The Sad Result Of Democrat/Liberal ‘Leadership’


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Did I say 'sad'???? I mean 'tragic.'

1.The most succinct way to describe the basis for what passes for introspection by the Left is this:
For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
Nor is the actual result of passing their policies ever a consideration. The current mish-mash, the Green New Deal, is a perfect example.

2.The most excruciating example is the Obama/Democrat plan to ease the journey of minority students into college: prevent them from having criminal records. Not preventing criminality….preventing their arrests for criminality.

“….new discipline guidelines strongly recommending that the nation's schools use law enforcement measures and out-of-school suspensions as a last resort. Announced jointly by Duncan and then-Attorney General Eric Holder, the new procedures came as more than friendly guidance from Uncle Sam – they also came with threats of federal investigations and defunding for districts that refused to fully comply.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

[Today is the one year anniversary of the 17 Obama's policy slaughtered.]

As a result of the Obama/Democrat demand, Nikolas Cruz had no criminal record, passed a background check, and was able to purchase a gun and slaughter 17 innocents.
A tragic result of Liberal policy.

3. Perhaps not as dramatic, nor as bloody, the Liberal/Democrat push to empower mentally unstable individuals who fantasize being a different sex than the one their DNA identifies, produces no benefits to any, and, in fact, a long and painful existence.

A recent thread, “Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics,”
…was from the perspective of those normal individuals whose rights are infracted by the Democrat/Liberal advancement of the transgender movement.
After all, for Liberals, only their authorized groups have rights.

The Democrat Policy can be reduced to this:

Objections to the Transgender movement can be summarized as forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right, it is oppression.

4. Today, in this thread, from the perspective of one of the victims of the transgender fantasy.
A transgender who suffered from being 'authorized.'

Next post.
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Did I say 'sad'???? I mean 'tragic.'

1.The most succinct way to describe the basis for what passes for introspection by the Left is this:
For Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
Nor is the actual result of passing their policies ever a consideration. The current mish-mash, the Green New Deal, is a perfect example.

2.The most excruciating example is the Obama/Democrat plan to ease the journey of minority students into college: prevent them from having criminal records. Not preventing criminality….preventing their arrests for criminality.

“….new discipline guidelines strongly recommending that the nation's schools use law enforcement measures and out-of-school suspensions as a last resort. Announced jointly by Duncan and then-Attorney General Eric Holder, the new procedures came as more than friendly guidance from Uncle Sam – they also came with threats of federal investigations and defunding for districts that refused to fully comply.” https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

As a result of the Obama/Democrat demand, Nikolas Cruz had no criminal record, passed a background check, and was able to purchase a gun and slaughter 17 innocents.
A tragic result of Liberal policy.

3. Perhaps not as dramatic, nor as bloody, the Liberal/Democrat push to empower mentally unstable individuals who fantasize being a different sex than the one their DNA identifies, produces no benefits to any, and, in fact, a long and painful existence.

A recent thread, “Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics,”
…was from the perspective of those normal individuals whose rights are infracted by the Democrat/Liberal advancement of the transgender movement.
After all, for Liberals, only their authorized groups have rights.

The Democrat Policy can be reduced to this:

Objections to the Transgender movement can be summarized as forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right, it is oppression.

4. Today, in this thread, from the perspective of one of the victims of the transgender fantasy.
A transgender who suffered from being 'authorized.'

Next post.
Liberalism is a mental disease.
One Fundamental Fact that the Left is incapable of accepting is this: Most people end up being RIGHT WHERE THEY BELONG in terms of wealth, income, possessions and quality of life.

That is to say, the Very Rich are often (if not usually) very rich because they have superior intelligence, work long and hard, make good judgments, and avoid doing stupid, counterproductive things. Conversely, the Very Poor are often very poor due to a combination of factors including lack of intelligence, laziness, horrible life-choices, and lack of productive life habits.

The Left clings to the relatively rare exceptions - those who are wealthy due to inheritance and luck, and those who are kept down by disabilities and factors totally outside their control.

But for the most part, the Very Rich are not rich because of "white privilege" or blind luck, and the Very Poor are usually not poor because they are the victims of discrimination or injustice, but because of the factors mentioned above that inevitably lead to poverty.

