The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen

Hillary's husband was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office playing hide the cigar with an intern barely older than his daughter and the crazy angry left thinks President Trump is "shabby"? WTF?
Can a Pussy Grabber ever really be shabby?

Please understand something. George Will for years and decades spouted many of the agendas that Trump is doing. Now we have two major parties. So imagine if you have political views and you listen to someone on a TV station giving you feel good dogma. The years add up. And then we elect someone who promotes the things spoken about and the wheels are greased for success. But whoaaaa! The grease is removed and rust is formed on the tracks. And Will is just one of many who are frauds. In a short time, AOC has replaced them all as the train is now something completely different. It comes with a stench.

George Will has never advocated putting up walls, never praised Nazis or Klanners, never disparaged his rivals with snark about their looks or parentage, never paid off porn stars to stay shut up while he loaded the audience with his opponent's husband's (not even his opponent but his opponent's spouse) accusers, never, even in his erudite baseball commentary, called for "get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired", never shoved a prime minister aside, never sat up all night sending whiny little bitch tweets because mean ol' Megan Kelly asked him a pointed question, never told bald-faced lies about his own financial hiccups, never invented his own press agent (TWICE) for the purpose of planting salacious stories in gossip rags, never subsequently LIED about having done that even after admitting to it in court, never made up a fake Time Magazine cover with his picture on it because NUMERO UNO WASN'T GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION, never passed up a military anniversary tribute that even the 92-year-old British Queen attended because it's raining and he might get his hair wet, never declared "I alone can fix it", never went into convulsions on stage to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, never put down his critics with ethnic slurs, never incited his readers to beat each other up, and I'm pretty sure never posed for soft porn pics with his own daughter.

That's Rump's agenda right there. It's amusing to try to pretend this is somehow about "politics" --- amusing in the sense of laughable. So no, George Will has never spouted ANY of that childish shit, which IS the subject of his Op-Ed here.

Now tell us more about "frauds".

Oh wait that's right I forgot --- George Will has also never run a Fraud University where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions, you sell FEELINGS", then declared the judge from Indiana is "Mexican", then declared he'd never settle, then settled for the Indiana-Mexican judge's offer to the tune of 25 million bucks so that the Electoral College wouldn't have a candidate in front of them with a pending fraud case. I forgot to put that in.

But of course, the vast majority have never done any of this shit either. Because at some point we progressed beyond the emotional age of eight.
Our ABNORMALS will not like this....

NN ^
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has shown public support for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall, stating that walls do work, refuting claims from his colleagues that they do not.

Whether "walls work" or not ---- what does this have to do with Mexico paying for it?

You DO remember that promise, right? It was marked with "mark my words". It was repeated everywhere. It became an audience call-and-response, it was known that widely.

------------------------- or are those exhortations and videos all "unevents" that never happened now?
The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen
Some things George mentioned have merit, many others I dismiss with justifiable prejudice. (imo)
But I’m uninspired to rehash the differences here and now.

What strikes me from the article is this: “Mr. Conservative” Will I do not recall ever waging such invective on any liberal dignitary or extreme liberal opponent so savagely as has on both Donald Trump’s policies and Donald Trump’s character. Which says to me “this is personal.” George Will’s ego has been bruised in the recent past and as a result he has chosen to abandon integrity and fairness for the sake of revenge. Sad.

Donald Trump is the perpetrator who abandoned, tromped-on, and dumpstered "integrity and fairness". Why should Trump and Trumpeters demand something from others that they are not prepared to give?
You people are full of hyperbole, you get excited over a note trump passed in school.
What George Will is doing by denigrating Trump was more for his own benefit (ego), but bad for the country. (imo)

Donald Trump is a cancer in Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam is a cancer to the US.
As long as he selects conservative judges, Republicans don’t care what he does

Curiously, I wonder what expectations Trump loyalists have of these conservative S.C. justices. What exactly are you expecting? Keeping marijuana illegal? Making homosexual marriage illegal? Making abortion illegal? Overruling environmental protection laws and allowing the country, and planet, to be trashed?

What did I leave out?

What about South Carolina justices?
This article is by right-wing political commentator George F Will. It reflects the tide turning against Donald Trump.

There is so much smoke coming out of the Trump administration there is either a raging fire or Donald Trump has hired Cheech and Chong to lift the spirits of administration workers.

