The Sheer Utter Incompetence of the Left

Do you realize just how silly you sound? You were talking about gerrymandering, then .....what's next?
Stay on the discussion you started.
We're talking republican vs. democrat basically. Didn't know I had to follow a procedure. Do you have any answers why the Republican states have so much poverty vs. the blue states for example. I mean, they seem to vote for the republicans who will never take them out of poverty looks like. So why do they keep voting republican?
LMAO then why haven't Dems crammed it through hmmm? Go ahead nothing stopping you, well except you would get obliterated in the next election. :auiqs.jpg:
My answer is that they're usually outgunned in congress by republicans or hard right democrats like Manchin.
If Dems can't even get Dems to vote for it well there's no majority support for it is there.
If Dems can't even get Dems to vote for it well there's no majority support for it is there.
I believe I mentioned the inequality of the electoral system where a smaller number of republicans can have power of the majority. And I mean huge inequality. California has the population about 25 mostly if not red states.
Dems are screwed in the next election. Would be nice if forever. They are a cancer to this country unitl they remember what they used to be.
We're talking republican vs. democrat basically. Didn't know I had to follow a procedure. Do you have any answers why the Republican states have so much poverty vs. the blue states for example. I mean, they seem to vote for the republicans who will never take them out of poverty looks like. So why do they keep voting republican?
Just have to look for the blue cities in those red states, Jason. That should answer your question.
yeah 4 yrs of peace and prosperity,,,,what a terrible time

The only post WW2 President to lose jobs during his term. Worst growth rate since the Hoover admin. $9 trillion added to the debt, and $1 trillion deficit in just 3 years. Worst stock market crash since 1929, with the three biggest point drops in history. 600,000 dead Americans from a botched global pandemic response.

That turncoat can't even get 26% of Republicans to support her in her own state primary :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
BLUES Remember 1984?

Rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears - An excerpt​

In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the protagonist faces the nightmare of opposing “The Party,” which “told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” When reality doesn’t conform to the Party’s interests, the Party revises reality to achieve its own ends. Orwell may as well have been referring to today’s Republican Party, which denies facts, evidence, and logic to support positions, laws, and policies riddled with contradictions, distortions, and hypocrisy.
Consider Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde describing the January 6th attack on the Capitol, witnessed by millions on national television, as “a normal tourist visit,” by citizens acting “in an orderly fashion.” Another Republican, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, even accused the Department of Justice of “harassing peaceful patriots.” Subsequently, the Republican National Committee declared the January 6 attack “legitimate political discourse.” Now, a third of Republican voters agree with them. In other words, Republican leaders have successfully convinced their base to “reject the evidence of [their] eyes and ears.”
Blues,,now Trump says ""what is wrong with being impeached?"" Are you all bat s**t crazy?
Talking to a Dem or GOP voter is like trying to tell a friend that you saw their spouse cheating only to have them call you a liar and cling even closer to them.
The truth is republicans are not a normal party

The GQP is not a normal American political party. It has no governing construct. It’s official current platform is to support anything donald trump supports. It’s 85% white in a 57% white country​

& exists as a platform for white grievance.

Stevens, who is from Jackson, Mississippi, grew up in the Southern United States in the 1960s. He felt that the Democratic Party members he knew consisted predominantly of "good ol' boy" segregationists; he chose instead to join the Republican Party.

He has served as strategist and media consultant to dozens of Congressmen, Governors and Senators. Notable clients include President Bush, Governor Romney, Governor Haley Barbour, Governor Tom Ridge, Senator Thad Cochran, Senator Dick Lugar, Senator Mel Martínez, Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Roger Wicker, Senator Jon Kyl, Governor Bill Weld, Governor Paul Cellucci, Governor Bob Riley and others

Blues,,now Trump says ""what is wrong with being impeached?"" Are you all bat s**t crazy?
Partisan BS show is not impeached. Was found NOT GUILTY in the Senate.........As your side WHINED about how you didn't have time to get proper evidence.

Baloney........your side never had evidence, and the stall was because the evidence was OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST YOU.
Partisan BS show is not impeached. Was found NOT GUILTY in the Senate.........As your side WHINED about how you didn't have time to get proper evidence.

Baloney........your side never had evidence, and the stall was because the evidence was OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST YOU.
the senate didnt give any exonerating evidence to prove innocence, they just dropped it, -> aquittal.

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