The Senate is Lost!

The Senate should be modified, doesnt represent anything really in a rational manner.

The Roman Senate was officially advisory only...maybe we should go to that....

Franklin didnt want a Senate at all. ......Senators certainly dont represent the states they come from...they just represent special interests......

The first thing to do would be to outlaw all money from outside the state in Senate campaigns.

Wow! You could say that about the House also!

no, not really..... the house is clearly based on population within districts.

The rough correspondence of the house in Rome was the various committea......tho some of them could represent the whole citizen population of Rome. .....OUR house hasn't even kept up with the representative ratio that we had at our founding.

Franklin had no problem with the house I dont believe.

Gerrymandering, from either the Dems or the Reps, must be stopped.

You don't gerrymander state wide races.

I know the far left can't stand that it is true.

House races....for sure.....gotta stop it.

well for statewide races for federal office you have the state itself as a gerrymander......why should RI = California in power??? doesnt make rational sense. The eastern seaboard states were drawn up in part based on religious differences that dont exist anymore...and shouldnt have mattered in the new country regardless. It needs to be reformed.
It is not the eastern seaboard that have excessive power. It is states like Wyoming and Alaska with 500,000 people and the same power as a state with 30 million
Wow! You could say that about the House also!

no, not really..... the house is clearly based on population within districts.

The rough correspondence of the house in Rome was the various committea......tho some of them could represent the whole citizen population of Rome. .....OUR house hasn't even kept up with the representative ratio that we had at our founding.

Franklin had no problem with the house I dont believe.

Gerrymandering, from either the Dems or the Reps, must be stopped.

You don't gerrymander state wide races.

I know the far left can't stand that it is true.

House races....for sure.....gotta stop it.

well for statewide races for federal office you have the state itself as a gerrymander......why should RI = California in power??? doesnt make rational sense. The eastern seaboard states were drawn up in part based on religious differences that dont exist anymore...and shouldnt have mattered in the new country regardless. It needs to be reformed.
It is not the eastern seaboard that have excessive power. It is states like Wyoming and Alaska with 500,000 people and the same power as a state with 30 million

well, you're referring to power based on population,..but I do think those states have resources and an economic base that is more than their population would attest, which is part of what I think the founders were striving for.
no, not really..... the house is clearly based on population within districts.

The rough correspondence of the house in Rome was the various committea......tho some of them could represent the whole citizen population of Rome. .....OUR house hasn't even kept up with the representative ratio that we had at our founding.

Franklin had no problem with the house I dont believe.

Gerrymandering, from either the Dems or the Reps, must be stopped.

You don't gerrymander state wide races.

I know the far left can't stand that it is true.

House races....for sure.....gotta stop it.

well for statewide races for federal office you have the state itself as a gerrymander......why should RI = California in power??? doesnt make rational sense. The eastern seaboard states were drawn up in part based on religious differences that dont exist anymore...and shouldnt have mattered in the new country regardless. It needs to be reformed.
It is not the eastern seaboard that have excessive power. It is states like Wyoming and Alaska with 500,000 people and the same power as a state with 30 million

well, you're referring to power based on population,..but I do think those states have resources and an economic base that is more than their population would attest, which is part of what I think the founders were striving for.

The western mountain states (Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and the Dakotas) were all made in the 1890's by the Republicans to create a permanent majority in the Senate. They were specifically made for partisan reasons, and for quite a while it actually worked. Geographically, historically, and economically there isn't all that much difference between any of them (particularly the two Dakotas).

If there are ANY states that could be called out as a "Gerrymander" it would be those. Places on the eastern seaboard were made prior to the nation's founding (except maybe Vermont). To call out Rhode Island with over a million people and a long, long history, and excuse Wyoming with ~600,000 people and a scant little history is pretty arrogant. Rhode Island also has a MUCH larger economy than Wyoming anyway, so your point is moot.
Gerrymandering, from either the Dems or the Reps, must be stopped.

You don't gerrymander state wide races.

I know the far left can't stand that it is true.

