The Rittenhouse Verdict

For what reason then, would someone set a dumpster on fire, and then roll it toward a gas station, if one did not intend to try to set the gas station on fire?

What would you expect the result to be of rolling a large object, that is on fire, into a gas station?

If there wasn't a specific intent to set the gas station on fire then there was certainly an amazing degree of recklessness, and lack of concern both for property and human life demonstrated by such an act.
After all, in the movies, anytime a car catches fire in a gas station, the station blows up.
YOu do realize that the gasoline is stored underground, and that you can't set a gas station on fire by merely rolling a burning dumpster into it, right?

I have no idea why a mentally ill person would set a dumpster on fire... you know, that's why they are mentally ill.

Actually, because I am not a deranged cultist, I see a problem with letting the mentally ill roam the streets without treatment. The man needed therapy, not punishment. He certainly didn't deserve to be gunned down in the street by a gun cultist.

17% of people shot by police are dealing with a mental health crisis. 250,000 mentally ill people are living on the streets of this country. That this goes on in the richest country in the world is kind of shameful. A country that calls itself "Christian" should be ashamed this is happening.

But then again, we know that Mormons aren't really "Christians".
Well, you can blame the liberals in the ACLU for that. THEY are the ones who went to court and got a ruling that the government can't forcibly incarcerate someone in a mental institution unless he is a clear, present and immediate danger to himself or others.
Actually, legally, Rosenbaum wasn't responsible for his actions... We don't hold mentally ill people who commit crimes accountable.

So a mentally ill person freaks out when he sees a lunatic with a gun... that totally merits shooting him.

You confused Moon Bat.

If somebody attacks me like this Rosenbaum asshole attacked Kyle (after threatening to kill him) then I m not going to ask their mental status before shooting them.

Rosenbaum was sure as hell responsible for his action. He should have stayed at girlfriend's home and fucked her fat ass instead of going out on the streets looking for trouble and threatening to kill people.
Right. Let's review, shall we.

Rittenhouse defies curfew, walks around brandishing a gun he wasn't legally allowed to own in Illinois, where he lived, and then goes off and shoots three people. The police let him walk past seven police cars without taking him into custody.

Jacob Blake tried to get into his car and MIGHT have been carrying a pocket knife, and the police shoot him in the back 7 times.

If there was a God, I'd be thanking him every day I was born a white guy.

Every fucking rioter that were burning and destroying the city were also defying curfew. They were committing crimes by their destruction. Kyle committed no crime.

Many of the rioters were armed. In fact it was one of them that fired the first shots that night.

One Negro tried to viciously attack Kyle and was the luckiest SOB that night because Kyle missed. The other three shitheads that Kyle shot that night were White so they weren't exactly lucky, were they?

The police shot that piece of Negro shit because he was a street thug committing crime. He deserved it.
It’s debatable as to whether he should have been there or not; he had the legal right to be there and even had the tight to carry the weapon.

But the point is, whether he should have been there or not, his being there was not the cause. The cause was Rosenbaum attacking him.

There’s no getting around this.

Fuck me, why don’t you get off the anti-gun bandwagon long enough to debate the FACTS of the case? I mean, at what point do you people hold Rosenbaum responsible for his actions? Or does that not even factor into your thinking at all?
Of fuck off. I'm sick of your mental midget attitude. I equate Rittenhouse doing what he did being the equivalent of shouting fire in a theatre. Just asking for trouble.
It's like getting a gorgeous young lady to walk in a bikini at 1am in the shittiest neighbourhood in the US. In theory, she should be allowed to do so unmolested. Would you let your daughter or wife do it?

Stop acting like this was some normal situation. He was adding flames to the fire and you know it.

Rosenbaum? Yeah he was an idiot too. They both were. I'm not trying to justify his actions either.
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No asshole you are wrong.

The dumb c**ts that shouldn't have been there were the BLM/ANTIFA dickheads that were there to destroy the city. The one that had burnied down several buildings and businesses and were there setting fires in the streets. The ones walking around carrying illegal Glocks and using skateboards for clubs. The ones that thought they were entitled to attack a kid because he helped to put out a street fire that they stared near a gas station. The morons that attacked a kid with an AR-15.

They should have stayed at home.
Oh, so now you care about cities in Michigan. How quaint..
Of fuck off. I'm sick of your mental midget attitude. I equate Rittenhouse doing what he did being the equivalent of shouting fire in a theatre. Just asking for trouble.

