The Same FBI That Continues To Hide / Refuses To Investigate Hunter's Laptop Is The Same FBI That Searched For Joe's Classified

This is why FBI corruption is so incredibly bad for the country. They are supposed to be our MOST trusted law enforcement agency. They have violated that trust. Now what? :dunno:

The only corruption is among filthy Trump trash such as yourself. Ordinary people have a great deal of confidence in the FBI. Criminals like you are the ones who don't.
Trump was conned into allowing another FBI agent who was groomed / rose up the ranks from within the FBI, tied to both Mueller and Comey, to be named Director.

All 3 should be in Gitmo, and there should be an independent / non-partisan from outside the FBI named to oversee the FBI from here on out.

Every bit of the Trump trash should be dumped in Guantanamo. That is where terrorists like you belong.
Trump was conned into allowing another FBI agent who was groomed / rose up the ranks from within the FBI, tied to both Mueller and Comey, to be named Director.

All 3 should be in Gitmo, and there should be an independent / non-partisan from outside the FBI named to oversee the FBI from here on out.
Trumps claims to fame was his ability to pick the right people. His whole apprentice TV show was based on that talent.

And every time Trump has demonstrated he conned his voters into thinking he could pick people, any better than a randomly thrown dart. Or a flipped coin.
Treason is not 'fuckin' up on partisan crap'.

Intentionally violating both Constitution and Law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, colluding against parents to label them as 'terrorists' to end their opposition to targeting kids / grooming / etc..., attempting to censor and silence Americans while spreading disinformation and propaganda, hiding evidence / protecting high-profile political criminals and traitors and enforcing a 2-tiered Justice system are just not things I am willing to tolerate, as you seem to be.

No one said all of them are this way, but you have the good ones coming out in droves to testify against the ones already identified as those who committed the treason and crimes listed above.

Anyone defending them, attempting to justify NOT holding them accountable, attempting to advocate tolerance ad a willingness to keep them in the same positions of power they have used / abused for decades to commit these things is just fucking stupid and unacceptable IMHO.

With all due respect, they are trItors, enemies ilif the Constitution, country, law, and citizenss, and should be in GITMO, which is more tban such traitors deserve IMO.

The 'good ones' you speak of, who are current whistleblowers, deserve better leaders / bosses. The American people deserve better than these criminals who have targeted them, punished them spied on them, censored them, silenced them, and who intentionally attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally remove a sitting President from Office based on a LIE, which they admitted to have known.

Tolerance / do nothing to them / let them keep their jobs and power, hell!

Find a short rope and a tall tree...

(Said in 'jest' - I am not advocating violence as Democrats have done towards the GOP & USSC Justices)

The FBI has done no such thing. The treasonous traitors are Trump supporters like you who believe that Trump is above the law. You Nazis apparently think it is okay for right wing thugs to threaten school boards. These so-called whistleblowers have no proof of anything, yet we are supposed to believe them without question. The criminals call themselves Trump supporters. We should be locking people like you up.
I agree. There needs to be accountability. Some on here do say, the whole FBI should be scrapped, but are too dumb to know it would have to be restarted, as the good benefit of that org outweigh the bad. You apparently realize.

There is accountability. The FBI is protecting Americans from criminals.
Trumps claims to fame was his ability to pick the right people. His whole apprentice TV show was based on that talent.

And every time Trump has demonstrated he conned his voters into thinking he could pick people, any better than a randomly thrown dart. Or a flipped coin.
Yet despite all the Democrat crimes and treason he was still able to get a lot of good things done...nearly all of which Biden has since managed to terminate / shut down / reverse.
I love how you claim to 'know' while being one of the same ones who called Hillary's Russian Collusion scandal legit and Obama's and his tressonous administration's failed coup attempt a 'Conspiracy Theory' only to be proven wrong on both.


You don't know shit. You know what you have been told and parrot it.

Snowflakes on this board KNEW Biden had turned over aLL of his stolen classified because that is what they told you...right before the FBI got off of its ass, finally conducted their own search, and found MORE!


There was no Hillary Clinton Russian Collusion scandal. That was the Trump Russian Collusion. Trump's campaign turned over private campaign information to a Russian spy. Russia then bought pro-Trump social media ads. That has been proven.
That becomes a problem when the president ran a criminal organization, as proved by the 17 convictions of the Trump organization.
Only because the crooked FBI and DOJ didn't prosecute the obvious Biden Crime Family crimes.
There was no Hillary Clinton Russian Collusion scandal. That was the Trump Russian Collusion. Trump's campaign turned over private campaign information to a Russian spy. Russia then bought pro-Trump social media ads. That has been proven.
Link to it if it was "proven".

Hillary and the DNC paid Russians for dirt on Trump. It was called the Steele Dossier:
There is accountability. The FBI is protecting Americans from criminals.
Not really. Like any law enforcement, they are only after the fact investigators 95% of the time, as we have no laws or method to prosecute future crime. Their function is still quite necessary though and I feel better about them, then the new kids on the block, the Department of Homeland Defense, even if I do carry a card in my pocket, showing I have been investigated and approved by them.
The Mueller investigation proved it.

The Mueller investigation was an undeniable flop that yielded nothing but snowflake ranting, desperate attempted leftist anti-Trump translations, and more screaming at the sky.


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