The Same FBI That Continues To Hide / Refuses To Investigate Hunter's Laptop Is The Same FBI That Searched For Joe's Classified

I hear ya. Chuck'm all out and start over with something new. I just don't see it that way. They aren't all corrupt or corrupted and still often do good work, though they do Fk up on some partisan crap from time to time, but always have.
How do we know they do good work? Who says so other than them?
The FBI was stabbing Trump in the back the entire time he was in office.

Trump could have picked a non Zionist Fascist for FBI Director.

He may have sealed America's coffin by picking Wray...
What team are

W Biden and Wray


Clearly, they are on the SAME TEAM.

What team is that???

Khazar world Order in the Headlights - Veterans Today | Military ...

The team Biden is on currently depends on whose paying him / the Bidens at the moment (Russians, Chinese, Russian Oligarchs, Soros)...and who his handlers are.

Mueller, Comey, and Wray are all partisan wropanized, corrupt, treasonous fucks groomed and pushed up the socialist/fascist FBI factory, ha ibg betrayed their oaths,thror cou try,the Constitution,laws, and Anericans for DECADES decades.
How do we know they do good work? Who says so other than them?
It's just my opinion. My 2 cents.
Trump could have picked a non Zionist Fascist for FBI Director.

He may have sealed America's coffin by picking Wray...
Trump picked who he was advised to pick, advised by DC swamp creatures. Trump was a DC outsider who was extremely intelligent on business and dealing / negotiating with others...

...and your 'zioinist' schtick is getting REALLY old.
They aren't all corrupt or corrupted and still often do good work, though they do Fk up on some partisan crap from time to time, but always have.

Treason is not 'fuckin' up on partisan crap'.

Intentionally violating both Constitution and Law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, colluding against parents to label them as 'terrorists' to end their opposition to targeting kids / grooming / etc..., attempting to censor and silence Americans while spreading disinformation and propaganda, hiding evidence / protecting high-profile political criminals and traitors and enforcing a 2-tiered Justice system are just not things I am willing to tolerate, as you seem to be.

No one said all of them are this way, but you have the good ones coming out in droves to testify against the ones already identified as those who committed the treason and crimes listed above.

Anyone defending them, attempting to justify NOT holding them accountable, attempting to advocate tolerance ad a willingness to keep them in the same positions of power they have used / abused for decades to commit these things is just fucking stupid and unacceptable IMHO.

With all due respect, they are trItors, enemies ilif the Constitution, country, law, and citizenss, and should be in GITMO, which is more tban such traitors deserve IMO.

The 'good ones' you speak of, who are current whistleblowers, deserve better leaders / bosses. The American people deserve better than these criminals who have targeted them, punished them spied on them, censored them, silenced them, and who intentionally attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally remove a sitting President from Office based on a LIE, which they admitted to have known.

Tolerance / do nothing to them / let them keep their jobs and power, hell!

Find a short rope and a tall tree...

(Said in 'jest' - I am not advocating violence as Democrats have done towards the GOP & USSC Justices)
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Trump picked who he was advised to pick, advised by DC swamp creatures. Trump was a DC outsider who was extremely intelligent on business and dealing / negotiating with others...

...and your 'zioinist' schtick is getting REALLY old.

Accuracy and truth.

They bother you...

The evidence is overwhelming...

Captain of which country are you....
Accuracy and truth.

They bother you...

The evidence is overwhelming...

Captain of which country are you....

You continue to make these false accusations wrapped in murky bulshit-covered diatribe...which leads me to believe you have abandoned true discussion for gaslighting and being a troll.

I have no patience, use, time, or tolerance for either.

Have a nice day.
Treason is not 'fuckin' up on partisan crap'.

Intentionally violating both Constitution and Law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, colluding against parents to label them as 'terrorists' to end their opposition to targeting kids / grooming / etc..., attempting to censor and silence Americans while spreading disinformation and propaganda, hiding evidence / protecting high-profile political criminals and traitors and enforcing a 2-tiered Justice system are just not things I am willing to tolerate, as you seem to be.

