The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

No, moron.....police were told to not arrest the kid because of obama's "Promise program." Police in democrat cities backed down because of obama and Black Lives Matter......

Actually, he was a white kid. He wasn't in any danger of being arrested for stupid kid stuff that the Promise Program took care of.

Stupid bringing a knife to school...yeah, you really are a dumb ass.
There you go again.....what is your fixation with the penis? I think a good psychiatrist could really help you....well.....with what we have seen of your condition here on U.S....I actually don't think anyone can help you....but hey, why not give it the old college try....?

Naw, I'm perfectly happy with my endowments...

I don't need to own a military grade weapon to feel more "Manly" like you obviously do..... posting 200 times a day like you do out of fear that normal people might finally get fed up with your fetish.

You keep saying "Military Grade." The AR-15 has never been used by any military, has never been used in a war....

Pump action in use in war.

Bolt action rifles....deer hunting in use in war.

Even Revolvers are military grade weapons you doofus.
No, moron.....police were told to not arrest the kid because of obama's "Promise program." Police in democrat cities backed down because of obama and Black Lives Matter......

Actually, he was a white kid. He wasn't in any danger of being arrested for stupid kid stuff that the Promise Program took care of.

The PP applies to all kids, not just minorities. The idea was to keep suspensions, expelling, and arrests levels down in schools that have minorities in them.
Parkland...... 33 visits by the police, several opportunities to arrest the kid because of felony crimes......never arrested because of barak obama's "Promise Policy" that refused to give violent teens criminal records.

Pulse Night Club shooter...... co-worker calls FBI cause they think he might be a jihadi.....they initiate 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, do a 1 year, full background investigation, and send in an under cover agent to approach him.....the guy went through a complete background check for his security job, went through background checks for each gun he purchased.

Texas Church Shooter....had a criminal record and bad conduct discharge from the Air Force, the Air Force Clerk did not submit his records to the federal data base.....

Yes, when you have gun ownership as a "Right", law enforcement is very reluctant to do stuff. Amazing how that works.

So... you make it a privilege, not everyone gets it... you put in red flag laws that say, "We can take your guns if ANYONE complains about you"... Done. Finished.

Yes, the Thought Police.
Again, they only clear 18% of murders in this city. The fact they had to put down the donuts because it was a darned celebrity doesn't impress me all that much.

Here's the reality. Fox knew she'd have to spend millions of dollars prosecuting Smollet for a crime that wouldn't even have merited jail time. And there was the risk that you'd get some black juror who'd say, "Van Dyke shot Laquan 16 times, and he only got three years, and they are putting this brother on trial for a prank?"

Funny thing. The CPD already had the high ground in exposing the fraud. Insisting on a prosecution just made them look... petty.

Your lies are what's not impressive. You mean to tell me if your average person played a hoax like that, nothing would have happened to him because of litigation costs? Then ask why you have so much crime in parts of that city?

The only way this clown will get away with not going to prison is money and what little fame he has. Anybody else would be facing serious local charges and even federal charges resulting in prison time.

As for that fat cow, it's not her job to judge cases, it's her job to bring charges. It's up to a judge and/or jury to decide who is guilty and who is not. obsession with the male penis and your automatic go to whenever we start talking about guns is really need to get help with that.

You have to understand how the liberal mind works; have to understand how they think which is very difficult to do.

When they bring up this penis thing, your reaction is supposed to be "Please don't tell people I have a small penis. I don't want people to think that about me. I'll get rid of my guns, I swear, but don't tell people that's why I have them!"

Of course it never works out that way for them, but you know how slow liberals are.

In the 70's they used to call it Reverse Psychology. I don't know what it's referred to today. But liberals are so dense they don't understand how transparent they really are. They always think they're the smartest ones in any room.
You have to understand how the liberal mind works; have to understand how they think which is very difficult to do.

When they bring up this penis thing, your reaction is supposed to be "Please don't tell people I have a small penis. I don't want people to think that about me. I'll get rid of my guns, I swear, but don't tell people that's why I have them!"

Of course it never works out that way for them, but you know how slow liberals are.

In the 70's they used to call it Reverse Psychology. I don't know what it's referred to today. But liberals are so dense they don't understand how transparent they really are. They always think they're the smartest ones in any room.

No, guy, your pecker is really tiny... but I promise not to tell anyone you are compensating.
The PP applies to all kids, not just minorities. The idea was to keep suspensions, expelling, and arrests levels down in schools that have minorities in them.

But white kids were never getting arrested for this bullshit to start with, that was the problem.

Sure they were, but thanks to the blacks who constantly complain when they end up in trouble, DumBama stopped the arrests from happening.
Sure they were, but thanks to the blacks who constantly complain when they end up in trouble, DumBama stopped the arrests from happening.

Um, check your privilege, buddy. They really weren't. White kids were taken to their parents and got a good talking to.

Black kids got sent to jail.

The Obama administration, on the other hand, issued its first guidance about student disciplinary practices in 2014, followed by additional guidance in 2015 and 2016 — all in response to an overwhelming body of research showing dramatically disproportionate administration of student disciplinary policies in K-12 schools nationwide. The guidance was designed to help schools and school systems ensure disciplinary actions were fair and equitable across the entire student body, regardless of race, ethnicity, personal identity or ability.

PROMISE reduces student offenses.

