The role of religion in what is arguable the great divide in America


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Election numbers will be reviewed for signs that will point to a road map for the next election. This story quotes some numbers from Catholic voters. The percentage numbers for Trump have gone down. In this election at least, it was split down the middle with a slight majority to Trump. Still this majority number was greater 4 years ago and that should be a concern. Granted this is just based on Catholic voters.

The evangelistic vote in general was still strong for Trump. The divide appears to be widening in the Catholic voters. Then maybe because Biden is Catholic might have helped. That might be a roadmap.

Religious leaders fighting over politics as they become vocal in who should the people vote for. The issue is abortion and whether that is still a defining position which clearly states who one should vote for according to religion. The divide of religion. Vote based on the abortion issue or vote on the moral character of the leader.

As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.

Religion should stay out of politics and let the congregation decide for themselves. The right would probably not want this as it is a core contingency that they count on. Yet it is ugly when priest and bishops condemn others. After all there is freedom of religion so should they allow freedom of the people. Instead of trying to sway voters. It doesn't matter what religion your a member of. It should be separate from politics. Politics by its very nature is to divide. If religion wants to bring people together, then it cannot do so with being in bed with politics.
Abortion does not persuade the political perspective of all religious people. Ultimately, organized religions have just as much right to participate in politics as any other organization in a secular republic that does not discriminate. You, and I, may not like the policies agenda of the organized religions just as we do not like the policies in any other organization that is pushing an agenda on the public i.e., political grievance organizations and political parties.

I'm am the epitome of the independent critically thinking person every atheist aspires to be.

I can't stand you stupid liberals and your support for the Democrat agenda, and you are going to get your asses handed to you in the Biden impeachment trial - get ready.
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“As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.” ibid


This notion actually defies logic as it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

It’s perfectly reasonable and appropriate to defend a woman’s right to privacy while opposing the death penalty, one having nothing to do with the other. Indeed, it’s perfectly consistent and logical to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy.

Otherwise, yes, religion will continue to be a factor diving the country – with many of the conflicts and controversies ending up in the courts.

Unfortunately, the Trump Court will rule in a manner allowing the conjoining of church and state and the codifying religious dogma into secular law – all to the detriment of religious liberty.

Election numbers will be reviewed for signs that will point to a road map for the next election. This story quotes some numbers from Catholic voters. The percentage numbers for Trump have gone down. In this election at least, it was split down the middle with a slight majority to Trump. Still this majority number was greater 4 years ago and that should be a concern. Granted this is just based on Catholic voters.

The evangelistic vote in general was still strong for Trump. The divide appears to be widening in the Catholic voters. Then maybe because Biden is Catholic might have helped. That might be a roadmap.

Religious leaders fighting over politics as they become vocal in who should the people vote for. The issue is abortion and whether that is still a defining position which clearly states who one should vote for according to religion. The divide of religion. Vote based on the abortion issue or vote on the moral character of the leader.

As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.

Religion should stay out of politics and let the congregation decide for themselves. The right would probably not want this as it is a core contingency that they count on. Yet it is ugly when priest and bishops condemn others. After all there is freedom of religion so should they allow freedom of the people. Instead of trying to sway voters. It doesn't matter what religion your a member of. It should be separate from politics. Politics by its very nature is to divide. If religion wants to bring people together, then it cannot do so with being in bed with politics.

There is no necessary "religious" component to one's view on abortion, and it is logically consistent to support the worst possible punishment for the worst possible criminals but not for the most innocent and vulnerable in society.
Abortion does not persuade the political perspective of all religious people. Ultimately, organized religions have just as much right to participate in politics as any other organization in a secular republic that does not discriminate. You, and I, may not like the policies agenda of the organized religions just as we do not like the policies in any other organization that is pushing an agenda on the public i.e., political grievance organizations and political parties.

I'm am the epitome of the independent critically thinking person every atheist aspires to be.

I can't stand you stupid liberals and your support for the Democrat agenda, and you are going to get your asses handed to you in the Biden impeachment trial - get ready.

They may have a right to but that does not mean that they need to.

An impeachment trial, hmm I hope it goes better than the Obama not a citizen story, or the Uranium One story, or the Clinton foundation story. The Clinton email scandal story.

Trump was impeached. Its history.

Maybe it was BLM fault that right wing groups decided to join the fray at night and cause damage.

Election numbers will be reviewed for signs that will point to a road map for the next election. This story quotes some numbers from Catholic voters. The percentage numbers for Trump have gone down. In this election at least, it was split down the middle with a slight majority to Trump. Still this majority number was greater 4 years ago and that should be a concern. Granted this is just based on Catholic voters.

