The Seven changes to the Constitution that Ricky Perry wants.

I was just thinking we hadn't had a Rick Perry thread in about 5 minutes...

Kudos on your cut and paste, though...:thup:

YOu ever notice that there are all these Perry threads and almost no Romney threads?

So you have to wonder who the Usual Suspects are more afraid of.
Just as I asked Sky with her attack on Christians I will ask you.

How does a President change the Constitution?

Let me answer for you, he can't.

Now if he managed to get 218 believers in the House , 51 believers in the Senate and could convince the majority of voters in 37 States he might change the Constitution. What is the chance of that happening? And if it does, I would suggest to you it was in fact, the will of the people as provided for IN THE CONSTITUTION.

but yet Obama is the name for everything evil in the world... and he has very little actual power to do all those horrible things that he gets accused of every day on here, on the radio and on Foxnews.

How about that, a little sanity from an unexpected source.
Just as I asked Sky with her attack on Christians I will ask you.

How does a President change the Constitution?

Let me answer for you, he can't.

Now if he managed to get 218 believers in the House , 51 believers in the Senate and could convince the majority of voters in 37 States he might change the Constitution. What is the chance of that happening? And if it does, I would suggest to you it was in fact, the will of the people as provided for IN THE CONSTITUTION.

but yet Obama is the name for everything evil in the world... and he has very little actual power to do all those horrible things that he gets accused of every day on here, on the radio and on Foxnews.

How about that, a little sanity from an unexpected source.

Dumb ass, for 2 years Obama had 250 Congressman and 59 Senators. If he didn't get anything done it is because HIS party refused to do it for him.

And since the Republicans took over the House he has overseen the refusal of himself and the Dems in the Senate from working with them all the while claiming it was te Houses fault.

Lets check the facts...... The House passed a Budget, the Senate refused to even put it in committee. The Senate has NOT passed a budget yet. The House passed legislation to allow the debt ceiling to rise, the Senate refused to even put it in committee and claimed it was the Republicans fault.

You see retard the way it actually works is the House passes a Budget, it goes to the Senate, the Senate puts it in committees, makes the changes they want and sends it back to the House where the two bodies get together to hammer out the difference4s. The Democrats in the Senate just refuse to do their job.

IT IS Obama's fault. He has asked his party to stonewall the House.
By the way I oppose 2 and 5. Congress already has power over the Courts. All they have to do is craft laws that are within the framework of the Constitution and to impeach Judges that legislate from the Bench.

A balanced Budget Amendment is a bad idea, the Government needs the ability to go in debt, we just need to control that debt.
I was just thinking we hadn't had a Rick Perry thread in about 5 minutes...

Kudos on your cut and paste, though...:thup:

YOu ever notice that there are all these Perry threads and almost no Romney threads?

So you have to wonder who the Usual Suspects are more afraid of.

Not Romney. They know that once he gets the nomination they can tear him apart. Priority one is to get rid of anyone that might be supported by independents and/or moderates. Problem with that is that I don't see Perry fitting that category either. In fact, I think Romney actually has more appeal to the independents than Perry does.

Ah, maybe I am wrong with the first part of that assumption, but one thing is for sure, they are not afraid of Romney.

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4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.
I'm not OK with this. I feel it's important to have a say in who represents you in the government.


By having the Senators selected by the Representatives in the State Legislautes, that would return much of the power in Washington to the States and greatly reign in the power of Washington that is draining the life from the country.

The selection of the US Senators by the legislatures would still be selection by popular vote, albeit indirectly. It might help to reduce the living dead of the Senate like Thurmond and Byrd and replace them with younger types. It might also serve to populate the Senate with a rotating cast of state party favorites.

What ever the make up of the individuals, it would be more representative of the state governments. Much more republican, small r, in process.

Senators would become Ambassadors of the States to Washington instead of Washington Natives that visit the states to retain their in absentia power.
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Besides the fact that amending the constitution is extremely difficult (You need 2/3rds of both houses of congress and 3/4 of the states to ratify the amdnement) this is largely a discussion about philosophy more than anything that might actually happen. But let's look at these.

