The Same FBI That Continues To Hide / Refuses To Investigate Hunter's Laptop Is The Same FBI That Searched For Joe's Classified

The FBI was corrupt under Hoover, and it is still corrupt. Congress needs to start doing its job and spend a lot less time soliciting bribes from multi-national crime syndicates and shut down the FBI and creating a new agency. Won't happen, but that is what they should be doing.
Just look at the Mueller report. It describes a meeting between Trump's campaign people and a Russian in which swing states were discussed and campaign information such as internal polling data were turned over. Social media companies admit that the Russians were able to buy pro-Trump social media ads.

The Steele Dossier did get several things right. It detailed a Russian attempt to interfere in our elections which was not widely known at the time. It also identified a Russian who worked for the Russian embassy as a spy. Moscow was forced to recall him. In addition, the Steele dossier was never used and it's origins were with right wing media.
1. The Mueller Report; no indictments.
2. The Steele Dossier: was the real Russia Collusion. Hillary and the DNC paid Russians for dirt on Trump. Totally ignored by Mueller's fake partisan investigation.
Another unproven allegation by right wing fascists.

You want proven allegations?



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This is a problem with Trumptards. You are the ones who do not accept the results of investigations or in this case, the Mueller investigation. Michael Steele was a very good investigator. The British are our allies while Trumptards conspire with commies like Putin. The Russian misinformation came after the Russians hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails.
hahaa the mueller report said there’s was no russian conspiracy…

it wasn’t misinformation..those were DNC/Podesta emails…we openly saw the corruption in your klan
Trump had hundreds of documents that he knew were classified and still took them. Trump has admitted to this. Has he committed a crime?
he’s never admitted to knowingly taking them

we have no clue how many documents xiden hasn’t taken and hidden all up and down the east coast in his decade long scam to steal documents
The FBI was stabbing Trump in the back the entire time he was in office.

And before he was elected they ran illegal spying ops against him for the Democratic Party. That alone is enough to bring the whole organization and the judges who approved the fake warrants up for investigation and indictments. And include Obama in the indictments.
The American people will NEVER know if the FBI found more of Biden's stolen TS/SCI / Classified documents.

Just sayin'...
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However NOT the same { not even close } in which a True American
Patriot and Hollywood star { James Stewart } starred in the
1959 Movie - The FBI Story -.
Don't worry, they will investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.
However there is bright spot.That scumbags like former
FBI Head { James Comey } Tall dipshit who thought it cute
to just lie about serious stuff that can be checked.
And Checked and double-triple-quadruply it was.
So he doesn't even bother to show himself anymore.
He's been that exposed.Not so with John Brennan.
Who the AP managed to stick an article earlier this week by the
former CIA head.What one expects nowadays.Just a rendition
of pure gaslighting.Accusing Republicans and MAGA's of what
Democrats are surely guilty of.I mean,even those who don't follow
politics are sick an tired of this game.A newer form of Propaganda.
The Same Big Democrat Lug who in early December of 2020
Insisted ... " There was no spying on Donald Trump's campaign."
Yeah right Pops ... Tell it to your pet Tarantula.

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