The Russian/Trump collusion story is a hoax and the libs all left

Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians
The Russians and China and who knows who else tries to medal in our elections and the elections of other nations and we do too. It's what adversarial nations do to each other, just ask Obama, he tried to influence the Israeli elections. These attempts are never successful but that does not keep everyone from trying.
Right now Russia could be our enemy or our partner. Giving the state of the middle east and the Islamic terror movement in the world Trump believes it would be better to have Russia as a partner since we seem to have a common enemy. Why push them into a corner over doing what everyone else is doing? That sounds like something Obama would do.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive
I didn't say what they did was not wrong, I don't give what they did the same weight that you obviously do. Every nation does it. You don't owe me an apology FORKUP. If I were where you are politically I'd be screaming about Russia too. It's all you have and I can understand completely. have a nice 4th and don't hate us too much.
Hoax? Two words "General Flynn"! There's a lot a smoke around that guy. To say the link is just made up is plain wrong z
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated. The fact of the matter is that Trump is personally under investigation. People already have to resign over Russian connection. Russian interference is not denied during the elections. Trump has given the Russians intel already. Pissing of the most effective intelligence agency in the Middle East in the process. And so on and so forth. The fact that you call it a hoax while at the same time trying to minimise the roll of Manafort says to me you don't really believe what you say yourself.

Russia collusion is your Kenyan birth certificate. It's a fairy tale.
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated. The fact of the matter is that Trump is personally under investigation. People already have to resign over Russian connection. Russian interference is not denied during the elections. Trump has given the Russians intel already. Pissing of the most effective intelligence agency in the Middle East in the process. And so on and so forth. The fact that you call it a hoax while at the same time trying to minimise the roll of Manafort says to me you don't really believe what you say yourself.

Russia collusion is your Kenyan birth certificate. It's a fairy tale.