1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.- Not a bad idea. Frankly, the whole notion of judges staying on the courts until they become senile and letting their clerks write their rulings is a pretty bad idea.

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote..- I don't have a problem with this additional check and balance. If you can get 2/3rd of congress to agree that the court overstepped its bounds, it probably has.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment. - I think our tax problems go beyond the IRS. We have so much smoke and mirrors on how we separate the taxpayer from his earnings it isn't funny. I don't think we need to repeal the 16th to have real reform, either.

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.- And here's where he's getting into Alan Keyes territory. This is an awful idea.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.- Exemplary. Great Idea.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.- The constitution should not be about trying to impose social mores. Prohibition was a complete failure because putting it the constitution did not change the human heart. The constitution SHOULD be about the operating of government. The first five fall into this, the last two don't.

Unfortunately, I can also see the frustration. Because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, a couple judges in Massachusetts can effectively inflict gay marriage on the whole country despite what the voters say.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country. - Totally against this one, because it is largely unenforceable. Dirty little secret. Before Roe v. Wade, it was still pretty easy to get an abortion. Roe did not cause a massive drop in the birth rate. It kind of stayed the same. So that tells me women were dealing with unwanted pregnancies in 1972 the same way they deal with them today.

If you want to reduce the number of abortions, you do that by fixing health care, family and medical leave, and improving sex education- all things "conservatives" are against.
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.

Thus negating any hope that the FEDERAL judiciary will every be anything but PARTISAN

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.

Thus eiminating the third leg of the checks and balances system.

3. Scrap the federal income tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment.

And replace that lost revenue with what?

4. End the direct election of senators by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment.

Stupid idea. All that does is make the state INSIDERS more powerful.

5. Require the federal government to balance its budget every year.

If the USA had done that? Germany and Japan would have won WWII.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.

This and every other government ought to get out of the marriage debate entirely. Marriage is a contract and ought to be treated as such.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.

Procreation is NONE of the government's business.

What next? Allowing the government to dictate how many children we will or won't have?
What I want to know .... Who gives a crap about Rick Perry?. Looks like a diaper failin' kid to me.
Don't sell him short.

Perry has powerful appeal to stupid, delusional, fanatical neo-Conservative and racist Americans -- and there are an awful lot of them. If George W. Bush can become President, this phony sonofabitch can.

Bush was popular with cowboy lovers and he was a fake Texan. Perry is a real Texan. The big money is behind him and we'll be seeing a lot of commercials with Perry in John Ford cowboy format. That, combined with the fact that Obama's bullshit is getting stale can produce a repeat of 2000. And if Perry gets elected the only thing that will save the American democracy is a Democrat-dominated House and Senate with enough balls to stand up to the Supreme Court.

The right-wing strategy for eliminating the middle class, which was initiated in 1981 with the election of Ronald Reagan, the Great De-Regulator and puppet of the emerging corporatocracy, has been played out one careful stage at a time, the last brazen element being the transfer of middle class wealth to the plutocratic five percent (Bush's "base"). So unless Obama does something spectacular, or unless Perry does something really terrible, Rick Perry just might become Big Brother.

He is George W. Bush on steroids. He's come out of nowhere and he is the obvious creation of the Washington kingmakers. And he has me worried.

You're delusional.

W was a big governement, free spending Liberal. The Big 0 is W on Steroids. What have you been watching/reading that passes for information? The Big 0 is doing everything that W did and more. If Perry's initial quotes are representative of his beliefs, he's the opposite of both.

Destroy the Middle Class? The Middle class was suffering under Bush, suffering under Carter, but came back to life under Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton.

Did you happen to miss that? It was in all the papers.

You need to throw away your party label glasses and try to see the world as it is, not as the media would have you see it.

Like it or not, when the president works with the opposition, as did Reagan and Clinton, the country works better and prospers. This approach rises from having a vision of what is good and the wisdom and ability to see the path that will work and walk it.

When the president works to splinter the poulation, lies about everything to promote his party's agenda and continuously works to undermine democracy through expansion of of Washington agencies ignoring passed laws as the current moron in chief is doing, things get bad.