And nothing Government does will make any difference, as proven by the abject failure of the 50-year-old "War on Poverty."
One Fundamental Fact that the Left is incapable of accepting is this: Most people end up being RIGHT WHERE THEY BELONG in terms of wealth, income, possessions and quality of life.

That is to say, the Very Rich are often (if not usually) very rich because they have superior intelligence, work long and hard, make good judgments, and avoid doing stupid, counterproductive things. Conversely, the Very Poor are often very poor due to a combination of factors including lack of intelligence, laziness, horrible life-choices, and lack of productive life habits.

The Left clings to the relatively rare exceptions - those who are wealthy due to inheritance and luck, and those who are kept down by disabilities and factors totally outside their control.

But for the most part, the Very Rich are not rich because of "white privilege" or blind luck, and the Very Poor are usually not poor because they are the victims of discrimination or injustice, but because of the factors mentioned above that inevitably lead to poverty.

And nothing Government does will make any difference, as proven by the abject failure of the 50-year-old "War on Poverty."

And this may belong as an addendum to your post.....

There Is No Institutional Racism In America

It has long been know that simple, traditional, rules would keep anyone....anyone....from ending up in poverty. They are no secret:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.

Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty
.... in this thread, from the perspective of one of the victims of the transgender fantasy.
A transgender who suffered from being 'authorized.'

5. Kudos to USAToday for publishing this article, and bravo to the poor man who will be pilloried by the insane Left for writing it.

“Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can't get back

hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn't solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria.” Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can't get back

6. Instead of the usual ‘feeling passes for knowing’ that identifies so many Democrat plans, including the latest, the Ocasio plan to give taxpayer money to those who don’t feel like working,……here’s a realistic plan for those confused about their sex:

“Children who struggle to match their gender identity with their biological sex should not be pushed into transgender therapies, but given treatments that help treat the underlying cause of the dysphoria, said doctors in the field.

From a medical standpoint, deciding not to offer hormonal therapy to children who experience gender dysphoria is “not a judgment” on the child, but a matter of the best medical healthcare,…”
'No science' behind transgender therapy for kids, doctors warn

Walt Heyer received the opposite advice from Progressives. To his detriment.

Some of the Democrat’s policies result in outright slaughter, as did the Obama “Promise Program”…..some, as in this case doom individuals to a lifetime of misery.
All because truth is not a Left-wing value.

Details, next.
7. Walt, Heyer, a perfect example of Liberal policy:

“…as a 4-year-old boy when my grandmother repeatedly, over several years, cross-dressed me in a full-length purple dress she made especially for me and told me how pretty I was as a girl. This planted the seed of gender confusion and led to my transitioning at age 42 to transgender female.

Cross-dressing gave me an escape. I lay awake at night, secretly begging God to change me into a girl. In my childlike thinking, if I could only be a girl, then I would be accepted and affirmed by the adults in my life. I would be safe.

By the time I was 40, I couldn’t take the pressure …

I sought out the top gender specialist at the time, Dr. Paul Walker, who had co-authored the 1979 standards of care for transgender health. He diagnosed me with gender identity disorder (now gender dysphoria) and recommended cross-sex hormones and sex change genital surgery. … sex change was the only solution. I started taking female hormones and scheduled the surgery for April 1983 in Trinidad, Colorado. I was 42.

My marriage ended shortly before surgery. In addition to genital reconfiguration, I had breast implants and other feminizing procedures and changed my birth certificate to Laura Jensen, female. My childhood dream was realized, and my life as a woman began.” Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can't get back

Sooooo…..wadda ya’ think…..the fantasy, pushed further by quacks, Liberals…..happiness in his future?????

Or, what has happened to entire societies that succumb to the Left’s ‘advice’? Brought to mind are the Russians under the Czar, vs Russians under the Communists.

Did you choose 'oppression, destruction, unhappiness?

Good choice.
8. The transgender plan that Walt Heyer was subject to:

“At first, I was giddy with excitement. It seemed like a fresh start. I could sever ties with my former life as Walt and my painful past. But reality soon hit.

Hidden underneath the makeup and female clothing was the little boy hurt by childhood trauma. I was once again experiencing gender dysphoria, but this time I felt like a male inside a body refashioned to look like a woman. I was living my dream, but still I was deeply suicidal.

