The San Francisco BOS Declares The NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Group"

Sure.......take it seriously, but not disarm them when they broke no law.

Can you imagine how the Democrats would abuse such a law if we allowed one like that to pass? In their opinion, everybody would have mental instability in an attempt to disarm the public. Look at what DumBama tried to do before he left office. He created a law that if a person on Social Security was unable to make out their own bills, they were disallowed from buying a firearm.

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. If you can't handle your own financial affairs, I certainly don't want you having a gun.

If smollet had not faked that shit a few more murders might have been solved.

They have a high murder rate because they disarm citizens proving gun control is senseless and does not work

No, we have a high murder rate because our cops are kind of awful. The people don't trust or respect them.

They got rid of our gun control laws back in 2010, and the murder rate spiked after that.
You have a high murder rate BECAUSE if gun control laws

No one got rid of them and they are the most rigid and draconian in the nation

The murder rate did not spike as you suggest

The Chicago PD has problems as any department does but most citizens of that city disagree with you

We have long proven you hate the police and lie about them consistently as we proved you lied about the Micheal brown shooting
You mean just like the criminals that did the same to say he didn't do it? You know, sealing records that the public nor prosecutor could see?

Okay, trying to decipher what you are babbling about.

The prosecutor was the one who sealed the record, not the cops. She shouldn't have, because it made her look like she was trying to hide something.

The thing was, the cops were all hot to get this guy, but the prosecutor realized, "Meh, do we really want to prosecute a dumb prank and have a celebrity trial? We can't convict celebrities when they kill people, you think they are going to convict over a prank?"
It was not a prank dumbass
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. If you can't handle your own financial affairs, I certainly don't want you having a gun.

Why not? What would one have to do with the other?

If anything, more helpless people need more ability to protect themselves. The commie way, all those people would be defenseless against an intruder or attacker in their own home.

No, we have a high murder rate because our cops are kind of awful. The people don't trust or respect them.

They got rid of our gun control laws back in 2010, and the murder rate spiked after that.



It had nothing to do with it. But if you look at the chart, you will see when it did spike. This is called (to your chagrin) THE FERGUSON EFFECT. In the past you said it was nothing but a myth, but you'll see similar charts in just about every big Democrat city, so no, you are not alone.
You mean just like the criminals that did the same to say he didn't do it? You know, sealing records that the public nor prosecutor could see?

Okay, trying to decipher what you are babbling about.

The prosecutor was the one who sealed the record, not the cops. She shouldn't have, because it made her look like she was trying to hide something.

The thing was, the cops were all hot to get this guy, but the prosecutor realized, "Meh, do we really want to prosecute a dumb prank and have a celebrity trial? We can't convict celebrities when they kill people, you think they are going to convict over a prank?"

A city so overrun with criminal activity needs every man-hour available to solve real crimes. Yes, she was trying to hide something; trying to hide the fact that her ties with the Hillary campaign is one of the reasons that made her decide to turn her head and pretend nothing happened.

Of course the police were pissed. Because of the media coverage, they put every available agent on this case, and after discovered it was a hoax, witnessed the special treatment this half-assed actor got based on his skin color and attempt to paint Trump supporters in a bad light.

The cops don't have time for these political games. They have real work to do.
No...but you still fail to understand the issue. The culture of British criminals is different, for now, than the culture of American criminals, the same way the Yakuza are different from British criminals......

Criminals aren't the problem here, buddy.

The problem is the crazy kid who shoots up a theater or a school or a bar or a shopping center.

Or the loser who shoots his brother in law in a fight over who got the last sausage link. on earth do you say criminals aren't the problem.....?

Mass public shootings in 2018.... 12. Total dead, 93. In a country of over 320 million people.

Mass public shootings in 2017.... 11. Total dead, 117.

Gun murder, criminals murdering mostly other criminals....... total dead, 10,982.

Are you really this stupid...

Dogs kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, and far more than the school shooter does....

