The Seven changes to the Constitution that Ricky Perry wants.

Thank you. That doesn't change the fact that I am still not voting for him.

I was just thinking we hadn't had a Rick Perry thread in about 5 minutes...

Kudos on your cut and paste, though...:thup:
Just as I asked Sky with her attack on Christians I will ask you.

How does a President change the Constitution?

Let me answer for you, he can't.

Now if he managed to get 218 believers in the House , 51 believers in the Senate and could convince the majority of voters in 37 States he might change the Constitution. What is the chance of that happening? And if it does, I would suggest to you it was in fact, the will of the people as provided for IN THE CONSTITUTION.
What I want to know .... Who gives a crap about Rick Perry?. Looks like a diaper failin' kid to me.
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1st, Perry can 'want' anything he feels like wanting... it's a free country.
2nd, he can't 'get' the changes unless Congress, the Senate, and 37 states agree.
3rd, here's the list of what he 'wanted'...
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.
I'm OK with this. A lifetime appointment is a ticket to do whatever you want without repercussion

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.
I'm not OK with this. It removes an important check/balance.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.
I' might be OK with this, depending on how it is done, and how the federal government decides to get it's funding without it.

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.
I'm not OK with this. I feel it's important to have a say in who represents you in the government.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.
I'm VERY OK with this. If I have to balance my budget, why shouldn't the federal government. Most states have some type of balanced budget provision in their state constitution.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.
I'm not OK with this. I have religious/personal reasons for not approving of homosexuality. However, I am neither judge, nor jury. Nor would I want to be. It is not up to me to decide that people of the same sex who love each other are not entitled to the same protections and benefits that opposite sex couples routinely enjoy. I don't think it's up to the federal government wither.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.
I'm undecided on this issue, and will not take a stance at this time.
1st, Perry can 'want' anything he feels like wanting... it's a free country.
2nd, he can't 'get' the changes unless Congress, the Senate, and 37 states agree.
3rd, here's the list of what he 'wanted'...
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.
I'm OK with this. A lifetime appointment is a ticket to do whatever you want without repercussion

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.
I'm not OK with this. It removes an important check/balance.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.
I' might be OK with this, depending on how it is done, and how the federal government decides to get it's funding without it.

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.
I'm not OK with this. I feel it's important to have a say in who represents you in the government.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.
I'm VERY OK with this. If I have to balance my budget, why shouldn't the federal government. Most states have some type of balanced budget provision in their state constitution.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.
I'm not OK with this. I have religious/personal reasons for not approving of homosexuality. However, I am neither judge, nor jury. Nor would I want to be. It is not up to me to decide that people of the same sex who love each other are not entitled to the same protections and benefits that opposite sex couples routinely enjoy. I don't think it's up to the federal government wither.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.
I'm undecided on this issue, and will not take a stance at this time.

Personally, four is ok with me.

Before the ratification of the 17th amendment, the state legislature would elect U.S. Senators.

I am not opposed to that.

The house speaks for the people directly and the Senate speaks for the states directly.

As I elect a representative to the state legislature, my vote for U.S. Senator is by proxy through my State Representative, just as my vote on U.S. law is by proxy via my U.S. Representative.
You gotta wonder why lefties whine about fair and balanced FOX and want to hush Rush when they have the rest of the media in their back pocket. Yahoo news might as well have been the Al Jazzera news when Americans were fighting in Iraq. Now we have to wade through liberal drivel according to an editorial blogger named Chris Moody.
and Rick Perry is qualified to change the Constitution for why?

and I want to trust a blockhead to understand how the Constitution works, why?
Perry just put together a list of things the GOP base likes and endorsed them as his own beliefs.

Remember, before he got hit with the lightning bolt from the Christian Right, he believed that same sex marriage should be left to the states.
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What I want to know .... Who gives a crap about Rick Perry?. Looks like a diaper failin' kid to me.
Don't sell him short.

Perry has powerful appeal to stupid, delusional, fanatical neo-Conservative and racist Americans -- and there are an awful lot of them. If George W. Bush can become President, this phony sonofabitch can.

Bush was popular with cowboy lovers and he was a fake Texan. Perry is a real Texan. The big money is behind him and we'll be seeing a lot of commercials with Perry in John Ford cowboy format. That, combined with the fact that Obama's bullshit is getting stale can produce a repeat of 2000. And if Perry gets elected the only thing that will save the American democracy is a Democrat-dominated House and Senate with enough balls to stand up to the Supreme Court.

The right-wing strategy for eliminating the middle class, which was initiated in 1981 with the election of Ronald Reagan, the Great De-Regulator and puppet of the emerging corporatocracy, has been played out one careful stage at a time, the last brazen element being the transfer of middle class wealth to the plutocratic five percent (Bush's "base"). So unless Obama does something spectacular, or unless Perry does something really terrible, Rick Perry just might become Big Brother.