No one said all of them are this way, but you have the good ones coming out in droves to testify against the ones already identified as those who committed the treason and crimes listed above.

Anyone defending them, attempting to justify NOT holding them accountable, attempting to advocate tolerance ad a willingness to keep them in the same positions of power they have used / abused for decades to commit these things is just fucking stupid and unacceptable IMHO.

With all due respect, they are trItors, enemies ilif the Constitution, country, law, and citizenss, and should be in GITMO, which is more tban such traitors deserve IMO.

The 'good ones' you speak of, who are current whistleblowers, deserve better leaders / bosses. The American people deserve better than these criminals who have targeted them, punished them spied on them, censored them, silenced them, and who intentionally attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally remove a sitting President from Office based on a LIE, which they admitted to have known.

Tolerance / do nothing to them / let them keep their jobs and power, hell!

Find a short rope and a tall tree...

(Said in 'jest' - I am not advocating violence as Democrats have done towards the GOP & USSC Justices)
Ah, look even at the partisans on here, many speaking or in favor of beyond the law and constitutional ideas and ideals we live by, but some of these people do make it to responsible positions as they are part of the cross-section of all Americans that apply and put in the time, so bad apples will slip in, but not the norm. I just wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater, because some cloud the water at times, and seemingly giggle about it, like a baby cutting fart in the kitchen sink. Some do need their ass spanked.
I just wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater

Nice cliche, but WTF are you talking about?


I am not talking about ending the FBI or punishing the good agents-turned whistleblowers who have come forward to testify against their criminal, treasonous bosses.

I am talking about holding the specific, proven individual criminals and traitors accountable.
Nice cliche, but WTF are you talking about?


I am not talking about ending the FBI or punishing the good agents-turned whistleblowers who have come forward to testify against their criminal, treasonous bosses.

I am talking about holding the specific, proven individual criminals and traitors accountable.
I agree. There needs to be accountability. Some on here do say, the whole FBI should be scrapped, but are too dumb to know it would have to be restarted, as the good benefit of that org outweigh the bad. You apparently realize.
I agree. There needs to be accountability. Some on here do say, the whole FBI should be scrapped, but are too dumb to know it would have to be restarted, as the good benefit of that org outweigh the bad. You apparently realize.

Ok, copy all now, and I totally agree with you. We're on the same page. Was just checking. Thank you.
The FBI is the worst apple in the washington barrel
I'm not going to give you a down arrow on this, as I consider it purposely insulting and I've known you on here long enough, I really don't mean to be unless somebody is just being an asshole, and you generally aren't (but don't know if those things count for anything, anymore, anyway), though I do disagree, Mac.

Another note on the imoji thing. I guess it has something with reaction score, but even though I'm a mod, I don't understand it and probably won't unless somebody shows me the actual algorithm, and I don't see that happening.
The American people will NEVER know if the FBI found more of Biden's stolen TS/SCI / Classified documents.

Just sayin'...
View attachment 757295

We already know, called transparency.
It's what happens when someone isn't a criminal. You know, like Pence.


If you and the rest of MAGAT-LAND are interested in dick pics may I suggest
I'm not going to give you a down arrow on this, as I consider it purposely insulting and I've known you on here long enough, I really don't mean to be unless somebody is just being an asshole, and you generally aren't (but don't know if those things count for anything, anymore, anyway), though I do disagree, Mac.

Another note on the imoji thing. I guess it has something with reaction score, but even though I'm a mod, I don't understand it and probably won't unless somebody shows me the actual algorithm, and I don't see that happening.
In what way am I being insulting to you?

Unless you are an FBI agent your post is very confusing
This is why FBI corruption is so incredibly bad for the country. They are supposed to be our MOST trusted law enforcement agency. They have violated that trust. Now what? :dunno:
Criminals don't trust the FBI
Something to consider

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