The Sentence that shows the difference between the sides in the abortion issue...

The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sorry, when they are in the womb and growing they are humans.......they have started growing....and will eventually become people......if you leave them alone you can later put them in mass graves...just give them a little time to grow.....
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sorry, when they are in the womb and growing they are humans.......they have started growing....and will eventually become people......if you leave them alone you can later put them in mass graves...just give them a little time to grow.....

So are you saying when they aren't in the womb, but just embryos in a petri dish they are not "humans"?
If we can't make it illegal, what we CAN do is win hearts and minds so women will NOT WANT to have an abortion.

And if you think this will somehow create a glut of unwanted children, tell me why you support Obama's immigration policy, which has created a glut of unwanted children.

That is the only way it should be done.

Immigration is a completely different issue.
I is the expert on the issue. -----by experience-----my grandmother had two back alley abortions (obviously before I was born) and my mom had one legal abortion circa 1955. She never got over the fact that
she did not have that SIXTH child. ------and convinced me that abortion is "MURDER"----forced on her (not really but she liked to so claim) Roe v wade came about in my youth------I was and remain
PRO-CHOICE-----with a prejudice-------girls should be informed that
abortion damages women spiritually and physically (my mom still has not gotten over the death of her sixth fetus-----she is 95) For the record-----abortion has been used as a nice and casual form of birth
control in lots of places in the world-------eg Russia.
Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?

Having been a pro life advocate that's held a sign plenty of times in my life in public protests of abortion, I can tell you you're off base thinking we've not done enough to shed light on the plight of the unborn. We work legislatively and culturally to bring this to the attention of the public. Our effort cannot be measured simply by how many people are standing outside of a clinic.

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?

Having been a pro life advocate that's held a sign plenty of times in my life in public protests of abortion, I can tell you you're off base thinking we've not done enough to shed light on the plight of the unborn. We work legislatively and culturally to bring this to the attention of the public. Our effort cannot be measured simply by how many people are standing outside of a clinic.

I believe you - you are one of the few that seems to be genuinely prop-life across the board. However the lack of discussion publically on invitro embryos is glaring - look at these boards.

Pro-choice likewise can not be defined soley by the criminal excesses of the Gosnell's of this practice. As someone who is pro-choice I don't take any particular glee from abortion.
You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?

Having been a pro life advocate that's held a sign plenty of times in my life in public protests of abortion, I can tell you you're off base thinking we've not done enough to shed light on the plight of the unborn. We work legislatively and culturally to bring this to the attention of the public. Our effort cannot be measured simply by how many people are standing outside of a clinic.

I believe you - you are one of the few that seems to be genuinely prop-life across the board. However the lack of discussion publically on invitro embryos is glaring - look at these boards.

Pro-choice likewise can not be defined soley by the criminal excesses of the Gosnell's of this practice. As someone who is pro-choice I don't take any particular glee from abortion.
The issue is actually still very new, relatively speaking, and probably should get more coverage, but if you look at pro life websites, nearly all of them address invitro as part of the fabric of moral evil and the culture of death. It doesn't go unaddressed. But in the hierarchy of priorities, a nascent form that's becoming self aware is accorded the highest level of protection, that is, babies with central nervous systems, hearts that pump their own blood, their own unique fingerprints, testing their muscles and exploring their bodies, and is capable of thoughts and dreams. We now know more than ever just how alive babies are before birth and we're bringing that information to the public in the hopes they'll recognize the humanity of the unborn and work to end abortion on demand.
I am not at all impressed with anti abortion activism. Pictures of "medical gore" (being a veteran of inner city emergency rooms) is
a disgusting and immoral form of propaganda.-------the extraction of a
wisdom tooth can be gussied up to look like TORTURE
The Core Dishonesty of abortion opponants: millions of surplus embryos are destroyed every year or donated for research as a by product of invitro fertilization - more than are aborted. Yet, barely a peep of protest or discussion.

Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

My husband and I had 2 cycles of IVF in the 1990s.

We were counseled on what could happen to the residual zygotes. Just as women who have abortions are counseled on what they want to happen with the tissue that's removed from her uterus.

Hubby and I filled out the form and made our choice on what to do with the residual zygotes. Just as women who have an abortion makes their own choice on what to do the tissue removed from their uterus.

NO ONE has the right to take that choice from anyone.
We pro-lifers have to choose our battles. However, we are totally aware of the unethical practice of creating zygotes in a laboratory for IVF. The Catholic Church considers this as much of a sin as abortion of a fully grown fetus. Especially when zygotes are culled so that the mother has fewer children.

Just who do you think you are?

You think you can force your beliefs on everyone.

I dare you to look into the eyes of my beautiful child and tell her that how she was created was unethical.

You have absolutely NO RIGHT to tell ANYONE what they can or can't do with their own body. Whether it's to create and carry a pregnancy to term or to terminate a pregnancy.

And yes, if more than 2 zygotes had attached to my uterus I would have had that selective reduction. If that had happened and the reduction had not been performed all the embryos that attached would have spontaneously aborted or it would have killed me.

Some women are physically too small to carry more than 1 or 2 embryos to term. I'm one of them. I was lucky, only 1 attached and we have our beautiful child who you have absolutely no right to tell me or anyone that how she was created is unethical.

The only time that a selective reduction is done is if too many zygotes attach and it puts the whole pregnancy and life of woman in jeopardy.

If you don't believe that IVF or abortion is right for you then live your life that way but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else.

Stop violating everyone else's right to freedom of religion by forcing your religion and religious beliefs on everyone else.

Freedom doesn't mean you have any right to take freedom from someone else.
Sounds made up. Invitro fertilization is rare and options with spare clusters are discussed with the patient undergoing treatment. The claim that this has occurred more often than 50 million abortions is enough bullshit to fertilize crops in the California Central Valley for the next century.

1.7 million embryos created for IVF have been thrown away and just 7 per cent lead to pregnancy Daily Mail Online
What happens to extra embryos after IVF -
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?
Most that are against abortion have jobs and families.

You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?
Most that are against abortion have jobs and families.

Yet that doesn't stop them from protesting outside of abortion clinics.

I think that Mona Charen has captured the essence of the difference between those who see a baby with arms and legs, and a head and a heartbeat...and call it tissue, and those who see it as a human being...

The Core Dishonesty of Abortion Defenders - Mona Charen - Page 1

It's knowing that if the abortionist's hand were stayed for just a few more weeks, that child could live out his whole life.

That sentence points out the fact that we are not talking about tissue....that we are talking about a human being...

Tissue does not become a human being if the abortionist doesn't act.......

You can't get kidneys and lungs from "tissue". Abortion proponents know exactly what kind of tissue they are killing and they just don't care.
You just proved yourself wrong, silly goose! You should really read your link before posting them, 1.7 million over 21 years does not even come close to exceeding the rate of elective abortions.


It's far newer than abortion - the rates will increase over time.

Still - we're talking millions of "murders" and the "selling" of baby parts and not a peep.

Incorrect. Pro life groups have been shedding light on the "extras" used in invitro fertilization and the use of embryos for embryonic stem cell research. Exactly what hypocrisy have you been referring to, because we've been consistent advocates for the lives of all unborn and opposed the deliberate destruction of it.

Where are the mass protests outside of invitro clinics?
Most that are against abortion have jobs and families.

Yet that doesn't stop them from protesting outside of abortion clinics.

We schedule it in advance. January 23rd is a day I can plan to take off to demonstrate in front of Planned Parenthood.

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