the Russians just escalated the nuklear threat !

Russians nothing. Putin is just reacting to continued Biden/NATO aggression and instigation.
It is Joe Biden who is escalating the nuclear threat as this war never would have happened
had we had a real leader and negotiator in the WH to calm/settle things instead of that
zinc-plated toy tyrant mad with power tying to impress the world that he is their BMOC.

View attachment 705499
Oh bullshit.

Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. Stop lying.
with the recent annexation of large swaths of Ukraine and the nord stream 2 explosions in the past few days one may rightly come to the conclusion that Russia is upping the stakes on a major level ! but maybe the most chilling events in recent days is reports that the Russian sub nicknamed the "doomsday weapon" Belgorod has gone missing from its harbor in the arctic circle according to NATO intelligence ! the sub is equipped with nuclear armed torpedo's that are drones that can travel 6000 miles and can be detonated 1 kl beneath the surface near a major coastal city and cause a radioactive tsunami 1600 meters high !

Why would a drone torpedo that can travel 6,000 miles even need to be carried by a submarine?
You don't think that thing would not be noisy as hell? The Russkis can't even make quiet submarines, much less nuclear drone torpedoes!

If it was nuke powered, it would run on electricity and be fairly silent. I was talking to an ASW friend, and he said that the one sub that made him nervous were the diesel powered boats that switched over to electric power when they submerged. He said that those were the quietist things under the water when operating. They weren't very fast, and couldn't stay down for more than 18 hours, but they were damn near impossible to detect when submerged.
If it was nuke powered, it would run on electricity and be fairly silent. I was talking to an ASW friend, and he said that the one sub that made him nervous were the diesel powered boats that switched over to electric power when they submerged. He said that those were the quietist things under the water when operating. They weren't very fast, and couldn't stay down for more than 18 hours, but they were damn near impossible to detect when submerged.
I believe it runs on a small nuclear reactor.
Silent mode?

You are fucking hilarious!
The development includes also use of stealth technology, to elude acoustic tracking devices.[25][30][37] Poseidon uses a silent running strategy like other submarines. Its main stealth feature is its very low speed before it reaches the target area. Its high-speed mode activates upon reaching a short finish range (2–3 kilometers), when the probability of detection of the drone is considerably higher. It could travel for weeks toward enemy port cities, reaching high-speed only in the final stage.[36]

Russian designers estimated the radius of detection of the drone will be about 2–3 km (1.2–1.9 mi) for 55 km/h (34 mph).[30] A second important stealth feature of the drone is the special design of the pump-jet for clearance of the drone's acoustic signature to imitate the noise of civil ships.

If it was nuke powered, it would run on electricity and be fairly silent. I was talking to an ASW friend, and he said that the one sub that made him nervous were the diesel powered boats that switched over to electric power when they submerged. He said that those were the quietist things under the water when operating. They weren't very fast, and couldn't stay down for more than 18 hours, but they were damn near impossible to detect when submerged.
Explain to me how a nuclear reactor makes electricity without making noise?

Yes, diesel-electric boats are very quiet. They are slow and have limited range so other than operating near the coast, they are basically useless. They cannot keep up with most warships, so they are useless as a defensive screening weapon system like a nuclear attack sub.
The development includes also use of stealth technology, to elude acoustic tracking devices.[25][30][37] Poseidon uses a silent running strategy like other submarines. Its main stealth feature is its very low speed before it reaches the target area. Its high-speed mode activates upon reaching a short finish range (2–3 kilometers), when the probability of detection of the drone is considerably higher. It could travel for weeks toward enemy port cities, reaching high-speed only in the final stage.[36]

Russian designers estimated the radius of detection of the drone will be about 2–3 km (1.2–1.9 mi) for 55 km/h (34 mph).[30] A second important stealth feature of the drone is the special design of the pump-jet for clearance of the drone's acoustic signature to imitate the noise of civil ships.

Your link shares more with science fiction than it does science fact. Sorry! I am not buying it.
Your link shares more with science fiction than it does science fact. Sorry! I am not buying it.
reality is hard for you
from the link

The first public appearance of Poseidon dates back to September 2015 and cites Pentagon sources.[7]

On 10 November 2015, a page of a document that contained information about a secret "oceanic multi-purpose system" called "Status-6" was "accidentally" revealed by Russian NTV television channel. The leak happened during Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech denouncing American plans concerning defensive missile technology.[8] Speculation arose as to whether this was a warning signal or disinformation intended to mislead foreign intelligence services.[9] The CIA has claimed the leak was intentional.[8]

According to the Pentagon, Russia conducted the first test-launch of Poseidon on 27 November 2016, using the B-90 Sarov special purpose submarine. The test was reportedly carried out in the Arctic Ocean.[10][11]

In early 2018, the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review publicly acknowledged development of Russia's "new intercontinental, nuclear armed, nuclear-powered, undersea autonomous torpedo".[12][13][14][15]

In March 2018, the system was officially named "Poseidon", following a public vote.[16]

In January 2019, the Russian Navy announced plans to procure at least 30 Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicles, deployed on four submarines, two of which would serve in the Russian Northern Fleet and two in the Pacific Fleet.[17]
reality is hard for you
from the link

The first public appearance of Poseidon dates back to September 2015 and cites Pentagon sources.[7]

On 10 November 2015, a page of a document that contained information about a secret "oceanic multi-purpose system" called "Status-6" was "accidentally" revealed by Russian NTV television channel. The leak happened during Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech denouncing American plans concerning defensive missile technology.[8] Speculation arose as to whether this was a warning signal or disinformation intended to mislead foreign intelligence services.[9] The CIA has claimed the leak was intentional.[8]

According to the Pentagon, Russia conducted the first test-launch of Poseidon on 27 November 2016, using the B-90 Sarov special purpose submarine. The test was reportedly carried out in the Arctic Ocean.[10][11]

In early 2018, the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review publicly acknowledged development of Russia's "new intercontinental, nuclear armed, nuclear-powered, undersea autonomous torpedo".[12][13][14][15]

In March 2018, the system was officially named "Poseidon", following a public vote.[16]

In January 2019, the Russian Navy announced plans to procure at least 30 Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicles, deployed on four submarines, two of which would serve in the Russian Northern Fleet and two in the Pacific Fleet.[17]
You ever hear of Russian disinformation?

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