'The Road To A Lawless Society Is Currently Being Paved'

By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

Yeeee fukin haawwwww !
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LIberals have been pissing on the constitution since 1865. People who have no respect for rule of law should not complain about lawlwssness.

Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?

Google the 14th Amendment.

Can't you use your own words? Just copy and paste and when you attempt sentences in your own words it's vague, usually vulgar, and all around pathetic.
Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?

Perhaps you should study the true history of the Civil War and the aftermath of what sore loser slave owner Democrats did from 1860's to today?

Perhaps you can enlighten me by being a little more specific. A person who has studied history like you seem to have done should be able to explain what he meant in the "pissing on constitution" statement in a few sentences. You're equating Democrat slave owners of a century and a half ago with the Democrat of today. Now how did you come to that conclusion?

Perhaps if you read the following you might get the gist.

Ku Klux Klan — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

Ku Klux Klan ? History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

... known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in the post-Civil War ... the Klan in the early 20th century, ... South after the Civil War and abolition of slavery.

The Daily Tribune News - The Republican fight against the KKK ...

The Daily Tribune News - The...

... and the backlash from pro-slavery Democrats ... was and is the Ku Klux Klan. ... After the turn of the century and for many more decades, Democrats ...

Anglonautes > USA > History > 20th century > Civil rights era > Ku ...


Anglonautes > USA > History > 20th century > Civil rights era > Ku Klux ... during the Ku Klux Klan ... USA > 17th-19th century > Slavery. USA > 19th century > Civil war ...

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Overview; Three Klans ·
First Klan 1865–1874 ·
The second Klan: 1915 ...

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), informally ... of the post Civil War insurgent violence related ... and disrupt civil rights groups. As 20th-century Supreme Court rulings ...

Reeder Custom Guns - NEGROES WITH GUNS
Reeder Custom Guns - NEGROES WITH GUNS

... after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux ... War to get the Democrats to give up slavery. ... mid-20th century. Curiously, wherever the Klan ...

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats ...

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)

"Three years after the Civil War, and the Democrats from ... "In some places the Ku Klux Klan ... In Indiana in the middle of the 20th century, the Democratic ...

The Ku Klux Klan had its largest membership just after a. slavery ...

The Ku Klux Klan had its largest membership just after a. slavery. b. Reconstruction. c. World War I. d. World War II.

The Ku Klux Klan had its largest membership just after a. slavery. b. Reconstruction. c. World War I. d. ... Since the mid-20th century, ...
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

OKAY EVERYONE...let's all join together and do the Democrat-Leftist panic dance, here..follow these steps:

1. Put on a donkey mask with a startled, frantic, panicked expression on its face and it's eyeballs bulging out.

2. Raise your hands in the air as high as possible, then flail them around as frantically and wildly as possible.

3. Rapidly and repeatedly look left to right, right to left while loudly braying in faux panic:

"The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!! If we don't do something in the next 72 hours, the world as we know it will come to an end!!

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until enough idiots believe it and until Republicans do what they do best..which is cave.
I wonder if the apple will include the lawlessness of the current administration? Ignoring court rulings, failing to enforce duly constituted laws, shitting on the Constitution......
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks
Do you ever look further than HuffPo for your cut and paste crap? Can you, perhaps, just once, start the discussion with something from YOUR feeble brain?
The sequester will cut about 2% of the federal budget. I doubt that it will effect national security one iota. Hell, didn't obama tell us a couple years ago he could find a half trillion in waste on Medicare alone? What happened to that?
Why 1865? What exactly did liberals do with the constitution in 1865? Can you give us some details?

Google the 14th Amendment.

Can't you use your own words? Just copy and paste and when you attempt sentences in your own words it's vague, usually vulgar, and all around pathetic.

racists don't like the Fouteenth Amendment because it makes the civil rights act constitutional, an thus doesn't let them be as racist as they would like to be.
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."
More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

Would this be the appropiate place to request a smiley that yawns as someone is yabbering about some major disaster that is not going to happen?
The right wing is destroying American civility.


Typical liberal bullshit like yo boss is trying to pawn to the American people...:eusa_hand:
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

No one has noticed that the road to a lawless society is currently being paved by Barack Obama but now they do. These fear tactics are wearing thin. The people have seen through it. Enough already.
Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.

A private company would do a better job and cost the taxpayers nothing.

You mean like those private companies Standard and Poor or Moodies who did such a bang up job of correctly assessing the RISK involved in derivatives?

ARe you familiar with the concept of CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

Apparently not.
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

I can't speak for your state, but I looked at the impact to my state. It's a couple hundred thousand dollars in federal grants for law enforcement. Do you know what that grant money is typically spent on? High priced mobile homes called command centers, urban assault vehicles used primarily in parades and things of that nature. It may well impact some police department's toy budget, but it won't impact law enforcement.
Austerity budgeting will have consequences.

Some of them, in cases where the public interacts directly with the government, will be obvious.

