The Same FBI That Continues To Hide / Refuses To Investigate Hunter's Laptop Is The Same FBI That Searched For Joe's Classified

The FBI was stabbing Trump in the back the entire time he was in office.
It’s ironic because the FBI is probably the reason Trump became president.

We already know, called transparency.
It's what happens when someone isn't a criminal. You know, like Pence.


If you and the rest of MAGAT-LAND are interested in dick pics may I suggest

I love how you claim to 'know' while being one of the same ones who called Hillary's Russian Collusion scandal legit and Obama's and his tressonous administration's failed coup attempt a 'Conspiracy Theory' only to be proven wrong on both.


You don't know shit. You know what you have been told and parrot it.

Snowflakes on this board KNEW Biden had turned over aLL of his stolen classified because that is what they told you...right before the FBI got off of its ass, finally conducted their own search, and found MORE!

In what way am I being insulting to you?

Unless you are an FBI agent your post is very confusing
Not you, at least in this case. I just figure a short note from me saying I disagree is less insulting than the red thumbs down imoji and blowing off a reply. Probably just something in my head. I just don't want to be an asshole myself if somebody isn't being an asshole in a thread. Have a beer! 🍻
when I read a thread like this the cultism and self derangement are crystal clear.

Self-awareness is a good thing, and, as GI Joe says, your knowing is half the battle.

Way to go. :clap:
Not you, at least in this case. I just figure a short note from me saying I disagree is less insulting than the red thumbs down imoji and blowing off a reply. Probably just something in my head. I just don't want to be an asshole myself if somebody isn't being an asshole in a thread. Have a beer! 🍻
I dont mind people disagreeing with me

And you were respectful about it which I appreciate
It’s ironic because the FBI is probably the reason Trump became president.

The FBI did everything they could to keep Hillary out of prison.
I love how you claim to 'know' while being one of the same ones who called Hillary's Russian Collusion scandal legit and Obama's and his tressonous administration's failed coup attempt a 'Conspiracy Theory' only to be proven wrong on both.


You don't know shit. You know what you have been told and parrot it.

Snowflakes on this board KNEW Biden had turned over aLL of his stolen classified because that is what they told you...right before the FBI got off of its ass, finally conducted their own search, and found MORE!

I know what I've been told...

You, on the other hand, CLAIM to know what has only been told you by your cult leaders.
Liars like Trump.

I think I'm pretty safe here in reality land.
The FBI did everything they could to keep Hillary out of prison.
Nonsense. There was no good case against Clinton. Trump’s own prosecutors clearly agreed since they could have pressed charges and didn’t.

Not that Trump’s DoJ was opposed to filing bogus charges against Democrats. They did that numerous times.
This is why FBI corruption is so incredibly bad for the country. They are supposed to be our MOST trusted law enforcement agency. They have violated that trust. Now what? :dunno:
Why do you talk about my country the same way Vlad Putin does?
Don't you like it here?
Maybe you'd be happier with your America slandering Commie comrades in Russia?
You mean dumbed down like Trump's daily security briefings during his time in office?

'B...b...b...but Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!'


"Trump's own prosecutors?" Who the fuck are you talking about?
Didn’t you know that the president appoints all the US attorneys that prosecute federal offenses?

You can’t be that clueless, can you?
I'm sure you do. The Democrats ensure their talking points are dumbed down and easy for snowflakes to understand before sending them out.

Quoting out of context is the same as lying, liar.
Quoting out of context is the same as lying, liar.
You're the one who said it....and your lack of a sense of humor - dishing it out but too weak to take it - is duly noted.

I forgot how fragile snowflakes are. I will be more gentle in the future.

The American people will NEVER know if the FBI found more of Biden's stolen TS/SCI / Classified documents.

Just sayin'...
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The American people know exactly what they found. Nothing. You are nothing but a filthy liar.

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