The worst aspect of the corruption of the GOP is the burgeoning budget deficit and the spiraling government debt which Donald Trump has addressed by stating he won't be here when the day of reckoning comes for the public debt. The GOP doesn't even care about Trump's negligence.

How much dirt can the Trump base bear?

Opinion | The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen

The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen

By George F. Will
January 18 at 5:09 PM

Half or a quarter of the way through this interesting experiment with an incessantly splenetic presidency, much of the nation has become accustomed to daily mortifications. Or has lost its capacity for embarrassment, which is even worse.

If the country’s condition is calibrated simply by economic data — if, that is, the United States is nothing but an economy — then the state of the union is good. Except that after two years of unified government under the party that formerly claimed to care about fiscal facts and rectitude, the nation faces a $1 trillion deficit during brisk growth and full employment. Unless the president has forever banished business cycles — if he has, his modesty would not have prevented him from mentioning it — the next recession will begin with gargantuan deficits, which will be instructive.

The president has kept his promise not to address the unsustainable trajectory of the entitlement state (about the coming unpleasant reckoning, he said: “Yeah, but I won’t be here”), and his party’s congressional caucuses have elevated subservience to him into a political philosophy. The Republican-controlled Senate — the world’s most overrated deliberative body — will not deliberate about, much less pass, legislation the president does not favor. The evident theory is that it would be lèse-majesté for the Senate to express independent judgments.

Dislike of him should be tempered by this consideration: He is an almost inexpressibly sad specimen. It must be misery to awaken to another day of being Donald Trump. He seems to have as many friends as his pluperfect self-centeredness allows, and as he has earned in an entirely transactional life. His historical ignorance deprives him of the satisfaction of working in a house where much magnificent history has been made. His childlike ignorance — preserved by a lifetime of single-minded self-promotion — concerning governance and economics guarantees that whenever he must interact with experienced and accomplished people, he is as bewildered as a kindergartener at a seminar on string theory.
Which is why this fountain of self-refuting boasts (“I have a very good brain”) lies so much. He does so less to deceive anyone than to reassure himself. And as balm for his base, which remains oblivious to his likely contempt for them as sheep who can be effortlessly gulled by preposterous fictions. The tungsten strength of his supporters’ loyalty is as impressive as his indifference to expanding their numbers.
Either the electorate, bored with a menu of faintly variant servings of boorishness, or the 22nd Amendment will end this, our shabbiest but not our first shabby presidency. As Mark Twain and fellow novelist William Dean Howells stepped outside together one morning, a downpour began and Howells asked, “Do you think it will stop?” Twain replied, “It always has.”

The ONLY THING WE NEED TO REMEMBER: Republicans would rather be Russian than to be American

Proof you’re brainwashed. Only a brainwashed person would say ^ this and be completely serious.
Our ABNORMALS will not like this....

NN ^
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has shown public support for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall, stating that walls do work, refuting claims from his colleagues that they do not.

Whether "walls work" or not ---- what does this have to do with Mexico paying for it?

You DO remember that promise, right? It was marked with "mark my words". It was repeated everywhere. It became an audience call-and-response, it was known that widely.

------------------------- or are those exhortations and videos all "unevents" that never happened now?
And he has 6 more years to torture you jerks to have Mexico pay for it..just like he does with his taxes!....And he is right, the new NAFTA will save us billions and NOT give it to Mexico especially with the auto industry

Why a $1.6bn car plant has been left to decay

May 24, 2017 · Mexico is the world's fourth largest car exporter, but could Donald ... at car companies such as GM and Toyota for using Mexican
The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen
Some things George mentioned have merit, many others I dismiss with justifiable prejudice. (imo)
But I’m uninspired to rehash the differences here and now.

What strikes me from the article is this: “Mr. Conservative” Will I do not recall ever waging such invective on any liberal dignitary or extreme liberal opponent so savagely as has on both Donald Trump’s policies and Donald Trump’s character. Which says to me “this is personal.” George Will’s ego has been bruised in the recent past and as a result he has chosen to abandon integrity and fairness for the sake of revenge. Sad.

Of course it's personal. That's entirely what "character" is and always has been about ---- the personal. The personal failings of abject narcissism, sociopathy, avarice, mendacity, petulance, vanity ---- "personal character" is a redundant phrase.

