'The Road To A Lawless Society Is Currently Being Paved'

Yeah, everything was just hunky-dory when Dubya was prez.

At least during his term, budgets were being passed.

Government revenue and expenditures continue to flow with or without a budget. Obama did his job by submitting budgets to Congress each year as required by law. You might want to ask Boner why there is no budget...

Congress sent a budget to Reid. Reid never put it on the floor. Senate continues to fail in its duties.

At least during his term, budgets were being passed.

Government revenue and expenditures continue to flow with or without a budget. Obama did his job by submitting budgets to Congress each year as required by law. You might want to ask Boner why there is no budget...

Congress sent a budget to Reid. Reid never put it on the floor. Senate continues to fail in its duties.

PolitiFact Ohio | John Boehner says Senate Dems haven't passed a budget in more than 1,000 days

Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget | The Economist
Government revenue and expenditures continue to flow with or without a budget. Obama did his job by submitting budgets to Congress each year as required by law. You might want to ask Boner why there is no budget...

Congress sent a budget to Reid. Reid never put it on the floor. Senate continues to fail in its duties.

PolitiFact Ohio | John Boehner says Senate Dems haven't passed a budget in more than 1,000 days

Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget | The Economist

That still doesn't take away from the fact that a budget proposal was sent over to the senate and Reid failed to put it on the floor.

That still doesn't take away from the fact that a budget proposal was sent over to the senate and Reid failed to put it on the floor.

Well, it explains it quite clearly to me...
Lakhota is an idiot. He doesn't know the difference between the House and the Senate.
Written By: Bob -
Feb• 26•13

For some reason, I just don’t get juiced by the idea of listening to an hour long podcast from an economist, but I’m glad that Ed Driscoll did.

He transcribed the part where Glenn Reynolds, law professor at the University of Tennessee and blogger of Instapundit fame, dropped the boom on the socialist supporters of Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman, who advocates giving up on the constitution.

REYNOLDS: Here’s the problem with public officials — because that’s really [Seidman’s] audience — deciding to ignore the Constitution: If you’re the president, if you’re a member of Congress, if you are a TSA agent, the only reason why somebody should listen to what you say, instead of horsewhipping you out of town for your impertinence, is because you exercise power via the Constitution. If the Constitution doesn’t count, you don’t have any legitimate power. You’re a thief, a brigand, an officious busybody, somebody who should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail for trying to exercise power you don’t possess.

So if we’re going to start ignoring the Constitution, I’m fine with that. The first part I’m going to start ignoring is the part that says, I have to do whatever they say.

ROBERTS: But his argument is that we already ignore the Constitution; it’s not really much of a binding document.

REYNOLDS: Oh, well, then I’m free to do whatever I want! And actually, that is a damning admission, because what that really says is: If you believe Seidman’s argument; if you believe that we already ignore the Constitution anyway, then in fact, the government rules by sheer naked force, and nothing else. And if that’s what you believe, then all of this talk of revolution suddenly doesn’t seem so crazy, it seems almost mandatory.​
Reynolds wrote a column on Feb 4th explaining those views in more detail.

Americans are out of sorts, and increasingly they’re unhappy with the government. According to a Pew poll released last week, more than half of Americans view government as a threat to their freedom.

And it’s not just Republicans unhappy with Obama, or gun owners afraid that the government will take their guns: 38% of Democrats, and 45% of non-gun owners, see the government as a threat.

Add this to another recent poll in which only 22% of likely voters feel America’s government has the “consent of the governed,” and you’ve got a pretty depressing picture — and a recipe for potential trouble. Governments operate, to a degree, by force, but ultimately they depend on legitimacy. A government that a majority views as a threat, and that only a small minority sees as enjoying the consent of the governed, is a government with legitimacy problems.​


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??if that?s what you believe, then all of this talk of revolution suddenly doesn?t seem so crazy, it seems almost mandatory.? « Bob Owens
LIberals have been pissing on the constitution since 1865. People who have no respect for rule of law should not complain about lawlwssness.
Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Exactly right.

The first places they'll see it will be the ones right in front of their faces: Police service, DMV's, post offices, roads, schools. But then, we'll see a spike in things like mass illness from food poisoning, more of the isolated terror plots, less border enforcement, and GOD FORBID something get into one of our ports due to cuts in the Coast Guard and Customs.
Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.
Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.

A private company would do a better job and cost the taxpayers nothing.
Yeah, everything was just hunky-dory when Dubya was prez.

At least during his term, budgets were being passed.

Government revenue and expenditures continue to flow with or without a budget. Obama did his job by submitting budgets to Congress each year as required by law. You might want to ask Boner why there is no budget...

As usual the toothless incontinent drooler omits facts. Budgets were passed by Congress, sent to the Senate where the Senate Marxist majority refused or failed to pass Budget Bills for Oblamer to sign.
LIberals have been pissing on the constitution since 1865. People who have no respect for rule of law should not complain about lawlwssness.

Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?
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Personally, I think the 'The Road To A Lawless Society Is Currently Being Paved' in several ways aside from sequester cuts.

Ya mean like Napolitano letting hundreds of criminal illegals out of detentions centers on to the streets of America and paying overtime to do it?
LIberals have been pissing on the constitution since 1865. People who have no respect for rule of law should not complain about lawlwssness.

Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?

Perhaps you should study the true history of the United States and the Civil War along with the aftermath of what sore loser slave owner Democrats did from 1860's to today?
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Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.

A private company would do a better job and cost the taxpayers nothing.

So the inspectors would work for free? No, it would add to the price of the food. That's what we need, companies inspecting themselves. I prefer inspectors with the power of the government behind them when it comes to safety.
LIberals have been pissing on the constitution since 1865. People who have no respect for rule of law should not complain about lawlwssness.

Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?

Perhaps you should study the true history of the Civil War and the aftermath of what sore loser slave owner Democrats did from 1860's to today?

Perhaps you can enlighten me by being a little more specific. A person who has studied history like you seem to have done should be able to explain what he meant in the "pissing on constitution" statement in a few sentences. You're equating Democrat slave owners of a century and a half ago with the Democrat of today. Now how did you come to that conclusion?
Let me put on my prgressive/liberal hat and act like Lakihola...:cool:


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Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.


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