The Schumer Shutdown Day by Day

"Graham is in McConnell’s office now. Dems are briefing Schumer. Expect the leaders to talk after those meetings about whether there’s a pathway forward"
Schumer's shitholeshutdown is hurting Americans but he is helping the Racist Aztlan Nationalist who brag about invading our country
Democrats are bad for America.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

It still hasn't happened. Control of all three branches means that the minority party cannot stop anything.

You left out Islamic Radicals Iranian & Afghanistan’s Muslim Heroin Drug Traffickers who are allied with The Mexican Drug Cartels & importing their death in to America!

Chuck Schumer is just trying to help the Democratic Party's main voters, like the uneducated and illiterate illegal alien welfare moochers, the Mexican Drug Cartel smugglers, the Human Traffickers, the La Raza racist, the Mecha racist, the Aztlan Nationalist racist, MS-13 criminals and the Illegal Voter Fraudsters.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

It still hasn't happened. Control of all three branches means that the minority party cannot stop anything.

Really...So, Republicans don’t hold a majority in both houses of Congress and don’t hold the Whitehouse? Is it 2020 already?
Trump could have a had a deal, but instead he told brown people their countries are shitholes. If he could just keep his stupid mouth shut and stay off of Twitter, he might be able to get some Democrats on board.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

It still hasn't happened. Control of all three branches means that the minority party cannot stop anything.

Really...So, Republicans don’t hold a majority in both houses of Congress and don’t hold the Whitehouse? Is it 2020 already?
Do you know the difference between a majority and control? A control means that the opposition cannot stop anyone. A majority simply means they get to assign chairs.
Trump could have a had a deal, but instead he told brown people their countries are shitholes. If he could just keep his stupid mouth shut and stay off of Twitter, he might be able to get some Democrats on board.
This is an outright lie.
Trump could have a had a deal, but instead he told brown people their countries are shitholes. If he could just keep his stupid mouth shut and stay off of Twitter, he might be able to get some Democrats on board.

Yes, Trump could have had a deal...if Democrats weren't so fricken stupid.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

It still hasn't happened. Control of all three branches means that the minority party cannot stop anything.

Really...So, Republicans don’t hold a majority in both houses of Congress and don’t hold the Whitehouse? Is it 2020 already?
Do you know the difference between a majority and control? A control means that the opposition cannot stop anyone. A majority simply means they get to assign chairs.
All I’m hearing from you is excuses. Republicans control Congress. If they need Democrat votes to pass legislation, then I guess they better start making some concessions.
Trump could have a had a deal, but instead he told brown people their countries are shitholes. If he could just keep his stupid mouth shut and stay off of Twitter, he might be able to get some Democrats on board.
This is an outright lie.
What’s the lie? Republicans and Democrats have confirmed that Trump called those countries shitholes. If he thinks that’s any way to strike deals, then he needs to go back to Deal Making 101.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

Explain how the vote in the senate works or are you really that stupid?
Explain how Republicans fucked up when they control all three branches. Do you think the average American is going to know about parliamentary procedure, or do you think they’re going to blame the party in power?

I’ll go with option #2 for the win


So you admit to taking advantage of the unfortunate?
How leftist of you
Shumer Shutdown Day 3

At Grand Central, was expecting to see "Viva Chuck!" Rally complete with 15 year old Illegals carrying placards, "I'm undocumented and I vote because Obama said that makes me a citizen"

Where's the support?
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

Explain how the vote in the senate works or are you really that stupid?
Explain how Republicans fucked up when they control all three branches. Do you think the average American is going to know about parliamentary procedure, or do you think they’re going to blame the party in power?

I’ll go with option #2 for the win

Democrats voted against a clean bill, you own this shut down.

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