Others, like government inspection of food and other behind the scenes safety issues, we won't notice UNTIL some public disaster makes it obvious to us.

What is truly disturbing is that despite these austerity measures, their impact the growth of the national debt will be minimal.

Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.

A private company would do a better job and cost the taxpayers nothing.

Do yourself a favor and read The Jungle, by Upton Sinclaire, get back to me on how private companies would inspect our food better. Hell half the world has horse or donkey meat in their burgers and you want to rely on private companies to inspect our food?:eusa_hand:
By Dave Jamieson

John Adler, the president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, offered a more dire assessment. Adler said Congress was essentially willing to endanger Americans through political games, given that federal law enforcement officers could be furloughed if the sequester kicks in.

"The road to a lawless society is currently being paved by the congressional sequester," Adler declared, claiming that budget cuts would make it more difficult for the feds to capture terrorists and child molesters. "What they're going to do is amputate the long arm of the law. We're not going to sit back and go gentle into the sequester. The consequences are dire. It's unfortunate we have to reach this point."

More: Sequester Cuts Would Hit Education, Law Enforcement, Worker Training And Federal Parks

I can't speak for your state, but I looked at the impact to my state. It's a couple hundred thousand dollars in federal grants for law enforcement. Do you know what that grant money is typically spent on? High priced mobile homes called command centers, urban assault vehicles used primarily in parades and things of that nature. It may well impact some police department's toy budget, but it won't impact law enforcement.

All that crap is thanks to HSA madness.

Hopefully they're eviserate the PORK out of that bloated POLICE STATE administravie nightmare,
[Obama, whenever the subject of economic stimulus comes up, reflexively tells us we need more teachers to improve the economy. Why? That's because most Communists feel that its the state's responsibility, alone, to educate its children, ensuring that each generation comes out of the state's system good, loyal Communists inflexibly adhering completely to the precepts and teachings of Karl Marx.

That's probably the reason that "Pinch" and his minions over at the NYT did a hit job on one of DeVry's units over the weekend, the reasoning being that if you allow private enterprise to perform functions usually delegated to the State, they might somehow inadvertently start turning out (Gasp!) capitalists, instead.

Meanwhile Obama is continuing on his path of "In Your Face" governing. If Conservatives don't like the thought of illegal immigrant criminals running around the country unfettered by any laws, then by all means release them. What else would a third world leader do?
If Conservatives have a legitimate fear of the military being so weakened and debilitated that a Thirld World Nation could inflict a crushing defeat on it, then so weaken it. Even if the Constitution, which you swore to defend, charges you with maintaining an adequate defense, weaken it rather than cut back on those non Constututionally mandated Caligula and Santa Claus governing style welfare activities that you need to maintain in order to stay in office, post 2016, reasoning that the mob of freeloaders, slugs, and sloths along with the other rabble will raise such a hue and cry at the prospect of the termination of their goodies and freebies, America will allow the Constitution to be just tossed to the wind like the piece of garbage Obama considers it to be anyway.]

"How low will this administration go on the sequester political jockeying?

This low, As sequester nears, immigration detainees are released:

The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it had released hundreds of illegal immigrants held in detention facilities, saying it could no longer afford to house them because of across-the-board cuts that are set to start taking effect Friday.

Federal authorities said that the detainees continue to face immigration charges, that they are being monitored and that violent offenders will not be let go.

This pre-release is completely contrived.

And violent offenders are being let go, including the person highlighted in a NY Times article about the prisoner release, Mass Release of Immigrants Is Tied to Impending Cuts (emphasis mine):

Among those released in the past week was Anthony Orlando Williams, 52, a Jamaican immigrant who spent nearly three years in a detention center in Georgia. “I’m good, man,” he said. “I’m free.”

Mr. Williams, in a telephone interview from Stone Mountain, Ga., said he became an illegal immigrant when he overstayed a visa in 1991. He was detained in 2010 by a sheriff’s deputy in Gwinnett County, Ga., when it was discovered that he had violated probation for a conviction in 2005 of simple assault, simple battery and child abuse, charges that sprung from a domestic dispute with his wife at the time. He was transferred to ICE custody and has been fighting a deportation order with the help of Families for Freedom, an immigrant support group in New York.

The Obama administration loudly announced these releases to scare the voters into pressuring Republicans, much like the threats of airport delays.

We expect an emptying of the prisons to intimidate the population to take place in 3rd world countries undergoing violent revolution, like Egypt 2011.

If only Obama were only Nixonian and not so much worse,...."

» We have officially reached 3rd world political status with release of ICE prisoners - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Government inspectors of food and other products are to some of the "conservatives" on this board nothing but freeloaders that are sucking out the lifeblood of our economy.

A private company would do a better job and cost the taxpayers nothing.

You mean like those private companies Standard and Poor or Moodies who did such a bang up job of correctly assessing the RISK involved in derivatives?

ARe you familiar with the concept of CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

Apparently not.

Would that be the government suing Standard and Poor for rating Fannie and Freddie securities higher than they should have?

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