House races....for sure.....gotta stop it.

well for statewide races for federal office you have the state itself as a gerrymander......why should RI = California in power??? doesnt make rational sense. The eastern seaboard states were drawn up in part based on religious differences that dont exist anymore...and shouldnt have mattered in the new country regardless. It needs to be reformed.
It is not the eastern seaboard that have excessive power. It is states like Wyoming and Alaska with 500,000 people and the same power as a state with 30 million

well, you're referring to power based on population,..but I do think those states have resources and an economic base that is more than their population would attest, which is part of what I think the founders were striving for.

The western mountain states (Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and the Dakotas) were all made in the 1890's by the Republicans to create a permanent majority in the Senate. They were specifically made for partisan reasons, and for quite a while it actually worked. Geographically, historically, and economically there isn't all that much difference between any of them (particularly the two Dakotas).

If there are ANY states that could be called out as a "Gerrymander" it would be those. Places on the eastern seaboard were made prior to the nation's founding (except maybe Vermont). To call out Rhode Island with over a million people and a long, long history, and excuse Wyoming with ~600,000 people and a scant little history is pretty arrogant. Rhode Island also has a MUCH larger economy than Wyoming anyway, so your point is moot.

Im not realy "calling out" anybody, or "excusing" anybody

Im not talking gross economy but basic resource base...economic potential perhaps. AND I dont know if your right on RI having a much bigger economy than Wyoming anyway, it is a teeny state.

Those borders in the east, were drawn due to religious differences.....they should not be the basis of representation in the Senate.....the British themselves used one governor for multiple states in that area...I believe RI was governed by the same governor as Pennsylvania.

the senate makes no rational sense on population, land area, resource base, economics of any kind really.....on any consistent basis it makes no needs to be reformed.
We are stuck with what we have. Small population states would never agree to give up political power

We do need to end gerrymandering and come up with a computer model to assign voting districts based on court approved criteria
Add in a Presidential election year without a strong Republican candidate and you will see the Senate go 54-46 Dems

Now THAT'S funny right there, I don't care who you are! I am not disagreeing with you, but by comparison the GOP is head and shoulders above what Liberals have to offer:

The candidates for the DNC are an old, criminal elitist liar staying 1 step ahead of going to jail, an admitted Socialist, and a VP known more for his gaffes than anything who hasn't even entered the race yet!

Oh yes.......:rofl:
We are stuck with what we have. Small population states would never agree to give up political power

We do need to end gerrymandering and come up with a computer model to assign voting districts based on court approved criteria

I believe pressure could be placed on those states with an unfair advantage. Texas came into the union with the right to split into 5 should take that option if the small states do not give up power in the senate. California, and New York should threaten to do the same. I also think just appealing to people's good nature might have more of an effect than u think
Republicans lack a strong candidate who can draw the funds and compete in swing states As much as you hate her...Hillary can do that

If Republicans believe their candidate does not stand a chance against Hillary, they will stay home.......hurting the Senate elections

1) It is more than a year out and there are something like 15 candidates still in the race, so the inability to raise money or not for 1 candidate yet has hardly been proven.

2) There is 1 candidate who does not need to raise money, at least not from Special interest groups etc...he's paying his own way.

3) We all KNOW Hillary can raise cash. She has sold 20% of the US supply of uranium to the Russians for cash, protected a foreign donor from punishment while he ran illegal contraband to the Iranians - violating US sanctions, she tried to sell several of the Aleutian Islands & their mineral rights to the Russians, tried to sell who knows what else to who knows who else, and has collected millions from foreign nations that oppress women, kill gays, have sex with little boys, and support terrorism....

It is still mind-numbing to me that despite all of this...not to mention her own war on women, un-trustworthiness, failures, deaths of Americans on her hands, the evidence that protecting her own arse is more important that truth/national security/etc....that ANYONE still supports this lying, self-serving, treasonous, criminal who is staying half a step ahead of going to jail!

Misleading screed unworthy of comment
He seems to forget who had the contract before the Ruskies..
Republicans have serious problems with long term memory, and they like to make things up too.
The house shouldn't have a majority right now as far more democrats voted in 2014. We can thank gerrymandering for that.

But we can nearly assure that a democrat will be our next president!!! Tea party sucks.

Gawd, it's Florida whining all over again. YOU LOST - get over it!

Seriously, though, the tale of the tape, as they say, came down to TURN OUT. Mid-Term Elections are notoriously low turn-out elections...and it was.