Since PROMISE was implemented, the number and severity of disciplinary offenses as well as violence against teachers and students has not increased. In fact, 90 percent of students in the PROMISE program have avoided recommitting offenses.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

In recent years, as a national conversation about racial discrepancies in American policing has heated up, a depressing subplot has also emerged: a pattern of similar discrepancies in how discipline is meted out in schools. Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

There was a strong correlation between the percentage of black students in a school and the rates of punitive discipline, and an inverse relationship between the percentage of black students and the rate of behavioral treatment. “Schools with more black students relative to other schools in the district had higher rates of suspension or expulsion and police referral or arrest” than other in-district schools, the study notes, and also had substantially lower rates of enrollment in mental-health and special education programs. Students in more socioeconomically disadvantaged districts are also far more likely to face criminalized punishment than kids in more affluent areas, in part, Ramey thinks, because criminalized punishment is cheaper than mental-health treatment, and these districts are often strapped for cash. Here, race and class are — as is so often the case — inextricably linked.

White kids get meds... black kids get jail.
Sure they were, but thanks to the blacks who constantly complain when they end up in trouble, DumBama stopped the arrests from happening.

Um, check your privilege, buddy. They really weren't. White kids were taken to their parents and got a good talking to.

Black kids got sent to jail.

The Obama administration, on the other hand, issued its first guidance about student disciplinary practices in 2014, followed by additional guidance in 2015 and 2016 — all in response to an overwhelming body of research showing dramatically disproportionate administration of student disciplinary policies in K-12 schools nationwide. The guidance was designed to help schools and school systems ensure disciplinary actions were fair and equitable across the entire student body, regardless of race, ethnicity, personal identity or ability.

PROMISE reduces student offenses.

Since PROMISE was implemented, the number and severity of disciplinary offenses as well as violence against teachers and students has not increased. In fact, 90 percent of students in the PROMISE program have avoided recommitting offenses.

No....the Promise Program allowed violent teenagers to continue to attack other students and faculty and to commit other crimes with no consequences.....lowering the teen crime rate by simply not arresting violent and dangerous teens....
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

In recent years, as a national conversation about racial discrepancies in American policing has heated up, a depressing subplot has also emerged: a pattern of similar discrepancies in how discipline is meted out in schools. Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

There was a strong correlation between the percentage of black students in a school and the rates of punitive discipline, and an inverse relationship between the percentage of black students and the rate of behavioral treatment. “Schools with more black students relative to other schools in the district had higher rates of suspension or expulsion and police referral or arrest” than other in-district schools, the study notes, and also had substantially lower rates of enrollment in mental-health and special education programs. Students in more socioeconomically disadvantaged districts are also far more likely to face criminalized punishment than kids in more affluent areas, in part, Ramey thinks, because criminalized punishment is cheaper than mental-health treatment, and these districts are often strapped for cash. Here, race and class are — as is so often the case — inextricably linked.

White kids get meds... black kids get jail.

What a bunch of bull. If black kids are causing most of the problem, of course there are going to be more black arrests, suspensions, and expelled students.

In your own little world do you want to believe that blacks and whites cause an equal amount of problems.
Sure they were, but thanks to the blacks who constantly complain when they end up in trouble, DumBama stopped the arrests from happening.

Um, check your privilege, buddy. They really weren't. White kids were taken to their parents and got a good talking to.

Black kids got sent to jail.

The Obama administration, on the other hand, issued its first guidance about student disciplinary practices in 2014, followed by additional guidance in 2015 and 2016 — all in response to an overwhelming body of research showing dramatically disproportionate administration of student disciplinary policies in K-12 schools nationwide. The guidance was designed to help schools and school systems ensure disciplinary actions were fair and equitable across the entire student body, regardless of race, ethnicity, personal identity or ability.

PROMISE reduces student offenses.

Since PROMISE was implemented, the number and severity of disciplinary offenses as well as violence against teachers and students has not increased. In fact, 90 percent of students in the PROMISE program have avoided recommitting offenses.

If you're not going to report the offenses, of course that's what it's going to show.
The NRA is the largest marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

The NRA magazines are read by large number of gun buyers. Why wouldn't they be a "concern"?

The way the NRA does it is by intimidating or coercing a civilian population and influencing the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion through lobbing efforts.

The politicians don't fear the NRA, the politicians fear the voters.

Politicians fear the ignorance of voters. The NRA thrives on ignorance. For instance; Gun registration is a form of confiscation.

I don't recall anybody saying that. What has been said is registration will lead to confiscation. After all, the only way they'd be able to get nearly every gun is if they know where they are.

Thank you for making my point.
Parkland...... 33 visits by the police, several opportunities to arrest the kid because of felony crimes......never arrested because of barak obama's "Promise Policy" that refused to give violent teens criminal records.

Pulse Night Club shooter...... co-worker calls FBI cause they think he might be a jihadi.....they initiate 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, do a 1 year, full background investigation, and send in an under cover agent to approach him.....the guy went through a complete background check for his security job, went through background checks for each gun he purchased.

Texas Church Shooter....had a criminal record and bad conduct discharge from the Air Force, the Air Force Clerk did not submit his records to the federal data base.....

Yes, when you have gun ownership as a "Right", law enforcement is very reluctant to do stuff. Amazing how that works.

So... you make it a privilege, not everyone gets it... you put in red flag laws that say, "We can take your guns if ANYONE complains about you"... Done. Finished.
ANYONE? Like the racists who call the cops on you because you LOOKED at them in an unfriendly manner, or spoke to them too sternly or raised your voice in protest of someone attempting to trample all over your rights? Those types of ANYONE?
No....the Promise Program allowed violent teenagers to continue to attack other students and faculty and to commit other crimes with no consequences.....lowering the teen crime rate by simply not arresting violent and dangerous teens....

Nope. It just kept school administrators from using petty offenses to throw out the black kids.

White kids like Cruz were always going to get a pass... because they always do.

Black kids get jail, white kids get med.

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