Irrelevant. There were three or four others guys armed the same way he was and nothing happened with them. Not to mention the fact that Grosskreutz was also armed as was the dumbass who fired his pistol in the air; an act that was arguably more akin to shouting “fire” than Rittenhouse’s being armed and was more likely the trigger (pun intended) that sparked the whole thing. But no Rittenhouse hater has even acknowledged or mentioned this fact

So tell me, how is it that Rittenhouse being armed was akin to shouting “fire” in a theater but the others being armed and the pistol shot was not?
It's like getting a gorgeous young lady to walk in a bikini at 1am in the shittiest neighbourhood in the US. In theory, she should be allowed to do so unmolested. Would you let your daughter or wife do it?

Irrelevant. Whether or not he should have been there is strictly a matter of opinion as he had every right to do so.
Stop acting like this was some normal situation. He was adding flames to the fire and you know it.

No, I don’t. Why? Because Rosenbaum would have attacked him whether he was armed or not.

The argument that Rittenhouse exacerbated things by merely being present and armed just doesn’t hold water for two reasons:

1.) Rosenbaum attacked him for putting out his fire, not because he was armed. Therefore, he would have attacked him in any case.

2.) Other people, including Grosskreutz, were armed.
Rosenbaum? Yeah he was an idiot too. They both were. I'm not trying to justify his actions either.

But neither do you condemn his actions nor do you hold him responsible in any way.

Rather than criticize the person who actually instigated the confrontation because he overreacted to his fire being put out, you vilify the person who was attacked just for being armed.

This whole thing is not a criticism of Rittenhouse and the pertinent facts of the incident, it’s an attack on what you view as gun culture.
If Rittenhouse stayed home, no one would have died. He created the situation.

No, Rosenbaum created the situation when he chose to do violence instead of walking away after his fire was put out.

You still haven’t answered the question: When he was attacked, should he have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?
We don't have that problem. We have people that don't feel the need to around "Protecting" We also had a couple of BLM protests. NO one were visibly armed except for a handful of on duty cops. The gunnutters knew to stay away with their visible guns. NO, it's not against the law but it is against public policy. One out of 4 people are armed here. And that means that 1 out of 4 Protesters were also armed. You would not be welcome here.

You said that if Rittenhouse had come around where you live, people would have drawn straws to “blow his candyass away”.

So tell me, who’s more dangerous, the guy prancing around with a weapon or the person who kills him for prancing around with a weapon?
Right. Let's review, shall we.

Rittenhouse defies curfew,

They all did.
walks around brandishing a gun he wasn't legally allowed to own in Illinois, where he lived,

But was allowed to carry it where he was.
and then goes off and shoots three people.

Who attacked him.
The police let him walk past seven police cars without taking him into custody.

Because they didn’t know he was the one involved.
Jacob Blake tried to get into his car and MIGHT have been carrying a pocket knife, and the police shoot him in the back 7 times.

If there was a God, I'd be thanking him every day I was born a white guy.

Irrelevant. This is not about race.
Actually, legally, Rosenbaum wasn't responsible for his actions... We don't hold mentally ill people who commit crimes accountable.

Irrelevant. He attacked Rittenhouse forcing Rittenhouse to defend himself.
So a mentally ill person freaks out when he sees a lunatic with a gun... that totally merits shooting him.

Nope. Once again, he attacked Rittenhouse for extinguishing his fire, not because Rittenhouse was armed.

Where are you people getting this bullshit from?
You said that if Rittenhouse had come around where you live, people would have drawn straws to “blow his candyass away”.

So tell me, who’s more dangerous, the guy prancing around with a weapon or the person who kills him for prancing around with a weapon?

We don't prance very well. WE are also law abiding citizens. Rittenhouse carried that weapon in the ready position. He's going to get about 1 chance either to not have it in the ready or to die. The way he carried that weapon was to intimidate others. Intimidating others is reason enough to be confronted. Prancing gets you killed or it gets you disarmed quickly. No excuses allowed.
We don't prance very well. WE are also law abiding citizens. Rittenhouse carried that weapon in the ready position. He's going to get about 1 chance either to not have it in the ready or to die. The way he carried that weapon was to intimidate others. Intimidating others is reason enough to be confronted. Prancing gets you killed or it gets you disarmed quickly. No excuses allowed.

So, again, who’s more dangerous, the prancer or the prancer’s killer?

I’m honestly trying to understand the moral reasoning here where a person prancing with a weapon and harming no one gets shot and killed for prancing.

Basically what you’re saying is that the solution to preventing violence is to commit violence.

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