Rump Resistance has nothing to do with "liberal" or "conservative" anything. That would imply the political whore actually has some kind of ideology. He doesn't. He's a con artist pure and simple, who can and will say or do anything for the ego masturbation of Numero Uno, and if it also serves that masturbation he'll turn right around and deny he did or said the first one, e.g. "Mexico will pay for the wall", e.g. "I didn't mock a reporter". This has ALWAYS been personal from Day Zero. That's part and parcel of being personally unqualified to hold office.

You're just NOW figuring this out?

Not sure how you make the leap to "George Will's ego has been bruised" from a treatise that doesn't even bring him up. Methinks George Will's ego is not the one bruised here. Oh and by the way speaking of egos we can all read normal fonts; your words are not somehow singularly of greater import.
Why did George Will tell everyone to vote for Hillary, because he had a little tantrum when Trump and others called him out back then, All of a sudden what despicable Hillary wants is better for this nation than Trump’s ideas? Sure, honest George. Face it, you turned against your own beliefs to defend your own ego. You would rather look right than be right. Get it? It wasn’t “personal” because it was against Trump’s character --- that was obvious --- it became personal when little Georgie was impugned. The fact he could not give Trump a modicum of credit for anything in all his screeds speaks volumes.

But since you and yours occupy your every waking hour with Trump’s character (as though that justifies all of your owned crazed ideas for America) we will give you your little victory. We know Trump is flawed, we know he is boorish and clumsy when he speaks and does a poor job of explaining his positions. Was that your reason we were supposed to choose Hillary instead? : 0

Trump, despite his sins, has done many good things for America, and if he did not have a coward or blackmailed republican congress, so much more could have been done. But I guess the devil is winning the war in this world, so no surprise this will become a failure, too, but not because of Trump or his flawed character. D.C. is run by the devil. Trump is the only one with courage to stand up against this self serving wicked deep state. How many crooks do you suffer and continue to look the other way? But you do not care, you have an ego and a mission of your own. You could not care less what good things may come from Trump, your lame response is he only tries to help our economy, national security or families for his own ego. You either lie or you are dumb, imo.
The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen
Some things George mentioned have merit, many others I dismiss with justifiable prejudice. (imo)
But I’m uninspired to rehash the differences here and now.

What strikes me from the article is this: “Mr. Conservative” Will I do not recall ever waging such invective on any liberal dignitary or extreme liberal opponent so savagely as has on both Donald Trump’s policies and Donald Trump’s character. Which says to me “this is personal.” George Will’s ego has been bruised in the recent past and as a result he has chosen to abandon integrity and fairness for the sake of revenge. Sad.

Of course it's personal. That's entirely what "character" is and always has been about ---- the personal. The personal failings of abject narcissism, sociopathy, avarice, mendacity, petulance, vanity ---- "personal character" is a redundant phrase.

Rump Resistance has nothing to do with "liberal" or "conservative" anything. That would imply the political whore actually has some kind of ideology. He doesn't. He's a con artist pure and simple, who can and will say or do anything for the ego masturbation of Numero Uno, and if it also serves that masturbation he'll turn right around and deny he did or said the first one, e.g. "Mexico will pay for the wall", e.g. "I didn't mock a reporter". This has ALWAYS been personal from Day Zero. That's part and parcel of being personally unqualified to hold office.

You're just NOW figuring this out?

Not sure how you make the leap to "George Will's ego has been bruised" from a treatise that doesn't even bring him up. Methinks George Will's ego is not the one bruised here. Oh and by the way speaking of egos we can all read normal fonts; your words are not somehow singularly of greater import.
Why did George Will tell everyone to vote for Hillary, because he had a little tantrum when Trump and others called him out back then, All of a sudden what despicable Hillary wants is better for this nation than Trump’s ideas? Sure, honest George. Face it, you turned against your own beliefs to defend your own ego. You would rather look right than be right. Get it? It wasn’t “personal” because it was against Trump’s character --- that was obvious --- it became personal when little Georgie was impugned. The fact he could not give Trump a modicum of credit for anything in all his screeds speaks volumes.

