The seeds of millennials' love for Sanders/socialism were planted in the 60s...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why millennials love Bernie Sanders (and hate Donald Trump)
“They think the system’s rigged”: Why millennials love Bernie Sanders (and hate Donald Trump)

And who has encouraged this socialist thinking? Liberal college influences.

Now the above article NEVER mentions the lineage of the liberal college faculty which in a recent poll
showed al
most 100 percent of the 2016 presidential political donations made by top liberal arts professors went to Democratic candidates, with only one professor giving to a Republican candidate.

Forty-seven professors at the top 50 liberal arts colleges in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, have given to presidential campaigns, according to donations recorded in the third quarter by the Federal Election Commission and aggregated by Campus Reform, a conservative watchdog of higher education.
99% of top liberal arts professor campaign donations go to Democrats: report

The reason why these professors teaching the millennials capitalism is bad/socialism is good is simple.

When I was attending a Big Ten university in the 60s it was the height of the SDS.

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a student activist movement in the United States that was one of the main representations of the New Left. The organization developed and expanded rapidly in the mid-1960s before dissolving at its last convention in 1969.
Students for a Democratic Society - Wikipedia, the free ...

In my journalism classes were people I knew were avid SDS/Weathermen that at that time advocated the overthrow of the USA and installation of communist/socialist agenda.

I know they were because I was on the fringe of the SDS movement and these same fringe students are now editors/producers/college professors. They STILL have that agenda in mind!

Consequently with above surveys showing 100% of college professors donating to Bernie the socialist or Hillary the progressive... THERE IS A CORRELATION THAT THESE SAME ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENTS between millennials' love of Sanders/socialism and the advocacy of destruction of capitalism/"white privilege" can be made!

Total ignorance on their part.
Millennials/Bernie/Hillary are the admirers of a system that has over the past 100 years been responsible for the deaths of 149,469,610 people since 1918.
These top five socialist run countries account for 94% of the deaths.
China 1949 to present... 73,237,000
Russia 1922-1991..........61,911,000
North Korea 1948-present..3,163,000
Cambodia 1975-1987 .....2,627,000
Afghanistan 1978-1992 ... 1,750,000
Total: 140,938,000 or nearly 94% of people killed in the last 100 years by socialists/communists...
the people these professors/these SDS members yes obviously Sanders/Hillary support!
Communist Body Count

What kind of society will the USA be if these people take over with their ignorance of history?
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...
May a millennial then present his stinking unpatriotic view here then? Here it is.

1. I still like Trump better than Sanders, dare not tell this in class or get lynched, but believe not that Trump can restore the USA of 1960 at the level of 21st century Chinese technological dominance.

2. Sanders is 100 % right, that inventing loans onto 18 year olds with denial of bankruptcy protection is as serious a when my 8 year old neighbor invents that I owe him a 100 Euros. If this is the country, then we can as well just do away with the constitution, and pencil in every pregnancy as a future loan sale commission. Great nation indeed. (Sarc..)

3. We are not in control. You drove us to vote whatever we vote. All Washington power heads are 50++ years old. That is you not us so don't blame us, blame yourselves. But you can't even do that, because you are so stupid that you can't even comprehend that it is your own free cash of your own 401k/IRA annuity con "investment" that brought the once great country to its knees. Currently, communist China can house its losers better then our proud casino capitalism.
It's more the opposite. There's no future because of "conservative" corruption. So they turn to the one who can balance the force.
They hate the USA and our history because the Universities love Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.
What the universities love is money. As long as they can invent laws to turn us into indentured money bags, history will keep not to matter.
The system is rigged, but it can still be worked with.

And there is already the dreaded Socialism here, just a very poor version of it...

Yeah, there already is the scourge of socialism here. It started with fdr and must be purged. Otherwise, we'll fall on the ash heap. This isnt rocket science. History is replete with such failures.
They hate the USA and our history because the Universities love Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.
What the universities love is money. As long as they can invent laws to turn us into indentured money bags, history will keep not to matter.

Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn is why the millennials love Sanders, why they hate the USA.

Have you heard of these two Marxists, most have not, outside of revisionist education. Either way if you go to the Universities, these are the people who influence the professors and educators the most.

Just ask them and they will tell you, they even brag that Howard Zinn's book is thee most popular book in the World.
They hate the USA and our history because the Universities love Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.
What the universities love is money. As long as they can invent laws to turn us into indentured money bags, history will keep not to matter.

Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn is why the millennials love Sanders, why they hate the USA.

Have you heard of these two Marxists, most have not, outside of revisionist education. Either way if you go to the Universities, these are the people who influence the professors and educators the most.

Just ask them and they will tell you, they even brag that Howard Zinn's book is thee most popular book in the World.
I have not heard of these two communists indeed, but I am not good with names anyways, usually I don't even bother to remember my teachers' names. In any case, apart from religious arguments, it is only Marxism that connects work, poverty, and mental state in a reasonable logic, no matter how much the media and colleges try to hide this.
millennials have listened to the constant complaining from everyone on the Right about EVERYTHING under the sun for the last two decades, I disagree about the planting the seed 60"s timeline.
I have not heard of these two communists indeed, but I am not good with names anyways, usually I don't even bother to remember my teachers' names. In any case, apart from religious arguments, it is only Marxism that connects work, poverty, and mental state in a reasonable logic, no matter how much the media and colleges try to hide this.
Both are university professors who have written books that denounce and trash everything the USA has ever done. Chomsky is an "expert" in linguistics and is excellent and twisting words and political correctness. Howard Zinn was a University professor and a Communist (as in ussr communist versus simply someone who believes in marxism). Howard Zinn's book is the handbook of left that trashes every bit of our history. Guaranteed the book is all over all universities and read by most professors. It is thee most popular book in the world. So they say.
I doubt the Millennials will vote for Sanders, I believe this is just more propaganda.

No Democrat has a chance to win after 8 years of Obama, that is why they got Trump to run as a Republican.
I doubt the Millennials will vote for Sanders, I believe this is just more propaganda.

No Democrat has a chance to win after 8 years of Obama, that is why they got Trump to run as a Republican.
The young will vote, mostly, for the D even if the D is (D) Ficus Tree. They can't vote for whatever scum the GOP runs.
Socialism began in the Sixties?

good one
Where did I state socialism started in the 60s? You are just proving what I've stated though is people like you that have bought into the garbage of Sanders/Hillary/Obama that the state will take care of you have been doing this since at least 1918 when the first socialist state started murdering people.
With the socialists agenda being followed for over now a century and 149 million dead people due strictly to socialism's advocating the State is supreme and
people must abide by whatever the state says, we have a generation of people influenced by those people I mentioned that hated the USA in the 60s and now are in positions of great influence. Positions at newspapers/television/universities. These people that have their pseudo-intellectual discussions of how bad the USA has treated the world and espouse the same crap that was espoused in the 1920s causing 149 million deaths in socialist countries are now influencing the millennials.
That's why these truly poorly educated millennials love Bernie/Hillary. To them there is a "free lunch". They just don't know that history has shown to get that free lunch millions have to die!
I doubt the Millennials will vote for Sanders, I believe this is just more propaganda.

No Democrat has a chance to win after 8 years of Obama, that is why they got Trump to run as a Republican.
The young will vote, mostly, for the D even if the D is (D) Ficus Tree. They can't vote for whatever scum the GOP runs.
The only thing missing from your reasoning is that the millennials have lived under Obama for 8 years, hence they see what damage Socialists do while in charge.

Further they see people like you constantly display Bigotry, by calling others Scum. I remember when the Democrats used to call Black people "*******". Now that the Republicans put an end to that we are the target of your Bigotry. Slowly the Millennials are learning the history of the USA, the longer they are out of the control of Socialist schools and universities.

The best education they get is by seeing how much you hate the simple people who are Conservatives while it is Socialists our rioting and destroying the USA.

It is a slow process, but with Obama, the Millennials have gotten the message.

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