the Russians just escalated the nuklear threat !

Malignant brain cancer is the last X standing up to the (mostly preventable) cardiovascular disease world order. I hope it wins.

Ukraine is a neo-nazi nation that should have been destroyed decades ago
They are terrible
USA would be awesome if we just lost the entire NE and dozens of West Cities.

Oh yeah those stinky MW black cities suck too
USA would be awesome if we just lost the entire NE and dozens of West Cities.

Oh yeah those stinky MW black cities suck too

Actually, the USA would be awesome if we lost all the idiots who think like you do. Sorry, but you're a moron, who also sounds vaguely un American. I spent over 20 years of my life serving in the Navy to defend this country. The last thing I would want is for any of it to be destroyed.
Actually, the USA would be awesome if we lost all the idiots who think like you do. Sorry, but you're a moron, who also sounds vaguely un American. I spent over 20 years of my life serving in the Navy to defend this country. The last thing I would want is for any of it to be destroyed.

We just have to agree to disagree about this one tiny point then
Yanno....................if Reagan were alive today and saw all the Republicans that are in Putin's corner because they don't like Biden, he'd be pissed and disappointed in what the GOP has become.
He was friends with Gorbachev. I think he would be more pissed about how the establishment had broken their promises made to Gorbachev that has caused this whole mess in the first place.


If that promise not to expand NATO past the Elbe had been kept, and an East/West security compact had been drawn up, as had been originally been agreed to?

None of this would have been a problem.

BUT? That is not in the interest of the ruling global oligarchs or the MIC.

They want it all. They want a one world global government, not a multi-polar world order.
Not very smart. Russia isn’t doing anything to threaten the US. Drones are easier to handle then ICBMs. Russia‘s biggest problem isn’t the US. It’s NATO and it’s close proximity to Russia. Russia would never see the fruits of any attack in the US. Russia would be a literate long before any drone threatened to cross our borders…

Trump the idiot tried to weaken NATO. All Biden did was strengthen our defense. Fox News spreading more Russia propaganda. The US knows all the capabilities of Russia. Russia knows few of ours, only what Trump sold them.
Fox is spreading more Russian propaganda ? here you go idiot ....

please refrain from stupidity on such a serious matter .
Moscow can become a pile of molten glass inside of 20 minutes, and there's not a damn thing the Russkies can do to stop it
the Russians have more nukes than the rest of the world combined .
Yanno....................if Reagan were alive today and saw all the Republicans that are in Putin's corner because they don't like Biden, he'd be pissed and disappointed in what the GOP has become.
republicans are not in Putins corner .. name one republican leader thats in Putins corner .
with the recent annexation of large swaths of Ukraine and the nord stream 2 explosions in the past few days one may rightly come to the conclusion that Russia is upping the stakes on a major level ! but maybe the most chilling events in recent days is reports that the Russian sub nicknamed the "doomsday weapon" Belgorod has gone missing from its harbor in the arctic circle according to NATO intelligence ! the sub is equipped with nuclear armed torpedo's that are drones that can travel 6000 miles and can be detonated 1 kl beneath the surface near a major coastal city and cause a radioactive tsunami 1600 meters high !

You're incredibly confused and there's already a thread on this.
Russians nothing. Putin is just reacting to continued Biden/NATO aggression and instigation.
It is Joe Biden who is escalating the nuclear threat as this war never would have happened
had we had a real leader and negotiator in the WH to calm/settle things instead of that
zinc-plated toy tyrant mad with power tying to impress the world that he is their BMOC.

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And what are the chances that someone has decided that Putin had gotten too stupid if he gives that order and just shoots him.

Who was the general in the Joint Chiefs that was getting ready for Trump to get too stupid?
And what are the chances that someone has decided that Putin had gotten too stupid if he gives that order and just shoots him.

Who was the general in the Joint Chiefs that was getting ready for Trump to get too stupid?
thats a very thin hope to prevent nuclear war ...
I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Washington and Moscow are constantly in contact, and the folks at the WEF are always telling everyone what they all need to do.


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