He is George W. Bush on steroids. He's come out of nowhere and he is the obvious creation of the Washington kingmakers. And he has me worried.
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1st, Perry can 'want' anything he feels like wanting... it's a free country.
2nd, he can't 'get' the changes unless Congress, the Senate, and 37 states agree.
3rd, here's the list of what he 'wanted'...
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.
I'm OK with this. A lifetime appointment is a ticket to do whatever you want without repercussion

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.
I'm not OK with this. It removes an important check/balance.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.
I' might be OK with this, depending on how it is done, and how the federal government decides to get it's funding without it.

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.
I'm not OK with this. I feel it's important to have a say in who represents you in the government.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.
I'm VERY OK with this. If I have to balance my budget, why shouldn't the federal government. Most states have some type of balanced budget provision in their state constitution.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.
I'm not OK with this. I have religious/personal reasons for not approving of homosexuality. However, I am neither judge, nor jury. Nor would I want to be. It is not up to me to decide that people of the same sex who love each other are not entitled to the same protections and benefits that opposite sex couples routinely enjoy. I don't think it's up to the federal government wither.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.
I'm undecided on this issue, and will not take a stance at this time.

I agree with you except for no.4, the 17th amend. sucked, they made the senators creatures of DC not their states, they here to fore where appointed by the state legislature.
He does appear to be about as ignorant as the average Texan. Does that qualify him as a Constitutional scholar?
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.

Lifetime appointments make the process as free from partisan politics as possible. There is no way a judge can rule in good faith knowing he could be removed per a decision he might make. Most of the re-establishment of our basic freedoms resulted from jurists’ courage to make decisions based on the rule of law, not the fear, ignorance, and hate of the people.

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.
What profound ignorance – this would destroy the Republic and the principle of the rule of law it was founded upon, the doctrine of judicial review, and as noted the doctrine of checks and balances.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.

Actually the 16th Amendment doesn’t grant Congress new ‘taxing authority,’ it modified Article I, Section 9, Clause 4. The Amendment was a response to the Supreme Court’s striking down as un-Constitutional the Federal Income Tax Act of 1894. Congress could still pass an income tax act, which might again be subject to a challenge.

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.

Unfortunately this is tainted with political opportunism.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.

Again, more partisan idiocy – it’s normal and appropriate for governments to cycle between deficit and surplus and back deficit again. The issue isn’t the deficit per se but its size. In addition, there’s no way to create an ‘emergency clause’ that would function as desired. Anything can be an ‘emergency.’

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.

So much for ‘states’ rights’ and ‘small government.’ And the contrived justification of the ratification process is moronic and weak. There would also be serious Constitutional case law conflicts, as such an amendment would run afoul of scores of decisions based on the 14th Amendment’s provision of equal access to the laws.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.

This would again create a conflict with other existing case law; the right to privacy applies to other issues besides abortion. It could open the door to greater violations by the state with regard to search and seizure issues and may even allow states to ban contraceptives again.

And Perry clearly doesn’t understand that if one pulls on a thread of the Constitutional tapestry it will become completely unraveled. Over the decades the case law builds one decision upon another. If Perry and his supporters were serious about such ‘reform’ they'd have to convene a constitutional convention.

I am for all but number 7. I do Believe in some restraints on Abortions as birth Control, but there will always been a need for some Abortions.

and number 2 I believe is to Drastic a change to our 3 Branch, Check and balances system. I think just not having live long appointments is good enough. I say a 20 Year single Term is sufficient IMO.

Number 6 would have to come with Language that guarantees Gay Couples can have all the same legal status as married Hetero Couples, Share Insurance, Get Death Benefits etc, For me to support it. In fact I think the Government should be out of the marriage Business all together. We should all have Civil Unions, and if we want to get married. Go to a damn church.
C_Clayton_Jones's Avatar
There would also be serious Constitutional case law conflicts, as such an amendment would run afoul of scores of decisions based on the 14th Amendment’s provision of equal access to the laws.
Not necessarily, It would after all be an amendment, that would be making a legal constitutional Exception to the States rights allowing the Fed to define Marriage. Remember it says all powers not given to the Fed fall to the states, an Amendment defining Marriage if passed specifically gives the fed that power, there fore it is not longer the states, Legally. Personally I think something is needed. It is not practical to have 50 separate Definitions in a country where people often move around.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to change something in the constitution. As long as you use the Mechanism put in place to do that. Pass an Amendment. The single best thing our Founders did was make the Constitution changeable through Amendment Process. They were smart enough to know they could not see the future and how things would evolve. If they had not, Blacks would still be slaves and 2/3rds of a person. Woman would still not have the vote, and the runner up in the Election would still be the VP. There would have been no Civil Rights amendment. The Greatness is it's ability to evolve.

Imagine how many Assignations that would cause. Kill the President and they other party gets the WH. LOL
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1 and 2 are ok, I like 3 and 4, but not 5 -7, especially 6 and 7.

As for 5, I am all for fiscal responsibility and limited government, but the government does not need a balanced budget every year.
I could go with the first 5

6,7 are perry.s religious bullshit and should be shoved as far up his ass as possible
they are a afront to personal choices something the feds /or any govt has no right to dictate
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