Bees and wasps kill more people than all mass public shooters and more, by far, than any school shooter does....

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.
Okay, this really is getting dumb.

MORE dumb.

EXTRA dumb.

"Even dumber extra super dumb" is certainly on the way, though.
They are aligned with Putin. They get their money from Putin. They thwart measures that would prevent American deaths.

I think they’re a terrorist-enabling organization, at the least.
Okay, this really is getting dumb.

MORE dumb.

EXTRA dumb.

"Even dumber extra super dumb" is certainly on the way, though.
They are aligned with Putin. They get their money from Putin. They thwart measures that would prevent American deaths.

I think they’re a terrorist-enabling organization, at the least.

They are not aligned with Putin.

They have gotten very little money from the russians, in fact most of their money comes from membership dues and donations. Those are facts

You are simply not thinking. They are a civil rights organization which has never enabled a terrorist
They are aligned with Putin. They get their money from Putin. They thwart measures that would prevent American deaths.
I think they’re a terrorist-enabling organization, at the least.
You're talking about the NRA?

Background checks exist and the NRA does not oppose them that is FACT

Every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that the background checks missed these guys...

Red flag laws are not common sense they are in fact a violation of multiple constitutional rights and unacceptable that is a fact again.

If your friends, family or neighbors are scared enough of you that they are dropping a dime to the cops, then common sense says the cops should be able to do something about that.

You seem to forget that the American revolution started in Massachusetts which was a northern state where there were few slaves many of the men who fought were African Americans. You are full of shit. They were not dumb either. They were smarter than you as most veterans throughout our history were and are smarter than you.

They were mostly illiterate, dumb fucks who were happy to catch bullets for rich people...

Our "revolution" is nothing to be proud of... we established an apartheid slave nation.

This society is not racist and that is another fact.

buddy, now you are just in plain old denial. Of course this is a racist society.

You can see it in nearly any statistic of how blacks fare vs. white folks.

Every time we have a mass shooting, we find out that the background checks missed these guys...

Yes...because the priests of your god..."Government," fail over and over ....

Parkland...... 33 visits by the police, several opportunities to arrest the kid because of felony crimes......never arrested because of barak obama's "Promise Policy" that refused to give violent teens criminal records.

Pulse Night Club shooter...... co-worker calls FBI cause they think he might be a jihadi.....they initiate 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, do a 1 year, full background investigation, and send in an under cover agent to approach him.....the guy went through a complete background check for his security job, went through background checks for each gun he purchased.

Texas Church Shooter....had a criminal record and bad conduct discharge from the Air Force, the Air Force Clerk did not submit his records to the federal data base.....

You are an idiot......
You have a high murder rate BECAUSE if gun control laws

No one got rid of them and they are the most rigid and draconian in the nation

The murder rate did not spike as you suggest

You have no idea what you are talking about. Up until 2010, it was illegal to own a gun in Chicago and Illinois was the last state to ban conceal carry.

Then the NRA got our sensible laws struck down, and the murder rate in Chicago went from 400 a year in 2014 to 701 a year in 2016, It's been going down since then but not by much.

The Chicago PD has problems as any department does but most citizens of that city disagree with you

I live in Chicago. The CPD is despised by a lot of people. It's corrupt. it's racist. it's grossly incompetent. The last three mayor have promised to fix it..

A city so overrun with criminal activity needs every man-hour available to solve real crimes. Yes, she was trying to hide something; trying to hide the fact that her ties with the Hillary campaign is one of the reasons that made her decide to turn her head and pretend nothing happened.

Of course the police were pissed. Because of the media coverage, they put every available agent on this case, and after discovered it was a hoax, witnessed the special treatment this half-assed actor got based on his skin color and attempt to paint Trump supporters in a bad light.

The cops don't have time for these political games. They have real work to do.

Again, they only clear 18% of murders in this city. The fact they had to put down the donuts because it was a darned celebrity doesn't impress me all that much.

