The Sentence that shows the difference between the sides in the abortion issue...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I think that Mona Charen has captured the essence of the difference between those who see a baby with arms and legs, and a head and a heartbeat...and call it tissue, and those who see it as a human being...

The Core Dishonesty of Abortion Defenders - Mona Charen - Page 1

It's knowing that if the abortionist's hand were stayed for just a few more weeks, that child could live out his whole life.

That sentence points out the fact that we are not talking about tissue....that we are talking about a human being...

Tissue does not become a human being if the abortionist doesn't act.......
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.

I think that Mona Charen has captured the essence of the difference between those who see a baby with arms and legs, and a head and a heartbeat...and call it tissue, and those who see it as a human being...

The Core Dishonesty of Abortion Defenders - Mona Charen - Page 1

It's knowing that if the abortionist's hand were stayed for just a few more weeks, that child could live out his whole life.

That sentence points out the fact that we are not talking about tissue....that we are talking about a human being...

Tissue does not become a human being if the abortionist doesn't act.......
As with the OP, Mona Charen is a liar, and this thread fails as a straw man fallacy – no one seeks to 'defend' abortion; those opposed to abortion may also defend a woman's right to privacy, where to do so is completely consistent and appropriate.

Consequently, the onus is on the OP and others hostile to privacy rights to explain what their solution is to the problem of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

It comes as no surprise that those hostile to privacy rights are either unable or unwilling to answer the question.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

It comes as no surprise that those hostile to privacy rights are either unable or unwilling to answer the question.

Following the Constitution, it's not possible to ever end abortion on demand. If RVW were reversed, and it should be, the states would go back to deciding this issue for themselves. It would be the same for gay marriage or any number of issues where the federal government has seized powers it has not been vouchsafed.
I think that Mona Charen has captured the essence of the difference between those who see a baby with arms and legs, and a head and a heartbeat...and call it tissue, and those who see it as a human being...

The Core Dishonesty of Abortion Defenders - Mona Charen - Page 1

It's knowing that if the abortionist's hand were stayed for just a few more weeks, that child could live out his whole life.

That sentence points out the fact that we are not talking about tissue....that we are talking about a human being...

Tissue does not become a human being if the abortionist doesn't act.......
To a liberal there is no right to life until convicted of a heinous capital crime and sentenced to death.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.
Everyone is pro-life, including those who obey the Constitution and its case law and respect a woman's right to privacy.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

Undoubtedly you have an answer to this question.

Or do you and others on the social right seek only to keep this hot button wedge issue alive for some perceived partisan gain.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

It comes as no surprise that those hostile to privacy rights are either unable or unwilling to answer the question.

Following the Constitution, it's not possible to ever end abortion on demand. If RVW were reversed, and it should be, the states would go back to deciding this issue for themselves. It would be the same for gay marriage or any number of issues where the federal government has seized powers it has not been vouchsafed.
You didn't answer the question, as 'banning' abortion is not a 'solution.'

Indeed, this is the true conflict, where those opposed to abortion are also opposed to laws 'banning' abortion – in addition to being un-Constitutional, 'bans' do nothing to end the practice.

Note also that the 'murder is illegal but it keeps happening' response fails as a red herring/false comparison fallacy.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.
Everyone is pro-life, including those who obey the Constitution and its case law and respect a woman's right to privacy.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

Undoubtedly you have an answer to this question.

Or do you and others on the social right seek only to keep this hot button wedge issue alive for some perceived partisan gain.
Roe v. Wade was not based on the U.S. Constitution, it was based on the subjective opinion of seven Justices that abortion should be legal, and to hell the Constitution says. You should have fought this war on a state by state basis, but you took a short cut, and now liberal justices have grown accustomed to making short cuts and disregarding the Constitution.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.
Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

It comes as no surprise that those hostile to privacy rights are either unable or unwilling to answer the question.

Following the Constitution, it's not possible to ever end abortion on demand. If RVW were reversed, and it should be, the states would go back to deciding this issue for themselves. It would be the same for gay marriage or any number of issues where the federal government has seized powers it has not been vouchsafed.
You didn't answer the question, as 'banning' abortion is not a 'solution.'

Indeed, this is the true conflict, where those opposed to abortion are also opposed to laws 'banning' abortion – in addition to being un-Constitutional, 'bans' do nothing to end the practice.

Note also that the 'murder is illegal but it keeps happening' response fails as a red herring/false comparison fallacy.

That's a silly notion, that we should go ahead and legalize murder just because we can't stop every murder by making it illegal. That takes absurd to a whole new level.
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.
Everyone is pro-life, including those who obey the Constitution and its case law and respect a woman's right to privacy.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

Undoubtedly you have an answer to this question.

Or do you and others on the social right seek only to keep this hot button wedge issue alive for some perceived partisan gain.
Roe v. Wade was not based on the U.S. Constitution, it was based on the subjective opinion of seven Justices that abortion should be legal, and to hell the Constitution says. You should have fought this war on a state by state basis, but you took a short cut, and now liberal justices have grown accustomed to making short cuts and disregarding the Constitution.
You also failed to answer the question, and responded with a red herring fallacy instead.

Griswold/Eisenstadt/Roe/Casey is settled and accepted privacy rights jurisprudence, predicated on the Constitution, and the supreme law of the land – whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not.

Consequently, it's incumbent upon you and others hostile to privacy rights to find a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with that settled, accepted jurisprudence.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.
Everyone is pro-life, including those who obey the Constitution and its case law and respect a woman's right to privacy.

What is your solution to end the practice of abortion that comports with the Constitution and its case law.

Undoubtedly you have an answer to this question.

Or do you and others on the social right seek only to keep this hot button wedge issue alive for some perceived partisan gain.
Roe v. Wade was not based on the U.S. Constitution, it was based on the subjective opinion of seven Justices that abortion should be legal, and to hell the Constitution says. You should have fought this war on a state by state basis, but you took a short cut, and now liberal justices have grown accustomed to making short cuts and disregarding the Constitution.
You also failed to answer the question, and responded with a red herring fallacy instead.

Griswold/Eisenstadt/Roe/Casey is settled and accepted privacy rights jurisprudence, predicated on the Constitution, and the supreme law of the land – whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not.

Consequently, it's incumbent upon you and others hostile to privacy rights to find a solution to the problem of abortion that comports with that settled, accepted jurisprudence.
Last time I checked, we were a Republic, not an oligarchy, and we will fight the battle against abortion until we win, at every level of the government: local, state and federal. This war has lasted 42 years, and we are stronger than ever. There are now fewer abortion clinics, and fewer abortions. We are winning.

The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic - Bloomberg QuickTake

Study Abortion rate at lowest point since 1973 - The Washington Post
I think that Mona Charen has captured the essence of the difference between those who see a baby with arms and legs, and a head and a heartbeat...and call it tissue, and those who see it as a human being...

The Core Dishonesty of Abortion Defenders - Mona Charen - Page 1

It's knowing that if the abortionist's hand were stayed for just a few more weeks, that child could live out his whole life.
That, in nearly all cases, is not a few weeks, that's six or more months.
If we can't make it illegal, what we CAN do is win hearts and minds so women will NOT WANT to have an abortion.

And if you think this will somehow create a glut of unwanted children, tell me why you support Obama's immigration policy, which has created a glut of unwanted children.

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