The School Lunches Malia And Sasha Eat Vs. The Crap Michelle Obama Has Foisted On America

This is part of what Newt said.

"You go out and talk to people, as I do, you go out and talk to people who are really successful in one generation. They all started their first job between nine and 14 years of age. They all were either selling newspapers, going door to door, they were doing something, they were washing cars."

Sorry, Newt. Being nine years old is about having fun. Poor or rich.

I was making money when I was nine too, and it was fun. Kids love to make money and it's sure better than being indoors and playing video games all day. Those were happy memories.
We're not talking lemonade stands here.

Then what are we talking about? Oh, you Leftwats are stupid enough to believe that Newt was promoting child labor? You actually believe he meant we should take our kids out of school and put them back into factories for 12 hours with beatings and getting limbs mangled in the machinery? Are you really this stupid?

no child should have to "work for their supper" you fucking asshole.

Who the hell are you talking to, dumbass?
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........
This is part of what Newt said.

"You go out and talk to people, as I do, you go out and talk to people who are really successful in one generation. They all started their first job between nine and 14 years of age. They all were either selling newspapers, going door to door, they were doing something, they were washing cars."

Sorry, Newt. Being nine years old is about having fun. Poor or rich.

I was making money when I was nine too, and it was fun. Kids love to make money and it's sure better than being indoors and playing video games all day. Those were happy memories.
We're not talking lemonade stands here.

Then what are we talking about? Oh, you Leftwats are stupid enough to believe that Newt was promoting child labor? You actually believe he meant we should take our kids out of school and put them back into factories for 12 hours with beatings and getting limbs mangled in the machinery? Are you really this stupid?

no child should have to "work for their supper" you fucking asshole.
Mine do their chores first.
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Careful, now, you compassionate conservatives. If some of those fetuses weren't aborted, a lot of them would end up being live babies and some of their mom's might apply for WIC. Think y'all can handle that?
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Careful, now, you compassionate conservatives. If some of those fetuses weren't aborted, a lot of them would end up being live babies and some of their mom's might apply for WIC. Think y'all can handle that?
There's a special hell set aside for baby killers.
What is wrong with you people? Jake, there is a vast difference between what the Obama's get and the slop shown in the pictures.

Do you think school lunches looked more like the Sidwell school lunches before Obama became President?

If the pictures are correct then yes, only by degree.

Do you think what they are serving our children now is appealing? If the pictures are true.

"If the pictures are true" is not relevant. Those few pictures may be "true," but not representative of all school lunches. Lunches, which, by the way, are not prepared by the First Lady. What she did was help establish nutritional guidelines. I'm betting the Sidwell lunches are hitting those nutritional guidelines, but only by using really fresh, really quality, really expensive ingredients.

Public schools are trying to hit those guidelines on a budget, with people of greater and lesser talent in food preparation. Some of them don't know how to cook healthier food.

That said, even with more lax nutritional guidelines, the school lunches I ate as a kid didn't look that different from a lot of the photos shown.

Keep in mind that conservatives don't want poor kids to even get a lunch, PERIOD, unless the parents, somehow, pay for it.
The horror!!!! Parents being held responsible for their own children...

No the horror would be a so-called civilized society that would choose to let children suffer simply because of the circumstances of their parents,

aka, the kind of society conservatives want.
This is part of what Newt said.

"You go out and talk to people, as I do, you go out and talk to people who are really successful in one generation. They all started their first job between nine and 14 years of age. They all were either selling newspapers, going door to door, they were doing something, they were washing cars."

Sorry, Newt. Being nine years old is about having fun. Poor or rich.

I was making money when I was nine too, and it was fun. Kids love to make money and it's sure better than being indoors and playing video games all day. Those were happy memories.
We're not talking lemonade stands here.

Then what are we talking about? Oh, you Leftwats are stupid enough to believe that Newt was promoting child labor? You actually believe he meant we should take our kids out of school and put them back into factories for 12 hours with beatings and getting limbs mangled in the machinery? Are you really this stupid?

I'm not surprised you don't know what the term 'child labor' means.
Now all of a sudden they are wailing over Class warfare. they are biggest ones in this country to use for Politics. Look at him saying the "cooks" didn't know what they were being asked to cook

gawd barf worthy

Any examples of food that you were being "forced" to serve by Michelle Obama?

And what you used to make before that mean old Michelle Obama made you stop?

The RWnuts have sunk their teeth into the myth that Michelle Obama dictated all this with some previously unknown first lady legal authority...

...good luck prying those jaws open.
yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Not sure? You dumb fuck, Obama wanted to include the fetuses in the school lunch programs. Cost savings you know. Obama has been known to kill and eat the family dog as well.

How's come you don't know this shit? You ignorant or what? This has all been posted and discussed right here.
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Careful, now, you compassionate conservatives. If some of those fetuses weren't aborted, a lot of them would end up being live babies and some of their mom's might apply for WIC. Think y'all can handle that?
There's a special hell set aside for baby killers.

It's hard to imagine a human being could even think like it. there's some sick people in this country.
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Careful, now, you compassionate conservatives. If some of those fetuses weren't aborted, a lot of them would end up being live babies and some of their mom's might apply for WIC. Think y'all can handle that?
There's a special hell set aside for baby killers.[/QUOTE]

This discussion isn't about abortion. Keep your fat ass on topic.