Why hadn’t the recommended hormones and surgery worked? Why was I still distressed about my gender identity? Why wasn’t I happy being Laura? Why did I have strong desires to be Walt again?

I was 50 when I had the breast implants removed, but the next few years were spent in confusion and counseling. In 1996, at the age of 55, I was finally free from the desire to live as a woman and changed my legal documents back to Walt, my biologically correct male sex. I still have scars on my chest, reminders of the gender detour that cost me 13 years of my life. I am on a hormone regimen to try to regulate a system that is permanently altered.

Had I not been misled by media stories of sex change “success” and by medical practitioners who said transitioning was the answer to my problems, I wouldn’t have suffered as I have.”
Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can't get back

"Had I not been misled by media stories of sex change “success” and by medical practitioners..."


Mislead by Democrats/Liberals/Leftists.
As frank and ernest would say your posts are like pieces of rubbish- They are never kept but they are recycled.
9. Statistics are useful in determining whether the Fascists….er, Liberals,….are correct in advancing fake ‘solutions.’

“ Transgender individuals have a suicide rate of ~45% vs. the ~1.2% rate in the general population.” A Christian Doctor In Our Brave New Trans World

“Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.”
Sex Reassignment Doesn’t Work. Here Is the Evidence.

“We do know that the lifetime suicide attempt rate for transgender people is extraordinarily high.[1] [2] We also know that post transition, mental health comorbidities remain high....


[3] Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden risk of suicide.[3]

“The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8–4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8–62.9). Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9–8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0–3.9). Comparisons with controls matched on reassigned sex yielded similar results. Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls.


Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.” Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

As stated earlier, the correct procedure would not be demanding normal people pander to the illness, or cut off parts of bodies....but this:

“Children who struggle to match their gender identity with their biological sex should not be pushed into transgender therapies, but given treatments that help treat the underlying cause of the dysphoria, said doctors in the field.

From a medical standpoint, deciding not to offer hormonal therapy to children who experience gender dysphoria is “not a judgment” on the child, but a matter of the best medical healthcare,…”
'No science' behind transgender therapy for kids, doctors warn

The result of the imposition for insane strategies in the case of transgenders is as harmful to society as the Obama policy of making it possible for Nikolas Cruz to obtain guns.
10. How often have we seen Liberals claim to be the side that embraces science. The claim is explained here:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

The suffering that Walt Heyer went through was due to Liberals masquerading as psychologists and physicians.

“Currently there is a vigorous albeit suppressed debate among physicians, therapists, and academics regarding what is fast becoming the new treatment standard for GD in children. Modeled after a paradigm developed in the Netherlands, it involves pubertal suppression with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by the use of cross-sex hormones—a combination that will result in the sterility of minors. A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is rooted in an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the longstanding ethical principle of “First do no harm.”
11. History provides the prism through which Democrat/Liberal policies should be examined.
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

“Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right

…transgender ideology holds that people can be born into the wrong body: It's simply not true. We can demonstrate this by looking at twin studies. No one is born in the wrong body.

…prior to transgender ideology, these children were treated with watchful waiting, because for many kids it may be a passing phase. Sometimes the girls may just be tomboys. So with either watchful waiting or family and individual therapy the vast majority, 75-95% of kids, would accept their biological sex by young adulthood.

The definition of a delusion is a fixed false belief. So if I persistently and consistently insist that I am Margaret Thatcher, or persistently consistently insist that I am a cat, or that I am an amputee trapped in a normal body -- I am delusional.

In fact, there are people who believe they're amputees trapped in a normal body and they are appropriately diagnosed as having Body Identity Integrity Disorder, a mouthful, but you get my drift. So if you want to cut off an arm or a leg you're mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts and genitals then you are transgender and you don't have a mental illness. That's completely unscientific.”
Dr. Michelle Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right

Rule #1

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
Those of us who accept reality know that people CONSTANTLY have to face the reality that they ARE NOT, or CANNOT BECOME what they WANT TO BE.

They want to be professional athletes, rap stars, actors, musicians, whatever...then reality steps in and if you really, really, really wanted to be whatever it was, it ain't gonna happen. So you move on.

