The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.
Lemfeo! Thanks! Expose these idiots!
Let's start the war on racism by granting more NSA powers, imposing martial law, and taking all guns from citizens. Why is the government being such a bitch? I honestly don't think there will be that much of an uproar. You can only petition so long before you gotta get your ass back to work.
Slow down Hazel....first we have to figure out if it was a hate crime....was it terrorism...was it slavery...was it the crusades...was it lack of infrastructure...too few jobs...poor education...gender identity confusion...or just another maladjusted moron, exhibiting all the signs, and being ignored until he acted out.
This kid was a mental racist who shouldn't have a gun.

That doesn't mean I shouldn't have a gun.
The Left spins it one way...

The Right spins it another way...

Both sides of the aisle engage in petty and shameful exploitation of situations like this.



Meanwhile, in other news...

This is yet another in a long and growing list of Poster Children for better Gun Control.

Gun Control does not mean grabbing guns.

Gun Control means taking common-sense steps to reduce the number of head-cases and bad guys who can get their hands on one.

Gun Control means introducing more owner-accountability into the mix.

Gun Control means national standards for personal licensing and weapon registration and sales and transfers and such.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Second Amendment.

I'm also a huge fan of the concept of national standards, with some teeth in them.

Regardless of the naysayers and obstructionists who point to half-assed efforts elsewhere, that don't work very well.

Done right... with a little vision and imagination and hard work... we can undertake dramatic reforms that prove both effective and palatable.
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This kid was a mental racist who shouldn't have a gun.

That doesn't mean I shouldn't have a gun.
Government don't know if you're mentally healthy and morally capable of making appropriate gun decisions.
This is why whenever a con says "it could be anything but there is no proof that its racist" I laugh. NOTHING to them is proof of racism even when the shooter says that blacks are taking over and raping their women.

Fox News goes..."Uhhhh...he must be talking about Christians taking over and raping women, right?"

He could've lit a cross on the front lawn and these same faggots would be saying "Maybe it was chilly and he wanted warmth"
Never get between a dimocrap and his victim status. Good way to get hurt

Also, never get between a dimocrap and a freebie. Could get trampled.

Never get between a dimocrap and self righteous indignation.

Never get between a dimocrap and a tragedy.

Never..... Just don't even bother with dimocraps. They're not worth the trouble.

The Left spins it one way...

The Right spins it another way...

Both sides of the aisle engage in petty and shameful exploitation of situations like this.



Meanwhile, in other news...

This is yet another in a long and growing list of Poster Children for better Gun Control.

Gun Control does not mean grabbing guns.

Gun Control means taking common-sense steps to reduce the number of head-cases and bad guys who can get their hands on one.

Gun Control means introducing more owner-accountability into the mix.

Gun Control means national standards for personal licensing and weapon registration and sales and transfers and such.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Second Amendment.

I'm also a huge fan of the concept of national standards, with some teeth in them.

Regardless of the naysayers and obstructionists who point to half-assed efforts elsewhere, that don't work very well.

Done right... with a little vision and imagination and hard work... we can undertake dramatic reforms that prove both effective and palatable.
You know what I"m a huge fan of?

Enforcing existing standards and laws.

Everything you listed already is enforceable with existing code.

ANYTHING more than what already is on the books is confiscation based upon fear or an agenda.
The Left spins it one way...

The Right spins it another way...

Both sides of the aisle engage in petty and shameful exploitation of situations like this.



Meanwhile, in other news...

This is yet another in a long and growing list of Poster Children for better Gun Control.

Gun Control does not mean grabbing guns.

Gun Control means taking common-sense steps to reduce the number of head-cases and bad guys who can get their hands on one.

Gun Control means introducing more owner-accountability into the mix.

Gun Control means national standards for personal licensing and weapon registration and sales and transfers and such.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Second Amendment.

I'm also a huge fan of the concept of national standards, with some teeth in them.

Regardless of the naysayers and obstructionists who point to half-assed efforts elsewhere, that don't work very well.

