The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist even though THEY'VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.

Translation ~ I am a ignorant moron and can't handle the fact LBJ and the democrat party bought my ass.


Nope .. you're the ignorant asswipe who can't deal with your own nasty fucking history.

Pretty simple.


Hardcore right winger.

Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Governors:

Gov. Orval Faubus D-AR
Hardcore right winger.

Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Senators:

Sen. B. Everett Jordan D-NC
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore left wingers didn't even exist in this country until the 60s moron.
David Duke, just today praising Trump as the White Knight.
David Duke: Trump could be our 'white knight'
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
David Duke, just today praising Trump as the White Knight.
David Duke: Trump could be our 'white knight'
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.
O:salute:hmahgawd! 273 posts in 24 hours. Did I stir up something?

Primarily Progressive racist G5000 with about half the posts. G5000 is desperate to deny any and all racism on the part of Progressives even when faced with irrefutable FACTS. Why? Only one reason makes sense:


Hardcore right winger.

Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Governors:

Gov. Orval Faubus D-AR
Hardcore right winger.

Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Senators:

Sen. B. Everett Jordan D-NC
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Hardcore right winger.
Still Democrats, sad.....too bad.
Still right wing Christians first and foremost and forever. So sad...too bad.

They are YOUR political ancestors.

David Duke, just today praising Trump as the White Knight.
David Duke: Trump could be our 'white knight'
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
Secret? Bullshit, nearly the entire country was racist, not just the Democrats.

But then again times change and so do people.
You do realize David Duke is the one who destroyed the klan, right?

David Duke is the reason why women could become leaders in the Klan and Catholics could join and the reason why the klan ultimately stopped lynching people and instead resorted to only screaming mean words.

David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

You know long knife , the us army also has a history of racism . You still think it's the same today ?
David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.

Racist church ? What did rev wright say that was so racist anyway?
David Duke ended lynching? Are you sure about that?
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.
Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and many other Democrats are racists, but they get a pass, because if you're a Democrat you have good intentions which automatically gives you a get out of jail for being a racist free card. It's like there are two Americas.......ours and theirs.....

Democrats are flawless beings whereas Republicans can do nothing right.
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Um--- yeah, for those of us who took U.S. History in college and H.S. we know the political polarities of our two major parties have switched over the centuries.

Posting this as if you just discovered it only reveals your own stupidity and profound ignorance about the history of your country.
the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer welcomed them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

carry on all you want but it was the democrats into slavery

the democrats that drew up gun control laws for blacks

it was the democrats that tried to keep them down

in today's world it is impossible for democrats to see people as people

they pigeon hole every are they white /black/ Hispanic

are they male / female

are they rich /poor
You can provide all the facts in the world and those brain-dead dedicated members of this party will claim they are lies. Or, “this was all in the past.” So, if you don't want to know the truth, just pass on by.


One of the most vivid examples of collusion between the KKK and Democratic Party was when Democrat Senator Wade Hampton ran for the governorship of South Carolina in 1876. The Klan put into action a battle plan to help Democrats win, stating: “Every Democrat must feel honor bound to control the vote of at least one Negro by intimidation…. Democrats must go in as large numbers…and well-armed.” An issue of Harper’s Weekly that same year illustrated this mindset with a depiction of two white Democrats standing next to a black man while pointing a gun at him. At the bottom of the depiction is a caption that reads: “Of Course He Wants To Vote The Democratic Ticket!”

Full story with links @ Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Um--- yeah, for those of us who took U.S. History in college and H.S. we know the political polarities of our two major parties have switched over the centuries.

Posting this as if you just discovered it only reveals your own stupidity and profound ignorance about the history of your country.
Those who took a history class know that you are an idiot who bought the LIE about the parties switching. Switching parties would accomplish absolutely nothing but switch Ds to Rs and vice versa while rendering the parties themselves absolutely irrelevant.

The reality and the real history behind why the Republican Party became the more conservative party is entirely related to the gradual leftward shift of Democratic Party that never stopped after it began. While the Republicans(the liberal left wing party at the time) barely changed at all in any way for a long time, the Democrats were constantly being transformed by immigration and by revolutions abroad that the left leaning youth came to embrace.
He started a specifically non-violent chapter in the klan and ultimately influenced more of the klan to adopt the same philosophy.

Lynchings technically ended before he even got in the klan, but there is no doubt he stopped a few from ever occurring late in the klan's life.

So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.

Racist church ? What did rev wright say that was so racist anyway?
Look up "Black Liberation theology".
So now I guess David Duke just confines his activities to harmlessly ranting about the blacks and the Jews,

and effusively praising his ideological soulmate,

Donald Trump.
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.

Racist church ? What did rev wright say that was so racist anyway?
Look up "Black Liberation theology".

What's "racist" about Black liberation theology?
How is it any different from black nationalists and supremacists praising Obama when he won the Democratic nomination in 2008?

Hint: It isn't.

The only difference is that Obama went to a racist church for 20 years, and that church actually hosts said black nationalists and supremacists regularly.

So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.

Racist church ? What did rev wright say that was so racist anyway?
Look up "Black Liberation theology".

What's "racist" about Black liberation theology?
What isn't racist about it?

Do you think white people would be able to run a white nationalist oriented church network without it being called "racist" by everyone?
So you're saying the people who attacked Obama based on who supported him were full of shit?
No. I am saying a mirror image scenario illustrates how stupid it is to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist just because pro-white activists like him more than the typical anti-white politicians.

Obama was in a racist church for 20 years and you assholes defended that part of his life like it was acceptable and normal while daring to accuse Obama's opponents of being racist for saying something about it.

Racist church ? What did rev wright say that was so racist anyway?
Look up "Black Liberation theology".

What's "racist" about Black liberation theology?
What isn't racist about it?

Do you think white people would be able to run a white nationalist oriented church network without it being called "racist" by everyone?

Black liberation theology isn't "black nationalist".

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