The screamer reaches settlement with United Airlines

The guy shouldn't have gotten a single penny.

He was totally in the wrong for not cooperating with the security personal.

And now he is being financially rewarded for his puerile disruptive behavior. .... :cuckoo:

Meh they shouldn't have beaten him up, that's ridiculous. They could have paid someone else more money to give up their seat, somebody would have eventually.
And just as United appears to be wiggling out from under, along comes another tale of passenger abuse:

BA tied up and offloaded 'diabetic passenger' at remote military base over business class row

"A British Airways passenger allegedly abandoned on a tiny Portuguese island after demanding an upgrade to business class was a 65-year-old diabetic with cancer, it has been disclosed."

"Kwame Bantu alleges he was “ambushed” and tied up by cabin staff after he tried to ease his swollen legs by moving to a seat with more room on the Boeing 777."

"When another passenger, Joy Stoney, protested on his behalf, the transatlantic flight diverted to the tiny island of Terceira in the Azores and the pair were kicked off, the Daily Mail reported."

Could it be they dumped him on a Portuguese island because they might stand a better chance in a Portuguese court?

Thank you, BA, for reaffirming the wisdom of my having decided (after surviving a gigantic lavatory overflow fuckup) some ten years ago to avoid British Airways regardless of additional cost another airline (well, other than equally shit-listed United) might charge.
That was quick.
Maybe I'll limber up the ole vocal chords and tear ducts and fuck with United
Save it for when they "randomly" try to throw you off a plane when you've already boarded and you are sitting quietly.
In your case I would do it mid flight.
Of course you would.......................say such a thing when you are anonymous on a message board, safely hiding behind a keyboard. :)
That was quick.
Maybe I'll limber up the ole vocal chords and tear ducts and fuck with United
Save it for when they "randomly" try to throw you off a plane when you've already boarded and you are sitting quietly.
In your case I would do it mid flight.
Of course you would.......................say such a thing when you are anonymous on a message board, safely hiding behind a keyboard. :)
Face it you made a stupid comment and got nailed. Its not like I am proud for making you my bitch first thing in the morning.

Anybody got a blunt?
That was quick.
Maybe I'll limber up the ole vocal chords and tear ducts and fuck with United
Save it for when they "randomly" try to throw you off a plane when you've already boarded and you are sitting quietly.
In your case I would do it mid flight.
Of course you would.......................say such a thing when you are anonymous on a message board, safely hiding behind a keyboard. :)
Face it you made a stupid comment and got nailed. Its not like I am proud for making you my bitch first thing in the morning.

Anybody got a blunt?
IOW, bodecea busted your butt yet again.
That was quick.
Maybe I'll limber up the ole vocal chords and tear ducts and fuck with United
Save it for when they "randomly" try to throw you off a plane when you've already boarded and you are sitting quietly.
In your case I would do it mid flight.
Of course you would.......................say such a thing when you are anonymous on a message board, safely hiding behind a keyboard. :)
Face it you made a stupid comment and got nailed. Its not like I am proud for making you my bitch first thing in the morning.

Anybody got a blunt?
Let's see....the poster who said "In your case I would do it mid flight".....telling someone else they made a stupid comment.

And your hits keep coming! :clap: :clap:
The guy shouldn't have gotten a single penny.

He was totally in the wrong for not cooperating with the security personal.

And now he is being financially rewarded for his disruptive behavior. .... :cuckoo:

He bought and paid for the seat and was sitting in it. He had every right to be there. The security people were wrong. United should not have overbooked.

The problem is that US air travel is a oligopoly. There is no competition so airlines feel they can mistreat their customers. The Trump Administration has not helped as they have made it very clear they support the airlines. Trump revoked regulations to require that airlines disclose more of their hidden fees in their tickets. Airlines are able to pull a bait and switch on their customers and that is okay.

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