Look, you can wallow in denial all you want, but 2014 was a disaster for the Liberals. Americans were already tired of the non-representative, under-handed, secretive edicts and bull-Shi'ite perpetrated by the Left...but they still had a good shot at keeping control... UNTIL their dear leader, the man not one candidate wanted anywhere near their campaigns because he was a friggin' albatross, the ubre Narcissist who could not let an election NOT be about him, took over by declaring the 2014 election was all about HIM! He declared this is election is 'about ME, MY policies, MY agenda'! This not only sent pi$$ed off but drove fed-up Americans to the polls...but it kept MANY Democrats AWAY from the polls.

You REALLY want to blame 'gerrymandering' for the RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking the Liberals got in 2014? :lmao:Nice Historical RE-Write!

As the old commercial used to say, they got that @$$ kickin' the 'old-fashioned' way - They EARNED IT! The peasants revolted, and many of their own supporters refused to come to their defense.

For a short time the GOP faithful celebrated with much of America....until the GOP under the 'leadership' of Boehner and McConnell took up where the newly-punished Liberals took off, doing the same exact things and delivering anything Obama wanted.

And just like Liberals in 2014, Boehner has now made a weepy, whiny exit, stage left.
The house shouldn't have a majority right now as far more democrats voted in 2014. We can thank gerrymandering for that.

But we can nearly assure that a democrat will be our next president!!! Tea party sucks.

Gawd, it's Florida whining all over again. YOU LOST - get over it!

Seriously, though, the tale of the tape, as they say, came down to TURN OUT. Mid-Term Elections are notoriously low turn-out elections...and it was.

Look, you can wallow in denial all you want, but 2014 was a disaster for the Liberals. Americans were already tired of the non-representative, under-handed, secretive edicts and bull-Shi'ite perpetrated by the Left...but they still had a good shot at keeping control... UNTIL their dear leader, the man not one candidate wanted anywhere near their campaigns because he was a friggin' albatross, the ubre Narcissist who could not let an election NOT be about him, took over by declaring the 2014 election was all about HIM! He declared this is election is 'about ME, MY policies, MY agenda'! This not only sent pi$$ed off but drove fed-up Americans to the polls...but it kept MANY Democrats AWAY from the polls.

You REALLY want to blame 'gerrymandering' for the RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking the Liberals got in 2014? :lmao:Nice Historical RE-Write!

As the old commercial used to say, they got that @$$ kickin' the 'old-fashioned' way - They EARNED IT! The peasants revolted, and many of their own supporters refused to come to their defense.

For a short time the GOP faithful celebrated with much of America....until the GOP under the 'leadership' of Boehner and McConnell took up where the newly-punished Liberals took off, doing the same exact things and delivering anything Obama wanted.

And just like Liberals in 2014, Boehner has now made a weepy, whiny exit, stage left.

So....the less people vote, the better for the GOP? Gotcha.....kinda figured that.
When you can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats based on their actions, how can you say one party having more seats than the other is truly a 'loss'. For Conservatives, after Americans punished Liberals in historic record-setting fashion last November and the GOP immediately came into power and took up right where the Democrats left off - doing the same exact things, the Senate was lost THEN.

It is not the GOP's loss; however - It was America's loss. The majority of Americans made their voices clear by rejecting the Liberal agenda...and they were immediately ignored and given a double dose of it.

It ain't a 'party' thing...It's an 'America' thing!

That was not national elections , those were regional

Now tell us about rejecting liberals: 2008 and 2012 NATIONAL elections
The house shouldn't have a majority right now as far more democrats voted in 2014. We can thank gerrymandering for that.

But we can nearly assure that a democrat will be our next president!!! Tea party sucks.

Gawd, it's Florida whining all over again. YOU LOST - get over it!

Seriously, though, the tale of the tape, as they say, came down to TURN OUT. Mid-Term Elections are notoriously low turn-out elections...and it was.

Look, you can wallow in denial all you want, but 2014 was a disaster for the Liberals. Americans were already tired of the non-representative, under-handed, secretive edicts and bull-Shi'ite perpetrated by the Left...but they still had a good shot at keeping control... UNTIL their dear leader, the man not one candidate wanted anywhere near their campaigns because he was a friggin' albatross, the ubre Narcissist who could not let an election NOT be about him, took over by declaring the 2014 election was all about HIM! He declared this is election is 'about ME, MY policies, MY agenda'! This not only sent pi$$ed off but drove fed-up Americans to the polls...but it kept MANY Democrats AWAY from the polls.

