'The Road To A Lawless Society Is Currently Being Paved'

By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

Everyone has to accept cuts. Money doesn't grow on trees.
Yeah, everything was just hunky-dory when Dubya was prez.

At least during his term, budgets were being passed.

Government revenue and expenditures continue to flow with or without a budget. Obama did his job by submitting budgets to Congress each year as required by law. You might want to ask Boner why there is no budget...

The House has passed a budget every year, but the Democrat controlled Senate refuses to do their part. Obama's budgets have been such a joke, that not even the Democrats in the Senate could keep from laughing. All that grade school math is tough for community organizers.

BTW, Obama did have a majority in both houses of congress for his first two years, he just did not have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for more than 133 days. So, you lied.

How did other presidents deal with Senates, when they didn't have a filibuster proof Senate? They didn't tell the minority party to get to the back of the bus, sit down, and shut up. You would think your messiah would know little things that.

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