The Serious Stock Market Crash Thread

I don't think the market was expecting anything from Obama. They were of Bernanke. The market began selling off within a minute of the release of his speech on Thursday. The S&P500 is down 50 points since then. But the problems today were because of Europe.
I don't think the market was expecting anything from Obama. They were of Bernanke. The market began selling off within a minute of the release of his speech on Thursday. The S&P500 is down 50 points since then. But the problems today were because of Europe.

and our exposure to Europe;)

remember Tarp it, love it. :lol:
Greeks will not accept an austerity plan period. Until the EU drops them and fixes what they can, this will be a serious problem. I love watching socialism meeting its logical conclusion.
I don't think the market was expecting anything from Obama. They were of Bernanke. The market began selling off within a minute of the release of his speech on Thursday. The S&P500 is down 50 points since then. But the problems today were because of Europe.

and our exposure to Europe;)

remember Tarp it, love it. :lol:

A lot of this is because the market perceives the Europeans as dragging their feet. If there was a EuroTARP, the market would probably soar. But that's not going to happen, at least not with some pain first.

Parts of the market are coming into support, where one might expect a bounce. However, other parts are breaking down. Take a look at a chart of JPM or GS. Those stocks look like they are going lower to me. It's hard to believe that the market can go up appreciably if the financials are breaking down.

I've been dinking and dunking with some small trades over the last few weeks that have mostly been successful, but I trade to catch a bounce around 2pm Friday. That failed and I closed it at the end of the day. Now I'm wondering if I should go short as these financials break down.
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The other thread has turned into the usual mindless political hack garbage. This thread is to discuss the stock market crash without blaming everything on Republicans or Democrats by people who barely know the difference between a stock and livestock.

The UK has fallen 12% in 5 days. Switzerland has fallen 17% in 2 weeks.

The Serious Stock Market Crash Thread

Are you serious? Individuals cannot be serious when their best efforts are thwarted by automation trading. The market currently is in a spin. The hedge funds are just trying to scrape off highs in order to pay their obligations to retirement funds. That is why so many look the other way at the energy gouging. The whole game is just shooting yourself in the foot. As long as you gouge energy, the economy remains oppressed.
10600 on the Dow. 1120 on the SP. I'm playing a bounce but it's just a trade.
Interesting to see where support will be today. 10,600?
Well thinking a bit longer term I figure that we are headed for a market where average dividend yield exceeds the 10 year AAA corporate average bond yield by 50%. I haven't checked where that is but I am fairly sure we have a ways to go.
I have a boatload of money waiting on below 10,000...can't believe it hasn't happened yet. The freaking bulls have been fighting tooth and nail to hold onto this bubble...been waiting for over a year now.
I had a feeling this thread would get a work out today.:lol:

come on 500....come to papa....500 babbbby!!!!
I had a feeling this thread would get a work out today.:lol:

come on 500....come to papa....500 babbbby!!!!

500 today, 500 tomorrow. If the f*cking bulls will get the hell out of the way and let the market adjust - we can all make a killing again.

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