But since you and yours occupy your every waking hour with Trump’s character (as though that justifies all of your owned crazed ideas for America) we will give you your little victory. We know Trump is flawed, we know he is boorish and clumsy when he speaks and does a poor job of explaining his positions. Was that your reason we were supposed to choose Hillary instead? : 0

Trump, despite his sins, has done many good things for America, and if he did not have a coward or blackmailed republican congress, so much more could have been done. But I guess the devil is winning the war in this world, so no surprise this will become a failure, too, but not because of Trump or his flawed character. D.C. is run by the devil. Trump is the only one with courage to stand up against this self serving wicked deep state. How many crooks do you suffer and continue to look the other way? But you do not care, you have an ego and a mission of your own. You could not care less what good things may come from Trump, your lame response is he only tries to help our economy, national security or families for his own ego. You either lie or you are dumb, imo.

When I got to the part where you went "Rump has courage" I collapsed to the floor gasping for air. That was funny as a crutch, considering its reference to a self-infatuated asshole who melts down into a puddle at the slightest perceived slight. If that's "courage", Michael Moore is a fucking dietician.

None of that drivel addressed my point anyway. You acted surprised that Rump aversion is personal, I pointed out what the fuck else could it possibly be, and you just yammer on and on about 'deep states' squirting your ad hom water pistol.
This article is by right-wing political commentator George F Will. It reflects the tide turning against Donald Trump.

There is so much smoke coming out of the Trump administration there is either a raging fire or Donald Trump has hired Cheech and Chong to lift the spirits of administration workers.

The worst aspect of the corruption of the GOP is the burgeoning budget deficit and the spiraling government debt which Donald Trump has addressed by stating he won't be here when the day of reckoning comes for the public debt. The GOP doesn't even care about Trump's negligence.

How much dirt can the Trump base bear?

Opinion | The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen

The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen

By George F. Will
January 18 at 5:09 PM

Half or a quarter of the way through this interesting experiment with an incessantly splenetic presidency, much of the nation has become accustomed to daily mortifications. Or has lost its capacity for embarrassment, which is even worse.

If the country’s condition is calibrated simply by economic data — if, that is, the United States is nothing but an economy — then the state of the union is good. Except that after two years of unified government under the party that formerly claimed to care about fiscal facts and rectitude, the nation faces a $1 trillion deficit during brisk growth and full employment. Unless the president has forever banished business cycles — if he has, his modesty would not have prevented him from mentioning it — the next recession will begin with gargantuan deficits, which will be instructive.

The president has kept his promise not to address the unsustainable trajectory of the entitlement state (about the coming unpleasant reckoning, he said: “Yeah, but I won’t be here”), and his party’s congressional caucuses have elevated subservience to him into a political philosophy. The Republican-controlled Senate — the world’s most overrated deliberative body — will not deliberate about, much less pass, legislation the president does not favor. The evident theory is that it would be lèse-majesté for the Senate to express independent judgments.

Dislike of him should be tempered by this consideration: He is an almost inexpressibly sad specimen. It must be misery to awaken to another day of being Donald Trump. He seems to have as many friends as his pluperfect self-centeredness allows, and as he has earned in an entirely transactional life. His historical ignorance deprives him of the satisfaction of working in a house where much magnificent history has been made. His childlike ignorance — preserved by a lifetime of single-minded self-promotion — concerning governance and economics guarantees that whenever he must interact with experienced and accomplished people, he is as bewildered as a kindergartener at a seminar on string theory.
Which is why this fountain of self-refuting boasts (“I have a very good brain”) lies so much. He does so less to deceive anyone than to reassure himself. And as balm for his base, which remains oblivious to his likely contempt for them as sheep who can be effortlessly gulled by preposterous fictions. The tungsten strength of his supporters’ loyalty is as impressive as his indifference to expanding their numbers.
Either the electorate, bored with a menu of faintly variant servings of boorishness, or the 22nd Amendment will end this, our shabbiest but not our first shabby presidency. As Mark Twain and fellow novelist William Dean Howells stepped outside together one morning, a downpour began and Howells asked, “Do you think it will stop?” Twain replied, “It always has.”

The ONLY THING WE NEED TO REMEMBER: Republicans would rather be Russian than to be American

Proof you’re brainwashed. Only a brainwashed person would say ^ this and be completely serious.

There are plenty of Trump supporters wearing those dumb ass T-shirts with the quote, "I would rather be Russian than a Democrat"

Democrats are American, last I checked so, if it's true then Republicans would rather be Russian than American.