Expansion of the government in Washington is the implicit declaration that the people are weak idiots who are to be led, fed, bled and dead if it serves the will of the President.
1. Abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges by amending Article III, Section I of the Constitution.

Thus negating any hope that the FEDERAL judiciary will every be anything but PARTISAN

But it's partisan now! How does appointing a partisan for life make them any less partisan? All it does is put someone on the sidelines after the parade has passed them by. All we really have now is partisan judges staying on until senility or the day that they can get a like-minded president to appoint a like minded justice. So, yeah, in the past, you might get a Stevens or a Souter who will pop up later and say "Surprise! I'm really a liberal! SUCKERS!" but that will never happen again. (And oddly, these two guys waited until the Community Organizer came along to retire and pick their replacements.)

2. Congress should have the power to override Supreme Court decisions with a two-thirds vote.

Thus eiminating the third leg of the checks and balances system.

Or putting a needed check on one branch's overreach... 2/3rd of Congress is a tough number to reach, and if you go there, you've overreached.

And replace that lost revenue with what?
- Perhaps a national sales tax, or even better, do what we've done through most of our history, fund the government through tariffs and excises.

Stupid idea. All that does is make the state INSIDERS more powerful.

Or it makes the people pay more attention to what their state governments are doing. I don't think this is a good idea, but frankly, before the 17th amendment, we did it that way and things were fine.

If the USA had done that? Germany and Japan would have won WWII.

Actually, WWII was largely funded through the sale of war bonds that had to be repaid after the war.

6. The federal Constitution should define marriage as between one man and one woman in all 50 states.

This and every other government ought to get out of the marriage debate entirely. Marriage is a contract and ought to be treated as such.

I agree, it is. And contract law is not determined by the people in the contract, but by the people through a vote. You can't really separate civil marriage from the law and politics, so you shouldn't even try. If gays want marriage, they should convice 50% of the electorate that this is the right thing to do.

7. Abortion should be made illegal throughout the country.

Procreation is NONE of the government's business.

What next? Allowing the government to dictate how many children we will or won't have?

Given the dangers of overpopulation and the scarity of resources, we might be closer to that than you think. Not in our lifetimes, but in the future, maybe.

But we've moved past a rational discussion on abortion a long time ago. Much like gun control, the inmates have taken over the asylum on that debate.
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Perry is farther right than even bat shit crazy Bachmann...and some of his ideas are downright insane. He supports a state takeover and letting states opt out of SS.
With so much that the right thinks is wrong with the constitution,

why are they always going on and on about how brilliant the almighty framers were?

- Perhaps a national sales tax, or even better, do what we've done through most of our history, fund the government through tariffs and excises.

We currently collect about 200 billion in tariffs and excise taxes.

- Perhaps a national sales tax, or even better, do what we've done through most of our history, fund the government through tariffs and excises.

We currently collect about 200 billion in tariffs and excise taxes.

Because they are much too low.

So low that it's easy for a slave society like China to undercut our workers with cheap shit that falls apart.

  1. We do need to do something about judges that get appointed and go off the deep end. We know more than we used to about the affects of aging, and can prolong life to the point where people living into their 80s is common. I guess that means I see some merit in this.
  2. Congress can override the Supreme Court. They can impeach any judge they want, and force the President to appoint ones that will rule in line with their politics. They can even expand the federal court system and create now seats on the court. The fact that this has rarely happened shows just how stupid it is to make it easier.
  3. Hear hear! This was supposed to be temporary in the first place, and should not have even been passed at all. It gave Congress way to much power to dictate to the states.
  4. This is a lot trickier than most people realize. The Senators were not actually required to be elected by the state legislature, they just defined the process of selection. Many states were moving toward direct election in order to stop corruption in the process. Repealing it would not really change anything.
  5. I support a BBA.
  6. Nope.
  7. This is a more complicated issue. Abortion should not be used because a child is inconvenient, or because the parents want select the sex of the child. However, if there is a medical reason for an abortion it should be legal
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