Done right... with a little vision and imagination and hard work... we can undertake dramatic reforms that prove both effective and palatable.
You're a fucking anti gunner and therefore a scumbag. It's really that simple.
The kid had absolutely nothing that would have disqualified him from owning a gun. So what law would have prevented his having one?
This is why whenever a con says "it could be anything but there is no proof that its racist" I laugh. NOTHING to them is proof of racism even when the shooter says that blacks are taking over and raping their women.

Fox News goes..."Uhhhh...he must be talking about Christians taking over and raping women, right?"

He could've lit a cross on the front lawn and these same faggots would be saying "Maybe it was chilly and he wanted warmth"
Because intelligent people who hear someones say, "Blacks are taking over" understand that is prejudice, not racism.

racism is something else entirely. But to people who see racism in get the idea.
The Left spins it one way...

The Right spins it another way...

Both sides of the aisle engage in petty and shameful exploitation of situations like this.


There is no spin to this. The fuck was nuts and needs to be fried. Period. End of story.

Besides, if the coward wanted to start some real shit, why did he hit a Church? That's just stupid.

If he really wanted to start trouble, he should have hit the Black Panther racist scum or the NAACP or some other activist, racist group....... Not a fucking Church.

The kid needs to be fried. Yesterday.

And you liberturdian scum can't go more than one or two posts without saying we're all the same, can you?

Anybody that thinks barack the scumbag motherfucker obama and John McCain, a truly courageous hero and patriot, are in any way similar is too stupid to breathe free air
This is why whenever a con says "it could be anything but there is no proof that its racist" I laugh. NOTHING to them is proof of racism even when the shooter says that blacks are taking over and raping their women.

Fox News goes..."Uhhhh...he must be talking about Christians taking over and raping women, right?"

He could've lit a cross on the front lawn and these same faggots would be saying "Maybe it was chilly and he wanted warmth"
Because intelligent people who hear someones say, "Blacks are taking over" understand that is prejudice, not racism.

racism is something else entirely. But to people who see racism in get the idea.

Yeah, but none of those words are used. The angle of hating blacks isnt even discussed. They try to divert to say this is about Christianity.
You're a fucking anti gunner and therefore a scumbag. It's really that simple.
The kid had absolutely nothing that would have disqualified him from owning a gun. So what law would have prevented his having one?

You're right about the scumbag part but wrong about the reason.....

It's a liberturdian. The only scum that rivals dimocrap filth for 'lowest form of life on earth' honors
You're a fucking anti gunner and therefore a scumbag. It's really that simple.
The kid had absolutely nothing that would have disqualified him from owning a gun. So what law would have prevented his having one?

You're right about the scumbag part but wrong about the reason.....

It's a liberturdian. The only scum that rivals dimocrap filth for 'lowest form of life on earth' honors
I dunno. He's calling for more government restricting on private activity. That doesnt sound libertarian to me.
This is why whenever a con says "it could be anything but there is no proof that its racist" I laugh. NOTHING to them is proof of racism even when the shooter says that blacks are taking over and raping their women.

Fox News goes..."Uhhhh...he must be talking about Christians taking over and raping women, right?"

He could've lit a cross on the front lawn and these same faggots would be saying "Maybe it was chilly and he wanted warmth"
Because intelligent people who hear someones say, "Blacks are taking over" understand that is prejudice, not racism.

racism is something else entirely. But to people who see racism in get the idea.

Yeah, but none of those words are used. The angle of hating blacks isnt even discussed. They try to divert to say this is about Christianity.
Who is this they? I speak only for Myself...however, as I said...people who see racism in everything will see everything...

The bodies are barely cold and the left is screaming white community killed them, and are reaching for the ban-guns notecards on the rolodex.....

Meanwhile, two of the real victims of this nutcase, a brother/sister of one of the killed women in the church, are speaking about having forgiven the perp for his sin and transgressions...

Those two young people are far better people than I would ever be in such a situation, but it does show the power of religion to heal....

Would that more people were like these two fine people.

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