Pretty simple. Why make it complicated?
LBJ ranks high on the shabby list. He was such a crook that the media even joked about how citizens who resided in cemeteries got him elected to local office. He faked a crisis that ultimately cost the lives of almost 50,000 Americans in Vietnam. He was a democrat though so the media managed to blame Vietnam on Tricky Dick Nixon.
Why did George Will tell everyone to vote for Hillary, because he had a little tantrum when Trump and others called him out back then, All of a sudden what despicable Hillary wants is better for this nation than Trump’s ideas? Sure, honest George. Face it, you turned against your own beliefs to defend your own ego. You would rather look right than be right. Get it? It wasn’t “personal” because it was against Trump’s character --- that was obvious --- it became personal when little Georgie was impugned. The fact he could not give Trump a modicum of credit for anything in all his screeds speaks volumes.

Will opposes Trump because Trump is an idiot and a fascist. It's not complicated.
Why did George Will tell everyone to vote for Hillary, because he had a little tantrum when Trump and others called him out back then, All of a sudden what despicable Hillary wants is better for this nation than Trump’s ideas? Sure, honest George. Face it, you turned against your own beliefs to defend your own ego. You would rather look right than be right. Get it? It wasn’t “personal” because it was against Trump’s character --- that was obvious --- it became personal when little Georgie was impugned. The fact he could not give Trump a modicum of credit for anything in all his screeds speaks volumes.

Will opposes Trump because Trump is an idiot and a fascist. It's not complicated.
That response was idiotic.
What strikes me from the article is this: “Mr. Conservative” Will I do not recall ever waging such invective on any liberal dignitary or extreme liberal opponent so savagely as has on both Donald Trump’s policies and Donald Trump’s character.

You cannot be serious.

All of a sudden all of Trump's initiatives alarm our life-long conservative George Will. That is a betrayal of his alleged long held ideals. I did not read any praise given in that article? I have no respect for this tactics. Yes, I believe this is worse than any of his attacks against obama, hillary, what have you. What difference does it make anyway? It is obvious he has turned this personal and it's about vengeance. low class (imo)

You speak.... oddly. As if English were not your first language. More like your native tongue is something.... Slavic, perhaps.
The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen
Some things George mentioned have merit, many others I dismiss with justifiable prejudice. (imo)
But I’m uninspired to rehash the differences here and now.

What strikes me from the article is this: “Mr. Conservative” Will I do not recall ever waging such invective on any liberal dignitary or extreme liberal opponent so savagely as has on both Donald Trump’s policies and Donald Trump’s character. Which says to me “this is personal.” George Will’s ego has been bruised in the recent past and as a result he has chosen to abandon integrity and fairness for the sake of revenge. Sad.

Of course it's personal. That's entirely what "character" is and always has been about ---- the personal. The personal failings of abject narcissism, sociopathy, avarice, mendacity, petulance, vanity ---- "personal character" is a redundant phrase.

Rump Resistance has nothing to do with "liberal" or "conservative" anything. That would imply the political whore actually has some kind of ideology. He doesn't. He's a con artist pure and simple, who can and will say or do anything for the ego masturbation of Numero Uno, and if it also serves that masturbation he'll turn right around and deny he did or said the first one, e.g. "Mexico will pay for the wall", e.g. "I didn't mock a reporter". This has ALWAYS been personal from Day Zero. That's part and parcel of being personally unqualified to hold office.

You're just NOW figuring this out?

Not sure how you make the leap to "George Will's ego has been bruised" from a treatise that doesn't even bring him up. Methinks George Will's ego is not the one bruised here. Oh and by the way speaking of egos we can all read normal fonts; your words are not somehow singularly of greater import.
Why did George Will tell everyone to vote for Hillary, because he had a little tantrum when Trump and others called him out back then, All of a sudden what despicable Hillary wants is better for this nation than Trump’s ideas? Sure, honest George. Face it, you turned against your own beliefs to defend your own ego. You would rather look right than be right. Get it? It wasn’t “personal” because it was against Trump’s character --- that was obvious --- it became personal when little Georgie was impugned. The fact he could not give Trump a modicum of credit for anything in all his screeds speaks volumes.

