The sad FACT Libs don't understand about OBAMA and his "Redistribution" Plan


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2011
It's not the rich folks money that is being's the Middle Classes.

More unemployed....lower wages, lower savings...MORE people on food stamps and government assistance than ever before!

and Obama tells us what? "This is the new norm"

Folks, we have witnessed almost 4 years of Obama's any of you honestly think the rich have had their money redistributed?

All I see is a middle class disappearing and more and more of us going on the government payroll...this is NOT by Accident people!

It's called the ruling class and Obama is the head of libs better hurry up and wake up before Obama redistributes all your money......

Don't say you haven't been warned.....

Ezra Klein - The rich getting richer in one chart
Pure wingnut bullshit.

There aren't more of us on food stamps and government than at any other time in our nations history?

Obamacare, instead of costing us less is not leading to skyrocketing increases in premiums?

Our nations debt hasn't exploded?

Home values aren't still tanking? Foreclosures aren't still taking place at a rapid pace?

These things are NOT happening to the rich dearie...they are happening to the MIDDLE CLASS......

People of Obama's ilk need an ever growing population subjective to the government's what they bank on for power....and we are witnessing the government handouts design...

By Obamas design...HIS "redistribution plan"...only it's YOUR money he is redistributing...into the government coffers!
It's not the rich folks money that is being's the Middle Classes.

More unemployed....lower wages, lower savings...MORE people on food stamps and government assistance than ever before!

and Obama tells us what? "This is the new norm"

Folks, we have witnessed almost 4 years of Obama's any of you honestly think the rich have had their money redistributed?

All I see is a middle class disappearing and more and more of us going on the government payroll...this is NOT by Accident people!

It's called the ruling class and Obama is the head of libs better hurry up and wake up before Obama redistributes all your money......

Don't say you haven't been warned.....

No Thanks.
Pure wingnut bullshit.

There aren't more of us on food stamps and government than at any other time in our nations history?

Obamacare, instead of costing us less is not leading to skyrocketing increases in premiums?

Our nations debt hasn't exploded?

Home values aren't still tanking? Foreclosures aren't still taking place at a rapid pace?

These things are NOT happening to the rich dearie...they are happening to the MIDDLE CLASS......

People of Obama's ilk need an ever growing population subjective to the government's what they bank on for power....and we are witnessing the government handouts design...

By Obamas design...HIS "redistribution plan"...only it's YOUR money he is redistributing...into the government coffers!

No Thanks. Lakhota is spot on.
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Pure wingnut bullshit.

There aren't more of us on food stamps and government than at any other time in our nations history?

Obamacare, instead of costing us less is not leading to skyrocketing increases in premiums?

Our nations debt hasn't exploded?

Home values aren't still tanking? Foreclosures aren't still taking place at a rapid pace?

These things are NOT happening to the rich dearie...they are happening to the MIDDLE CLASS......

People of Obama's ilk need an ever growing population subjective to the government's what they bank on for power....and we are witnessing the government handouts design...

By Obamas design...HIS "redistribution plan"...only it's YOUR money he is redistributing...into the government coffers!

So, what you are trying to pull from your ass is, none of this wxisted before Oblama took office?
You must have a large anus to keep that gem keestered.

Bush fucked us really long time.

Quaint little fantasy seems to be all you have....

Tell me though, exactly how much of the "RICH" peoples money has Obama "redistributed in his 3.5 years?

How many of the corporate evildoers he rants about have been prosecuted by Obama? You know, all those mean men Obama said took all your money?

Can you dare even be honest with yourself long enough to answer those simple questions?

Bush fucked us really long time.

Quaint little fantasy seems to be all you have....

Tell me though, exactly how much of the "RICH" peoples money has Obama "redistributed in his 3.5 years?

How many of the corporate evildoers he rants about have been prosecuted by Obama? You know, all those mean men Obama said took all your money?

Can you dare even be honest with yourself long enough to answer those simple questions?

How many military families pay no federal taxes?
How is this "redistribution" good for the economy? Does it grow the economy or does it work like Cuba?

If it works then maybe we can discuss such, but if it's like Cuba get ready for war. We're not going to put up with that.
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How is this "redistribution" good for the economy? Does it grow the economy or does work like Cuba?

If it works then maybe we can discuss such, but if it's like Cuba get ready for war. We're not going to put up with that.

That's what the tea party members said when they were told they would lose their social security checks.
That's what happens when us black folks take over.

It has failed your people everytime it has been tried. How stupid.

But this time we have plenty of white people's money.

If you pull it off then billions will starve to death. Your people love to cause death and failure of civilization. You don't even give a damn about your own kind within many of your nations.

You wonder why I feel the way I do about you? Respect is earned. Being suicidal doesn't earn that.
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