However, try researching your lies before posting them.

Obama and 8216 Infanticide 8217

Did Obama deny rights to infants who survive abortion - The Washington Post
It's hard to imagine a human being could even think like it. there's some sick people in this country.


Don't be so hard on yourself.
Stumbled about this thread and couldn't resist to express my disbelief what Americans consider to be edible.
I saw the pictures of the public school "menues".....well guys, I lived about 4 years in India, pretty remote area, and as project manager I donated 1000 plates and cutlery to a local village school (of course with our engraved logo.), stainless Gujarati thali plates. I participated two times unannounced in their lunch to check if the kids actually got to use what I paid for, and I must say the dumbest public Indian village school has a three star restaurant compared to the shit I saw on this pictures.
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

Stephanie, I'm awaiting your expertise......what kinds of stuff were you forced to feed children under the new lunch guidelines? And what were the kids eating before?
Michelle Obama doesn't set the menus for school lunches. The nutrition program sets calorie counts and nutritional guidelines. It's up to the individual school boards to set the menus. Sadly, their interpretation of the guidelines varies, as do their budgets.

Schools have been feeding crap food. Sadly, junk food with high salt, fat and calories is cheaper to produce and schools with budget constraints are willing to put $$$ savings ahead of the kids' health. There is this attitude that as long as the kids eat anything, that's good. Meanwhile cutbacks ensure few are getting phys ed, or health education.

No wonder there's an epicdemic of obesity.
Stumbled about this thread and couldn't resist to express my disbelief what Americans consider to be edible.
I saw the pictures of the public school "menues".....well guys, I lived about 4 years in India, pretty remote area, and as project manager I donated 1000 plates and cutlery to a local village school (of course with our engraved logo.), stainless Gujarati thali plates. I participated two times unannounced in their lunch to check if the kids actually got to use what I paid for, and I must say the dumbest public Indian village school has a three star restaurant compared to the shit I saw on this pictures.

Oh good, another full of shit dumb fuck joins the thread.

Not only is your story a giant lie, you are also stupid.

Yall know ANYTHING bout cooking? The new regs do not outlaw good food you idiots, they mandate better ingredients.

Anyone who knows how to cook should be able make BETTER food with better ingredients than they previously cooked.

Now herein lies the rub, before these regs , school cafeteria workers weren't cooking, they were warming shit up. So , when the new regs took affect suddenly many schools were caught with kitchen workers who didn't know how to cook and thus they were trying to learn on the job and the results were some pretty awful food.

Don't let Stephanie fool you, she didn't quit because she objected to the new program, she either quit because she knew she couldn't cook, or she was fired for not being able to.

Let's take two versions of the same dish. One is premade , all you do is warm it up , the other is homemade.

First the pre made

Bertolli Chicken Alfredo Penne

Now the homemade version

Oh, it looks like this proves oh so many things that idiots believe wrong.

Serving size for both, 1 cup.

First let's talk calories

One idiot in particular on this board went on a rail about how schools couldn't serve cheesy sauce recipes to kids, well obviously this homemade recipe came right from the government's own website, meaning it meets ALL requirements, and in fact the homemade recipe has more calories per serving (345) than does the premade (255)

The difference is of course that in the case of the pre made , most of those calories are fat calories. 27 grams of fat for the premade 8.16 grams of fat for the homemade.

What about protein though, some of those kids need their protein.

Home made 29.71 grams of protein. Pre made. 24 grams. Oops, kids actually get more protein from the homemade.

What about sodium? Homemade 571.55 mgrams of sodium. That's quite a bit of sodium for one dish. Premade? 940 mgrams of sodium. Jesus 39% of the recommended daily intake for a person who eats 2000 calories a day.

I could, of course, go on right down the list and in EVERY case the homemade is more nutritious.

Does anyone here argue that it costs more to make something from scratch than it does to buy premade? Do I need to break it down?

Of course cooking it yourself is cheaper so onto taste

Which would YOU rather eat?

Go ahead, go look at the two items I compared and tell me which one you'd rather have on your dinner table.
Obama's only care about schoolkids lunches but not the millions of babies every year sucked out of the liberal womb.

yep, she could've taken on that for a cause. but her and Obama are big fans of abortion and she probably wouldn't have made any money off it

yes, and wasn't it Obama who (voted) to leave fetuses to die on the floor and the nurses couldn't do anything? Not sure........

Careful, now, you compassionate conservatives. If some of those fetuses weren't aborted, a lot of them would end up being live babies and some of their mom's might apply for WIC. Think y'all can handle that?
There's a special hell set aside for baby killers.

This discussion isn't about abortion. Keep your fat ass on topic.

However, try researching your lies before posting them.

Obama and 8216 Infanticide 8217

Did Obama deny rights to infants who survive abortion - The Washington Post
It's hard to imagine a human being could even think like it. there's some sick people in this country.


Don't be so hard on yourself.[/QUOTE]

Abortion was mentioned so I responded. As far as baby killers, how many Iraqi babies were killed in the last 20 years mostly for oil company profit?
More republicans crying over dead babies. In many red states, republican governors have denied medicaid expansion. How many babies will suffer and die from this, as well as children and adults? Keep posting how compassionate you repubs think you are though. Makes my day.

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