But since you and yours occupy your every waking hour with Trump’s character (as though that justifies all of your owned crazed ideas for America) we will give you your little victory. We know Trump is flawed, we know he is boorish and clumsy when he speaks and does a poor job of explaining his positions. Was that your reason we were supposed to choose Hillary instead? : 0

Trump, despite his sins, has done many good things for America, and if he did not have a coward or blackmailed republican congress, so much more could have been done. But I guess the devil is winning the war in this world, so no surprise this will become a failure, too, but not because of Trump or his flawed character. D.C. is run by the devil. Trump is the only one with courage to stand up against this self serving wicked deep state. How many crooks do you suffer and continue to look the other way? But you do not care, you have an ego and a mission of your own. You could not care less what good things may come from Trump, your lame response is he only tries to help our economy, national security or families for his own ego. You either lie or you are dumb, imo.

When I got to the part where you went "Rump has courage" I collapsed to the floor gasping for air. That was funny as a crutch, considering its reference to a self-infatuated asshole who melts down into a puddle at the slightest perceived slight. If that's "courage", Michael Moore is a fucking dietician.

None of that drivel addressed my point anyway. You acted surprised that Rump aversion is personal, I pointed out what the fuck else could it possibly be, and you just yammer on and on about 'deep states' squirting your ad hom water pistol.
Are you dense or can you not allow yourself to admit you were mistaken as to what I was referring to? Trust me, you need not respond I am done explaining. I could explain Trump’s courage to you (which you found so funny) including schooling the UN and NATO to pay up, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, addressing the Arab nation leaders in Saudi Arabia to get their act together on terrorists, but no matter how many examples provided, you would still run back to Trump’s twitters spats to show me his lack of courage or something of that nature. Thanks, at least I know what I am up against.
Last edited:
The left and their media's constant wailing about Trump is becoming nothing more than the boy who cried wolf.
Hillary's husband was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office playing hide the cigar with an intern barely older than his daughter and the crazy angry left thinks President Trump is "shabby"? WTF?
Can a Pussy Grabber ever really be shabby?

Please understand something. George Will for years and decades spouted many of the agendas that Trump is doing. Now we have two major parties. So imagine if you have political views and you listen to someone on a TV station giving you feel good dogma. The years add up. And then we elect someone who promotes the things spoken about and the wheels are greased for success. But whoaaaa! The grease is removed and rust is formed on the tracks. And Will is just one of many who are frauds. In a short time, AOC has replaced them all as the train is now something completely different. It comes with a stench.

George Will has never advocated putting up walls, never praised Nazis or Klanners, never disparaged his rivals with snark about their looks or parentage, never paid off porn stars to stay shut up while he loaded the audience with his opponent's husband's (not even his opponent but his opponent's spouse) accusers, never, even in his erudite baseball commentary, called for "get that sumbitch off the field, he's fired", never shoved a prime minister aside, never sat up all night sending whiny little bitch tweets because mean ol' Megan Kelly asked him a pointed question, never told bald-faced lies about his own financial hiccups, never invented his own press agent (TWICE) for the purpose of planting salacious stories in gossip rags, never subsequently LIED about having done that even after admitting to it in court, never made up a fake Time Magazine cover with his picture on it because NUMERO UNO WASN'T GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION, never passed up a military anniversary tribute that even the 92-year-old British Queen attended because it's raining and he might get his hair wet, never declared "I alone can fix it", never went into convulsions on stage to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, never put down his critics with ethnic slurs, never incited his readers to beat each other up, and I'm pretty sure never posed for soft porn pics with his own daughter.

That's Rump's agenda right there. It's amusing to try to pretend this is somehow about "politics" --- amusing in the sense of laughable. So no, George Will has never spouted ANY of that childish shit, which IS the subject of his Op-Ed here.

Now tell us more about "frauds".

Oh wait that's right I forgot --- George Will has also never run a Fraud University where "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions, you sell FEELINGS", then declared the judge from Indiana is "Mexican", then declared he'd never settle, then settled for the Indiana-Mexican judge's offer to the tune of 25 million bucks so that the Electoral College wouldn't have a candidate in front of them with a pending fraud case. I forgot to put that in.

But of course, the vast majority have never done any of this shit either. Because at some point we progressed beyond the emotional age of eight.
I do not know about the wall with Will, but then again that makes him a fraud right there. The rest of your spiel is conjecture and personal living and giving it back to those who mess with him. and the reason Trump was elected is because the Repubs were like Vichy France to the Progressive Socialists. Get this straight. I will never, ever believe his bull again. Even if I agree with him. For he helped to make the United States into a divided Tower of Babel. Others like Krystal and the rest can go ph uk themselves. Election after election after election of politicians selling out for their own power and thsese frauds had their hands in the cookie jar also.

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