Except we didn't have Congressional and Special investigations into Obama's birthplace. (Spoiler Alert- Dems don't control Congress)
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive.
I think it's traitorous to blame a foreign government for something you have no evidence of thus creating a war scenario that impacts the nation.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive
I didn't say what they did was not wrong, I don't give what they did the same weight that you obviously do. Every nation does it. You don't owe me an apology FORKUP. If I were where you are politically I'd be screaming about Russia too. It's all you have and I can understand completely. have a nice 4th and don't hate us too much.
Couple of things. First of I don't hate you,or for that matter most people who voted Trump. Hating someone over political affiliation seems to me as an idiotic way to judge someone. You are however wrong that the Russia thing is all I have against Trump. I have something against the entire abandonment of norms he represents. Since when does being president mean you don't even have to fake being a decent human being anymore. Since when does being president mean it's alright to be a blatant nepotist. Since when does being president mean you don't have to have impulse control. Since when does being the president mean you don't have to have an inch of humility. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have liked Romney, Mccain or Clinton for that matter. But I've never imagined in my wildest dreams, that the president of the United States would not be expected by the people who voted for him to at least show maturity. Romney, Mccain or Clinton would have been people I would have expected to, in the end attempt to find a way to do what's best for most Americans. Trump I don't think is capable of even being able to distinguish what's best for him,or what's best for most Americans. The Russia thing is damning, but for me it isn't the worst thing about Trump. Not even close.
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive.
I think it's traitorous to blame a foreign government for something you have no evidence of thus creating a war scenario that impacts the nation.
Lol. I don't. The intelligence community does. The Republican led commission overseeing the intelligence community does. So try again.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive
I didn't say what they did was not wrong, I don't give what they did the same weight that you obviously do. Every nation does it. You don't owe me an apology FORKUP. If I were where you are politically I'd be screaming about Russia too. It's all you have and I can understand completely. have a nice 4th and don't hate us too much.
Couple of things. First of I don't hate you,or for that matter most people who voted Trump. Hating someone over political affiliation seems to me as an idiotic way to judge someone. You are however wrong that the Russia thing is all I have against Trump. I have something against the entire abandonment of norms he represents. Since when does being president mean you don't even have to fake being a decent human being anymore. Since when does being president mean it's alright to be a blatant nepotist. Since when does being president mean you don't have to have impulse control. Since when does being the president mean you don't have to have an inch of humility. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have liked Romney, Mccain or Clinton for that matter. But I've never imagined in my wildest dreams, that the president of the United States would not be expected by the people who voted for him to at least show maturity. Romney, Mccain or Clinton would have been people I would have expected to, in the end attempt to find a way to do what's best for most Americans. Trump I don't think is capable of even being able to distinguish what's best for him,or what's best for most Americans. The Russia thing is damning, but for me it isn't the worst thing about Trump. Not even close.
You hit on why we support him. The end of political norms, the draining of a pool of entrenched (we can do what we want politicians). Year after year the recession ticked on. People lost their retirement, their earnings were stunted at best.
People were not able to see a way out and no one did anything about it. In business if you go for 8 to 10 years struggling to make ends meet you can't get those years back. Your youth in those years wasted on a feckless president too busy playing golf to tackle the really tough issues.
I don't hate Obama supporters either, I just wish they could walk in our shoes for a while. I actually really like something president Clinton said; He said when you wake up in the morning and your business isn't paying off or you can't earn enough to make ends meet you look in the mirror and blame yourself. Obama hated that Bill said that but he did and at the time I really appreciated the statement.
I was blaming myself.
The very month Trump took over the government it was as if someone flipped a switch. My phone started to ring and has not stopped. I've hired two new employees. Why couldn't Obama do that? Because he didn't want to. He gained while people suffered.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive
I didn't say what they did was not wrong, I don't give what they did the same weight that you obviously do. Every nation does it. You don't owe me an apology FORKUP. If I were where you are politically I'd be screaming about Russia too. It's all you have and I can understand completely. have a nice 4th and don't hate us too much.
Couple of things. First of I don't hate you,or for that matter most people who voted Trump. Hating someone over political affiliation seems to me as an idiotic way to judge someone. You are however wrong that the Russia thing is all I have against Trump. I have something against the entire abandonment of norms he represents. Since when does being president mean you don't even have to fake being a decent human being anymore. Since when does being president mean it's alright to be a blatant nepotist. Since when does being president mean you don't have to have impulse control. Since when does being the president mean you don't have to have an inch of humility. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have liked Romney, Mccain or Clinton for that matter. But I've never imagined in my wildest dreams, that the president of the United States would not be expected by the people who voted for him to at least show maturity. Romney, Mccain or Clinton would have been people I would have expected to, in the end attempt to find a way to do what's best for most Americans. Trump I don't think is capable of even being able to distinguish what's best for him,or what's best for most Americans. The Russia thing is damning, but for me it isn't the worst thing about Trump. Not even close.
You hit on why we support him. The end of political norms, the draining of a pool of entrenched (we can do what we want politicians). Year after year the recession ticked on. People lost their retirement, their earnings were stunted at best.
People were not able to see a way out and no one did anything about it. In business if you go for 8 to 10 years struggling to make ends meet you can't get those years back. Your youth in those years wasted on a feckless president too busy playing golf to tackle the really tough issues.
I don't hate Obama supporters either, I just wish they could walk in our shoes for a while. I actually really like something president Clinton said; He said when you wake up in the morning and your business isn't paying off or you can't earn enough to make ends meet you look in the mirror and blame yourself. Obama hated that Bill said that but he did and at the time I really appreciated the statement.