Here's the reality. Fox knew she'd have to spend millions of dollars prosecuting Smollet for a crime that wouldn't even have merited jail time. And there was the risk that you'd get some black juror who'd say, "Van Dyke shot Laquan 16 times, and he only got three years, and they are putting this brother on trial for a prank?"

Funny thing. The CPD already had the high ground in exposing the fraud. Insisting on a prosecution just made them look... petty.
Parkland...... 33 visits by the police, several opportunities to arrest the kid because of felony crimes......never arrested because of barak obama's "Promise Policy" that refused to give violent teens criminal records.

Pulse Night Club shooter...... co-worker calls FBI cause they think he might be a jihadi.....they initiate 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, do a 1 year, full background investigation, and send in an under cover agent to approach him.....the guy went through a complete background check for his security job, went through background checks for each gun he purchased.

Texas Church Shooter....had a criminal record and bad conduct discharge from the Air Force, the Air Force Clerk did not submit his records to the federal data base.....

Yes, when you have gun ownership as a "Right", law enforcement is very reluctant to do stuff. Amazing how that works.

So... you make it a privilege, not everyone gets it... you put in red flag laws that say, "We can take your guns if ANYONE complains about you"... Done. Finished.
Bees and wasps kill more people than all mass public shooters and more, by far, than any school shooter does....

You'll be claiming unicorns kill more people than guns, if we let you...

Seriously, man, what is your obsession with guns? Are you compensating?
Parkland...... 33 visits by the police, several opportunities to arrest the kid because of felony crimes......never arrested because of barak obama's "Promise Policy" that refused to give violent teens criminal records.

Pulse Night Club shooter...... co-worker calls FBI cause they think he might be a jihadi.....they initiate 3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, do a 1 year, full background investigation, and send in an under cover agent to approach him.....the guy went through a complete background check for his security job, went through background checks for each gun he purchased.

Texas Church Shooter....had a criminal record and bad conduct discharge from the Air Force, the Air Force Clerk did not submit his records to the federal data base.....

Yes, when you have gun ownership as a "Right", law enforcement is very reluctant to do stuff. Amazing how that works.

So... you make it a privilege, not everyone gets it... you put in red flag laws that say, "We can take your guns if ANYONE complains about you"... Done. Finished.

No, moron.....police were told to not arrest the kid because of obama's "Promise program." Police in democrat cities backed down because of obama and Black Lives Matter.......
Bees and wasps kill more people than all mass public shooters and more, by far, than any school shooter does....

You'll be claiming unicorns kill more people than guns, if we let you...

Seriously, man, what is your obsession with guns? Are you compensating? obsession with the male penis and your automatic go to whenever we start talking about guns is really need to get help with that. obsession with the male penis and your automatic go to whenever we start talking about guns is really need to get help with that.

Naw, having to share my streets with tiny-dicked gun nuts is something we ALL need help with.. obsession with the male penis and your automatic go to whenever we start talking about guns is really need to get help with that.

Naw, having to share my streets with tiny-dicked gun nuts is something we ALL need help with..

There you go again.....what is your fixation with the penis? I think a good psychiatrist could really help you....well.....with what we have seen of your condition here on U.S....I actually don't think anyone can help you....but hey, why not give it the old college try....?
No, moron.....police were told to not arrest the kid because of obama's "Promise program." Police in democrat cities backed down because of obama and Black Lives Matter......

Actually, he was a white kid. He wasn't in any danger of being arrested for stupid kid stuff that the Promise Program took care of.
There you go again.....what is your fixation with the penis? I think a good psychiatrist could really help you....well.....with what we have seen of your condition here on U.S....I actually don't think anyone can help you....but hey, why not give it the old college try....?

Naw, I'm perfectly happy with my endowments...

I don't need to own a military grade weapon to feel more "Manly" like you obviously do..... posting 200 times a day like you do out of fear that normal people might finally get fed up with your fetish.

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