The evangelistic vote in general was still strong for Trump. The divide appears to be widening in the Catholic voters. Then maybe because Biden is Catholic might have helped. That might be a roadmap.

Religious leaders fighting over politics as they become vocal in who should the people vote for. The issue is abortion and whether that is still a defining position which clearly states who one should vote for according to religion. The divide of religion. Vote based on the abortion issue or vote on the moral character of the leader.

As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.

Religion should stay out of politics and let the congregation decide for themselves. The right would probably not want this as it is a core contingency that they count on. Yet it is ugly when priest and bishops condemn others. After all there is freedom of religion so should they allow freedom of the people. Instead of trying to sway voters. It doesn't matter what religion your a member of. It should be separate from politics. Politics by its very nature is to divide. If religion wants to bring people together, then it cannot do so with being in bed with politics.

There is no necessary "religious" component to one's view on abortion, and it is logically consistent to support the worst possible punishment for the worst possible criminals but not for the most innocent and vulnerable in society.

Well yeah you do not have to be religious to be against abortion. Yet if as a religion you speak on one topic and ignore the other then there is a inconsistency.

The bottom line it involves a decision on both topics and defines one of the issues in US politics .

Still I do not wish to go down the path of right and wrong. I am just saying religion should stay out of politics as it is to divisive and your stuck with choosing the lessor of two evils or the the very least inconsistency.
Not necessarily. My wife voted for Biden....she's a lifelong Christian as am I. Oh our neighbor, he owned his own landscape business for 20 some years. He's a Christian....voted for biden. I didn't vote for either guy.

Election numbers will be reviewed for signs that will point to a road map for the next election. This story quotes some numbers from Catholic voters. The percentage numbers for Trump have gone down. In this election at least, it was split down the middle with a slight majority to Trump. Still this majority number was greater 4 years ago and that should be a concern. Granted this is just based on Catholic voters.

The evangelistic vote in general was still strong for Trump. The divide appears to be widening in the Catholic voters. Then maybe because Biden is Catholic might have helped. That might be a roadmap.

Religious leaders fighting over politics as they become vocal in who should the people vote for. The issue is abortion and whether that is still a defining position which clearly states who one should vote for according to religion. The divide of religion. Vote based on the abortion issue or vote on the moral character of the leader.

As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.

Religion should stay out of politics and let the congregation decide for themselves. The right would probably not want this as it is a core contingency that they count on. Yet it is ugly when priest and bishops condemn others. After all there is freedom of religion so should they allow freedom of the people. Instead of trying to sway voters. It doesn't matter what religion your a member of. It should be separate from politics. Politics by its very nature is to divide. If religion wants to bring people together, then it cannot do so with being in bed with politics.

There is no necessary "religious" component to one's view on abortion, and it is logically consistent to support the worst possible punishment for the worst possible criminals but not for the most innocent and vulnerable in society.

Well yeah you do not have to be religious to be against abortion. Yet if as a religion you speak on one topic and ignore the other then there is a inconsistency.

The bottom line it involves a decision on both topics and defines one of the issues in US politics .

Still I do not wish to go down the path of right and wrong. I am just saying religion should stay out of politics as it is to divisive and your stuck with choosing the lessor of two evils or the the very least inconsistency.

Religion cannot, should not, and will not stay out of politics.
Not necessarily. My wife voted for Biden....she's a lifelong Christian as am I. Oh our neighbor, he owned his own landscape business for 20 some years. He's a Christian....voted for biden. I didn't vote for either guy.

You didn’t vote for your neighbor the landscaper? Some neighbor you are.

Election numbers will be reviewed for signs that will point to a road map for the next election. This story quotes some numbers from Catholic voters. The percentage numbers for Trump have gone down. In this election at least, it was split down the middle with a slight majority to Trump. Still this majority number was greater 4 years ago and that should be a concern. Granted this is just based on Catholic voters.

The evangelistic vote in general was still strong for Trump. The divide appears to be widening in the Catholic voters. Then maybe because Biden is Catholic might have helped. That might be a roadmap.

Religious leaders fighting over politics as they become vocal in who should the people vote for. The issue is abortion and whether that is still a defining position which clearly states who one should vote for according to religion. The divide of religion. Vote based on the abortion issue or vote on the moral character of the leader.

As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.

Religion should stay out of politics and let the congregation decide for themselves. The right would probably not want this as it is a core contingency that they count on. Yet it is ugly when priest and bishops condemn others. After all there is freedom of religion so should they allow freedom of the people. Instead of trying to sway voters. It doesn't matter what religion your a member of. It should be separate from politics. Politics by its very nature is to divide. If religion wants to bring people together, then it cannot do so with being in bed with politics.