I was blaming myself.
The very month Trump took over the government it was as if someone flipped a switch. My phone started to ring and has not stopped. I've hired two new employees. Why couldn't Obama do that? Because he didn't want to. He gained while people suffered.
You seem to contradict yourself. Those" we can do what we want politicians" is replaced by someone who does what he wants even if it's behavior I wouldn't allow in my 5 year old daughter. The feckless president who played golf is replaced be a president who owns golf clubs and goes almost every weekend. Trump promised to 'not play much golf' as President. Here's how much he's played so far
The struggle you refer too was a direct result of an economic crisis precipitated by deregulation of banks under first Clinton and then Bush and the recovery you spoke of that made you hire your employees were started under Obama. You elected a shark to take care of the fish. I get the frustration and the disconnect you feel with Washington, I truly do. But anger isn't a good emotion to vote from. And picking someone who's, narcissistic, impulsive,bigoted,sexist, undiplomatic and rude, is not someone who should be president.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive
I didn't say what they did was not wrong, I don't give what they did the same weight that you obviously do. Every nation does it. You don't owe me an apology FORKUP. If I were where you are politically I'd be screaming about Russia too. It's all you have and I can understand completely. have a nice 4th and don't hate us too much.
Couple of things. First of I don't hate you,or for that matter most people who voted Trump. Hating someone over political affiliation seems to me as an idiotic way to judge someone. You are however wrong that the Russia thing is all I have against Trump. I have something against the entire abandonment of norms he represents. Since when does being president mean you don't even have to fake being a decent human being anymore. Since when does being president mean it's alright to be a blatant nepotist. Since when does being president mean you don't have to have impulse control. Since when does being the president mean you don't have to have an inch of humility. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have liked Romney, Mccain or Clinton for that matter. But I've never imagined in my wildest dreams, that the president of the United States would not be expected by the people who voted for him to at least show maturity. Romney, Mccain or Clinton would have been people I would have expected to, in the end attempt to find a way to do what's best for most Americans. Trump I don't think is capable of even being able to distinguish what's best for him,or what's best for most Americans. The Russia thing is damning, but for me it isn't the worst thing about Trump. Not even close.
You hit on why we support him. The end of political norms, the draining of a pool of entrenched (we can do what we want politicians). Year after year the recession ticked on. People lost their retirement, their earnings were stunted at best.
People were not able to see a way out and no one did anything about it. In business if you go for 8 to 10 years struggling to make ends meet you can't get those years back. Your youth in those years wasted on a feckless president too busy playing golf to tackle the really tough issues.
I don't hate Obama supporters either, I just wish they could walk in our shoes for a while. I actually really like something president Clinton said; He said when you wake up in the morning and your business isn't paying off or you can't earn enough to make ends meet you look in the mirror and blame yourself. Obama hated that Bill said that but he did and at the time I really appreciated the statement.
I was blaming myself.
The very month Trump took over the government it was as if someone flipped a switch. My phone started to ring and has not stopped. I've hired two new employees. Why couldn't Obama do that? Because he didn't want to. He gained while people suffered.
You seem to contradict yourself. Those" we can do what we want politicians" is replaced by someone who does what he wants even if it's behavior I wouldn't allow in my 5 year old daughter. The feckless president who played golf is replaced be a president who owns golf clubs and goes almost every weekend. Trump promised to 'not play much golf' as President. Here's how much he's played so far
The struggle you refer too was a direct result of an economic crisis precipitated by deregulation of banks under first Clinton and then Bush and the recovery you spoke of that made you hire your employees were started under Obama. You elected a shark to take care of the fish. I get the frustration and the disconnect you feel with Washington, I truly do. But anger isn't a good emotion to vote from. And picking someone who's, narcissistic, impulsive,bigoted,sexist, undiplomatic and rude, is not someone who should be president.
The economy is better. There is a difference from doing what you want to do and doing what you want to me. Remember we have to pass the bill regarding your health before we can see what is in it. Remember churches have to cover things they don't believe in. We were tired of being told what to do. Trump doesn't do that. Trump stands up for himself and by doing so he stands up for me. So even his worse tweets give me a tingle up my leg. It is time to push back hard. If you are one that we need to push against than I'm sorry but the status quo of the Obama big government big debt and big hand out days are done. I didn't say so the 20 trillion in unsecured debt says so. You can take this to the bank, he will make America great again with you or without you.
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians.
The fact that you argue here that Russia did nothing wrong in trying to influence the election result seems unpatriotic but I guess that's what it takes to be a Trump supporter. I owe you an apology though here. I asked you to prove a negative. It wasn't evasive.
I think it's traitorous to blame a foreign government for something you have no evidence of thus creating a war scenario that impacts the nation.
Lol. I don't. The intelligence community does. The Republican led commission overseeing the intelligence community does. So try again.
I'll ask again, has any agency looked at the DNC server? That seems simple
The left tried everything to remove Trump from office. They didn't work.

What's up next?

It's certainly not "Behave ethically and run a better candidate next time." God no.

Fucking whiny maggots.
Flynn, Carter Page. Roger Stone, Kushner, Sessions
All 100% innocent of colluding with the Russians and none of them are being investigated for colluding.
You nor I have any idea who or what exactly Mueller is investigating. What we hear is tidbits. And you didn't bother trying to argue the second part of my post. I'll try again.
Especially because like I said the act of the Russians meddling with the elections is not seriously disputed and Trump either doesn't care enough to distance himself from them. In which case I find a president not caring when a foreign power meddles in the election pretty puzzling. Or he really is in bed with them for other reasons, in which case, a case for high treason can be made. Either way a hoax it is not.
So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them?
RWNJs - DO NOT read the WSJ report.

Don't ask questions.

Just don't read it.

There. Now don't ever say I never gave you anything.


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