But if you want to be someone of the opposite gender - which will NEVER happen under any circumstances - this is supposed to be different. THE WHOLE SOCIETY has to patronize that hope and delusion...and if "we" don't, then "we" are being cruel and inhumane.

Those of us who accept reality know that people CONSTANTLY have to face the reality that they ARE NOT, or CANNOT BECOME what they WANT TO BE.

They want to be professional athletes, rap stars, actors, musicians, whatever...then reality steps in and if you really, really, really wanted to be whatever it was, it ain't gonna happen. So you move on.

But if you want to be someone of the opposite gender - which will NEVER happen under any circumstances - this is supposed to be different. THE WHOLE SOCIETY has to patronize that hope and delusion...and if "we" don't, then "we" are being cruel and inhumane.


What bullshit. You really can be anything you want to be but you have to really work hard for it. Some of the greatest athletes ever aren't the most talented. They're the hardest working. I have many friends who are professional athletes. I used to work in the music industry and I know that the people who succeed, do so because they worked their asses off to do it.

One of the guys I went to school with wanted to be an actor. He was from a village near the town I lived in. Everyone in school thought he was crazy. He became a huge Canadian star, founding a leading Toronto stage company, and did exactly what he set out to do. But he worked at it.

I also know lots of people who SAY they want to be a rapper or an athlete. Talk is cheap. But they don't want to work at it. They don't want to dedicate their lives to achieving that goal. Talking about it doesn't make it happen. When I was younger, a friend of mine wanted to be a rock photographer. He went to shows, took pictures, got them developed, took them to the bands. He lived on his friends sofas, and spent all of his money on film and developing. I used to tag along because I liked going to concerts. People saw my pictures and tried to encourage my talent. I just liked going to the shows. Chatting with the artists.

My long-ago friend became one of the most successful rock photographers in the world, publishing over 100 books of his photos. You could say "reality set in for me". I liked taking pictures, and I clearly have some talent. But I didn't want it enough to do the tough stuff, like dedicating my life to it. Spending all of my money honing my craft, and all of things I knew would have to do to succeed. It's not the reality that it's not going to happen, it's the reality that it's really not what I want to be doing.
Those of us who accept reality know that people CONSTANTLY have to face the reality that they ARE NOT, or CANNOT BECOME what they WANT TO BE.

They want to be professional athletes, rap stars, actors, musicians, whatever...then reality steps in and if you really, really, really wanted to be whatever it was, it ain't gonna happen. So you move on.

But if you want to be someone of the opposite gender - which will NEVER happen under any circumstances - this is supposed to be different. THE WHOLE SOCIETY has to patronize that hope and delusion...and if "we" don't, then "we" are being cruel and inhumane.


What bullshit. You really can be anything you want to be but you have to really work hard for it. Some of the greatest athletes ever aren't the most talented. They're the hardest working. I have many friends who are professional athletes. I used to work in the music industry and I know that the people who succeed, do so because they worked their asses off to do it.

One of the guys I went to school with wanted to be an actor. He was from a village near the town I lived in. Everyone in school thought he was crazy. He became a huge Canadian star, founding a leading Toronto stage company, and did exactly what he set out to do. But he worked at it.

I also know lots of people who SAY they want to be a rapper or an athlete. Talk is cheap. But they don't want to work at it. They don't want to dedicate their lives to achieving that goal. Talking about it doesn't make it happen. When I was younger, a friend of mine wanted to be a rock photographer. He went to shows, took pictures, got them developed, took them to the bands. He lived on his friends sofas, and spent all of his money on film and developing. I used to tag along because I liked going to concerts. People saw my pictures and tried to encourage my talent. I just liked going to the shows. Chatting with the artists.

My long-ago friend became one of the most successful rock photographers in the world, publishing over 100 books of his photos. You could say "reality set in for me". I liked taking pictures, and I clearly have some talent. But I didn't want it enough to do the tough stuff, like dedicating my life to it. Spending all of my money honing my craft, and all of things I knew would have to do to succeed. It's not the reality that it's not going to happen, it's the reality that it's really not what I want to be doing.

"You really can be anything you want to be ..."

How about you try 'smart.'

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