There is no necessary "religious" component to one's view on abortion, and it is logically consistent to support the worst possible punishment for the worst possible criminals but not for the most innocent and vulnerable in society.

Well yeah you do not have to be religious to be against abortion. Yet if as a religion you speak on one topic and ignore the other then there is a inconsistency.

The bottom line it involves a decision on both topics and defines one of the issues in US politics .

Still I do not wish to go down the path of right and wrong. I am just saying religion should stay out of politics as it is to divisive and your stuck with choosing the lessor of two evils or the the very least inconsistency.

Religion cannot, should not, and will not stay out of politics.
An organization cannot vote. It can only push for its agenda. Individuals vote.

"The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President,
they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;

Religious organization do not vote so they do the next best thing which is to influence people who vote.

Now they do have a right to free speech as any member of that religious organization.

Your argument is no better than your boss telling you who to vote for because he can under free speech.
Still I do not wish to go down the path of right and wrong. I am just saying religion should stay out of politics as it is to divisive and your stuck with choosing the lessor of two evils or the the very least inconsistency.
How do you keep religion out of politics when a lot of things could be considered religion?


  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    faith · belief · divinity · worship · creed · teaching · doctrine · theology · sect · cult · religious group · faith community · church · denomination · body · following · persuasion · affiliation
Not necessarily. My wife voted for Biden....she's a lifelong Christian as am I. Oh our neighbor, he owned his own landscape business for 20 some years. He's a Christian....voted for biden. I didn't vote for either guy.
Still I do not wish to go down the path of right and wrong. I am just saying religion should stay out of politics as it is to divisive and your stuck with choosing the lessor of two evils or the the very least inconsistency.
How do you keep religion out of politics when a lot of things could be considered religion?


  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    faith · belief · divinity · worship · creed · teaching · doctrine · theology · sect · cult · religious group · faith community · church · denomination · body · following · persuasion · affiliation
Well you can state one nation under god but that a general and vague statement. Meaning that it has to be interpreted by the individual or by someone else.

It really is nothing political about it unless you make it political.

My opinion is that you do have to keep religion and the state separate if you want freedom of religion. Otherwise history has shown that religious believes can lead to war in a worst case scenario.

How is love and war compatible unless your are being misled by the ones you trust the most.

Modern day examples are like Muslim countries which in some instances and not all have them fighting over who is the dominate version of Muslim.

If religion was not involved in politics imagine how much easier it would be to form a consensus. Politics by is very nature promotes division.

Still the question is what is the purpose of Religion? Hope ?

Then is it compatible with politics? Is there any hope for politics, its a popularity thing and reasonable people can disagree. It is just the unreasonable people that is the problem.

Religion should not divide
If religion was not involved in politics imagine how much easier it would be to form a consensus. Politics by is very nature promotes division.
Huh? SMH
If politics promotes division the rest of what you said makes no sense.

No it is just a reason why religion should not be involved in politics. Division breeds hate. This was how Trump came to power by harnessing the power of hate using lies, misinformation, and egotism.

It also is why he lost this time around. The division he embraced created hate and disdain for him that it galvanized the opposition into confronting the lies, misinformation and egotistic behavior. Granted it hard not to be egotistical when your the president. Yet weak men are highly susceptible to such power. Lies tell him what he wants to hear.

Religious leaders should not get involved in such a toxic thing has politics.

If religion want to promote unity and hope, then stick with what got you there. Now this does not stop people from voting as that is how government officials are elected. They should vote in what they believe in as its the individuals right.
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Religious leaders should not get involved in such a toxic thing has politics.

Have the disagree.

Getting away from our founding, which is based on Christianity, is the very reason politics has become toxic. Mankind as a whole has their priorities mixed up and have lost their way. And, without help from God it will only get worse.
“As they fight amongst themselves it struck me as funny and meaningless. The right fights for abortion and yet do not oppose death penalty. The left with the opposite view. A divide that defies logic.” ibid


This notion actually defies logic as it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

It’s perfectly reasonable and appropriate to defend a woman’s right to privacy while opposing the death penalty, one having nothing to do with the other. Indeed, it’s perfectly consistent and logical to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy.

Otherwise, yes, religion will continue to be a factor diving the country – with many of the conflicts and controversies ending up in the courts.

Unfortunately, the Trump Court will rule in a manner allowing the conjoining of church and state and the codifying religious dogma into secular law – all to the detriment of religious liberty.
murderers are part of the dem voter base

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