You REALLY want to blame 'gerrymandering' for the RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking the Liberals got in 2014? :lmao:Nice Historical RE-Write!

As the old commercial used to say, they got that @$$ kickin' the 'old-fashioned' way - They EARNED IT! The peasants revolted, and many of their own supporters refused to come to their defense.

For a short time the GOP faithful celebrated with much of America....until the GOP under the 'leadership' of Boehner and McConnell took up where the newly-punished Liberals took off, doing the same exact things and delivering anything Obama wanted.

And just like Liberals in 2014, Boehner has now made a weepy, whiny exit, stage left.

So....the less people vote, the better for the GOP? Gotcha.....kinda figured that.

That was not national elections , those were regional

Now tell us about rejecting liberals: 2008 and 2012 NATIONAL elections

:crybaby: :blahblah: :lmao:

Americans all across the country resoundingly REJECTED the Liberal B$ they had been victimized by, they REACTED to Obama's insisting that the elections were all about HIM, and - FACT - the Democrats received a RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking! LOL!

So....the less people vote, the better for the GOP? Gotcha.....kinda figured that.

The Liberals $ucked SO bad that the usual large number of PETS, FELONS, ILLEGALS, and DEAD PEOPLE didn't even turn out for them in 2014! :lmao:
That was not national elections , those were regional

Now tell us about rejecting liberals: 2008 and 2012 NATIONAL elections

:crybaby: :blahblah: :lmao:

Americans all across the country resoundingly REJECTED the Liberal B$ they had been victimized by, they REACTED to Obama's insisting that the elections were all about HIM, and - FACT - the Democrats received a RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking! LOL!

And in 08 & 12, they kicked ass with more votes than anyone ever received.
And in 08 & 12, they kicked ass with more votes than anyone ever received.

Yeah, proving that dumb@$$ people will vote for the color of a man's skin and believe him when he promises (LIES) to buy them free gas and a new kitchen. (Those ladies are STILL waiting for their free gas and free kitchen, btw....)

Also loved how Holder showed up the next day to drop all election fraud charges on the black female poll monitor who bragged to the national media of how she had helped Obama win by voting for him 6 times! Classy, Libs!
That was not national elections , those were regional

Now tell us about rejecting liberals: 2008 and 2012 NATIONAL elections

:crybaby: :blahblah: :lmao:

Americans all across the country resoundingly REJECTED the Liberal B$ they had been victimized by, they REACTED to Obama's insisting that the elections were all about HIM, and - FACT - the Democrats received a RECORD-SETTING, HISTORICAL @$$-kicking! LOL!

Don't you feel like a low IQ ass, cannot tell the difference between local regional and national elections and off year elections. :eek-52:
And in 08 & 12, they kicked ass with more votes than anyone ever received.

Yeah, proving that dumb@$$ people will vote for the color of a man's skin and believe him when he promises (LIES) to buy them free gas and a new kitchen. (Those ladies are STILL waiting for their free gas and free kitchen, btw....)

Also loved how Holder showed up the next day to drop all election fraud charges on the black female poll monitor who bragged to the national media of how she had helped Obama win by voting for him 6 times! Classy, Libs!

Meanwhile you crackas are dying off faster then you can spawn and the demographic shift is running over you dumb asses and your white christian party. Shock and awe!!!
And in 08 & 12, they kicked ass with more votes than anyone ever received.

Yeah, proving that dumb@$$ people will vote for the color of a man's skin and believe him when he promises (LIES) to buy them free gas and a new kitchen. (Those ladies are STILL waiting for their free gas and free kitchen, btw....)

Also loved how Holder showed up the next day to drop all election fraud charges on the black female poll monitor who bragged to the national media of how she had helped Obama win by voting for him 6 times! Classy, Libs!

Meanwhile you crackas are dying off faster then you can spawn and the demographic shift is running over you dumb asses and your white christian party. Shock and awe!!!
As colored people become successful in business pursuits more and more of them will change parties. Same goes for the other parties.

The problem is it's easier to be a bum then it is to be successful. And bum's will vote for whomever will give them the biggest handout.

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