The Schumer Shutdown Day by Day

Schumer Shutdown

Democrats publicly announcing that they are willing to kiss the ass of the filthy ass Illegals while screwing real Americans.

Trump should start mass deportations right now and see how long it takes the asshole Democrats to come to the table.
Are WWII Veterans still able to visit the memorial in DC?

Are Illegals tap dancing in the streets because Shutdown Schumer just moved the Democrat Party all-in on their behalf?

There are a thousands upon thousands of people that just want to go to work and do their job and provide for the families just like most of us on this board what to do. And on Monday unless something changes they will not be able to do that because 536 people in DC have chosen not to do their jobs.

Eventually something has to become more important than party loyalties to both the people in DC and the people on this board. But I am not sure anything short of a zombie apocalypse will change things.
Schumer Shutdown

The Democrats are fucking idiots. Trump won on a platform to stop illegal immigration. That moron Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to have open borders and lost. How dumb was that?

The stupid Democrats are doing Draconian things for a losing cause that American don't give a shit about.
It is a bit encouraging that 5 Democratic Senators broke ranks and voted for the funding bill.

In total, 50 Senators voted for the bill, and Pence could have broken the tie and kept the government open. But, since Schumer invoked a filibuster, the bill was defeated and the government shut down.
Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

Explain how the vote in the senate works or are you really that stupid?
Explain how Republicans fucked up when they control all three branches. Do you think the average American is going to know about parliamentary procedure, or do you think they’re going to blame the party in power?

I’ll go with option #2 for the win

Not since Carter has a shutdown occurred when one party controls all three branches of government.

Explain how the vote in the senate works or are you really that stupid?

Stop your freaking spamming
Using Trumps own words against him is now considered spamming? :lol:
The WWII memorial in DC is open. When military hating Democrat Obama was President, he shut down the memorial and kept our veterans out
Day 2


FM: C. Schumer
TO: Dem Senators

without putting too fine a point on it, initial polling in the 25 seats we're defending this November would appear to show that throwing our military under the bus is not bringing our numbers up. In case you're worried, don't be, I should be OK. We might have some, um, challenges in our states with fewer undocumented Democrats, but that's a chance I decided to take when I risked the future of the Party on the strong backs of our undocumented Democrats.

That said, I think we should make at least a token gesture to the stupids stuck in our military (don't release this, OK?) and offer to fund them until that lazy slug Mueller is finally able to find something that connects Trump to Russian collusion hacking or whatever we're calling it today
Some things never change. Democrats used blacks as slaves for 200 years, and now when blacks make them work too hard for their votes, they toss them aside and replaced them with illegals.

The new slave class are Latinos, it's the same story, just different color.
Trump is the master

listen to the recorded message from the White house


The voicemail says, “Thank you for calling the White House. Unfortunately we cannot answer your call today because Congressional Democrats are holding government funding including for our troops and other national security priorities hostage to an unrelated immigration debate.”

BOOM! White House Voicemail Trolls Dems: 'We Can't Take Your Call Right Now Because Congressional Dems Are Holding Funding Hostage' (AUDIO)

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