanderthals and the unenlightened. Which would be fine, if only right-wing loon US citizens stop telling the rest of the world how great they are and how they are world's leading light, in well, just about everything, according to them.

Irrelevant. Gun culture is not why this happened. It happened because a mentally and emotionally unstable person attacked a kid for putting out his fire.

Rosenbaum would have attacked him whether he was armed or not. This crap about gun culture in no way adresses the facts of this incident and is a diversion.

Finally, while many like you are accusing Rittenhouse of incitement merely for being armed, not one of you idiots has acknowledged the fact of the asshole firing his pistol in the air when Rittenhouse and Rosenbaum ran past him, likely intensifying an already tense situation and causing Rittenhouse to fear for his life.

The cognitive dissonance displayed here is mind boggling.
But you don’t hold him responsible for his attack. An attack he had the choice NOT to do and which forced Rittenhouse to defend himself which in turn caused Grosskreutz and the mob he was with to mistakenly think Kyle was an active shooter.

You people are talking as if everything inevitably and inescapably stemmed from Kyle simply carrying a rifle. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Rosenbaum had not chosen to attack for a stupid reason and that prick had not chosen to fire his gun in the air and if Grosskreutz had not pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse, Kenosha would be a footnote in the history of riots.

That’s a Bullshit analogy. The initial action was putting out the fire, not carrying a weapon. THAT is the reason Rosenbaum attacked him. When he said to Rittenhouse “I’m going to kill you”, it was said in response to this, not the weapon.

Irrelevant. Gun culture is not why this happened. It happened because a mentally and emotionally unstable person attacked a kid for putting out his fire.

Rosenbaum would have attacked him whether he was armed or not. This crap about gun culture in no way adresses the facts of this incident and is a diversion.

Finally, while many like you are accusing Rittenhouse of incitement merely for being armed, not one of you idiots has acknowledged the fact of the asshole firing his pistol in the air when Rittenhouse and Rosenbaum ran past him, likely intensifying an already tense situation and causing Rittenhouse to fear for his life.

The cognitive dissonance displayed here is mind boggling.
I think they're all idiots. Unfortunately for Rittenhouse, his idiocy ended up getting people killed.

Maybe you want to give him a free pass. Good for you.
He met my criteria on Domestic Terrorist when he prance around with his AR in the ready position. He could have worn the AR in a non ready position and had his Medical Bag in the ready position. But no, he took the role of a domestic terrorist.

Your criteria be damned. Your criteria would have a seventeen year old be shot and killed merely for lack of firearm discipline.
The firearms by the BLM people were concealed.

They were not. In addition, the guy showed up at the CHAZ with these weapons in his trunk and began handing them out to whoever was there.
You can bet there were a whole hell of a lot more hidden weapons than you are aware of. A truly concealed weapon does not intimidate. One in the Ready Position does because that's what it is supposed to do.

You contradict yourself. A gun in the “ready” position, or Port Arms, is merely being prepared for aggression. It does not mean that one is about to fire for no reason and it certainly does not suggest to others that they should attack him.
Around here, we don't tolerate weapons in the Ready Position.

Who’s “we”?
That will get you surrounded by cops pretty damned quick. And after a trip to the "Office" they will probably release you and return your weapon. That little unwritten law prevented a school shooting already.

So if his rifle was in the ready position and this is an act of aggression and incitement as you say, and, as you also say, is why Rittenhouse was attacked, why didn’t they just shoot this guy outright?

You’re not presenting a very consistent argument here. On the one hand you say Kyle being armed was incitement and on the other hand you relate an incident where no one was incited.

You do have the right to be armed but Society has the right to give you limits for it's own safety.
Society does not have the right to attack someone who is harming no one.
Who’s “we”?


He's the leather guy. His friends don't like prancing.
I think they're all idiots. Unfortunately for Rittenhouse, his idiocy ended up getting people killed.

Rosenbaum’s idiocy is what got him killed. Grosskreutz and Huber too for that matter.

People say these guys were trying to stop an active shooter and while there may be some truth to that, they appeared to Rittenhouse as an angry mob out to do him harm.
It didn’t help matters that they were trying to lay him out with a skateboard, jump/stomp his head into the asphalt and pointing their own weapons at him.

These people were not trained to take down an active shooter and they came at him as a mob and their stupidity got them shot.
Maybe you want to give him a free pass. Good for you.

He doesn’t need a pass from me because he did nothing wrong. Also, I’m objective enough to know that Rosenbaum’s actions started the whole thing.
I call bullshit.

You continually take the side of violent, destructive, subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

You mean I don't think that we should murder people over property crimes, uh, yeah. Property can be replaced.

Lives cannot.

If you were a law-abiding human being, then that is the company that you would keep, that is the side that you would take.

The only reason that you would side with subhuman criminal pieces of shit would be that you are one yourself.

No, there are dozens of reasons why a sensible person would see our racist, inept criminal justice system as being counterproductive. That your tiny Cultist mind lacks the critical thinking skills to understand them isn't surprising. If you had critical thinking skills, you wouldn't be a Mormon.

All of your abundant lies about who and what you claim to be notwithstanding, you've made it clear enough, often enough,. vividly enough, what you really are.

I seemed to remember that you INSISTED that there was no way I was ever in the military, until I produced photographs of myself from that time period. I'm still waiting for you to show the integrity to admit you were wrong... Then again, if you had integrity, you wouldn't be a Mormon.
More people are dying now that the TRUMP! shots are widely available than before when no one was getting the shots.

People are dying because they refuse to get their shots... but want to act like they did before the disease broke out.

The ONLY sign I see that we are still treating this seriously is some people are still wearing masks... and that's it.
You people are talking as if everything inevitably and inescapably stemmed from Kyle simply carrying a rifle. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Rosenbaum had not chosen to attack for a stupid reason and that prick had not chosen to fire his gun in the air and if Grosskreutz had not pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse, Kenosha would be a footnote in the history of riots.

If Shooty McFlopsweat had decided to stay home, Kenosha would be a footnote.
People are dying because they refuse to get their shots... but want to act like they did before the disease broke out.

The ONLY sign I see that we are still treating this seriously is some people are still wearing masks... and that's it.
You blame people for not getting vaccinated, but more are dying now WITH the vaccines than died before WITHOUT the vaccines. You can't explain why that is, but you still want to blame TRUMP!.
If Shooty McFlopsweat had decided to stay home, Kenosha would be a footnote.
What happened in Salem, WI that night? If you don't know, then you'll understand why Kenosha wouldn't even be a footnote if the rioters had not been there.

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