The Sheer Utter Incompetence of the Left

Every Democrat in the country should be like Joe Manchin. They'd probably win 70 seats in the Senate.

But they all want to be like AOC, who is in a +60 D district and primaried the sitting member with 10% of the party voting.

That explains why Democrats are so bad at everything.

Democrats used to be bad at policy but were good at politics. Now they suck at politics too.
To be like who? Be a Milquetoast Moderate like Manchin, supporting largely failed Republican policies because they desperately want to court that middle class, high school educated, white vote? Got a news flash for ya. They ain't gonna vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name. Manchin is a millionaire. He's already got his. I understand what this guy is trying to say but right now, but like most moderates, he can't see the forest for the trees. A lot of these issues are interconnected. The Democratic party is caught between an aged leadership so out of touch that they can't message their way out of a wet paper bag, and an up and coming younger generation who just can't or won't look at the big, long term picture. They want it all now. There are issues like taxes, healthcare, the solvency of SS and Medicare, the environment, etc that have needed addressing for DECADES. But there is no one, who can seem to get that message across. Instead of drawing distinct differences, it's a weird kind of Rodney King moment (Can't we all just get along?) that the Democrats try for that just ends up handing victory after victory to Republicans.
To be like who? Be a Milquetoast Moderate like Manchin, supporting largely failed Republican policies because they desperately want to court that middle class, high school educated, white vote? Got a news flash for ya. They ain't gonna vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name. Manchin is a millionaire. He's already got his. I understand what this guy is trying to say but right now, but like most moderates, he can't see the forest for the trees. A lot of these issues are interconnected. The Democratic party is caught between an aged leadership so out of touch that they can't message their way out of a wet paper bag, and an up and coming younger generation who just can't or won't look at the big, long term picture. They want it all now. There are issues like taxes, healthcare, the solvency of SS and Medicare, the environment, etc that have needed addressing for DECADES. But there is no one, who can seem to get that message across. Instead of drawing distinct differences, it's a weird kind of Rodney King moment (Can't we all just get along?) that the Democrats try for that just ends up handing victory after victory to Republicans.
Manchin saved this nation, show some respect.
Manchin saved this nation, show some respect.
He's just another in a long line of reasons the Democratic party is in the shape its in. Only now, he's got the party over a barrel because of the Senate numbers.
Also, I have no respect for a politician who won't have the courage of his convictions. Problem with Manchin in WV is while the Republican party would like to get
him over, they don't respect him and wouldn't normally give him the time of day. If he ever flipped, they'd promptly primary him the next time he came up for re-election. :)
He's just another in a long line of reasons the Democratic party is in the shape its in. Only now, he's got the party over a barrel because of the Senate numbers.
Also, I have no respect for a politician who won't have the courage of his convictions. Problem with Manchin in WV is while the Republican party would like to get
him over, they don't respect him and wouldn't normally give him the time of day. If he ever flipped, they'd promptly primary him the next time he came up for re-election. :)
So you believe in Party over the People. Got it.
He knows what his constituents wants, and he delivered for them.
That's the way it's supposed to work. Thank him, not disrespect him, Jack.
So you believe in Party over the People. Got it.
He knows what his constituents wants, and he delivered for them.
That's the way it's supposed to work. Thank him, not disrespect him, Jack.
I'd just as soon bid him a hearty goodbye and a don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. :) He's a Republican.
And his constituents? LOL. No evidence he's doing anything of the sort. If he was, WV would rank just a bit higher in some major categories.

I could go on and on. I judge a politician by what initiatives they put forward for their state.
Again, Manchin is a millionaire. He has his. The only reason he's not a Republican is because he'd
last until the next election cycle when they primaried him and the WV Republican party wouldn't give him the time of day. :)
I'd just as soon bid him a hearty goodbye and a don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. :) He's a Republican.
And his constituents? LOL. No evidence he's doing anything of the sort. If he was, WV would rank just a bit higher in some major categories.

I could go on and on. I judge a politician by what initiatives they put forward for their state.
Again, Manchin is a millionaire. He has his. The only reason he's not a Republican is because he'd
last until the next election cycle when they primaried him and the WV Republican party wouldn't give him the time of day. :)
You are sticking to voting party over constituents.
Manchin keeps getting reelected, so he is doing something right for his state.
He's not a republican, he's more of an Independent.
If he ever flipped, they'd promptly primary him the next time he came up for re-election
Strangely... history proves you wrong...again.

Van Drew (R-NJ2) switched from Democrat to Republican...and Trump campaigned for his re-election as a Republican...which he won.

He JUST won his primary in NJ a week ago... 32,000 votes at least...and his closest challenger?... A hair over 3,000.

So once ain't what leftists don't's what they 'know' ain't so.

How did Arlen Specter do after he switched parties to become a Democrat?

Rhetorical question.

I'll tell you...he gave them a super majority... and in return...they stripped him of seniority, primaried him, he lost, and the Democrats lost the seat to Toomey.

But isn't that there leftist way... Accuse your enemies not of what they actually do (which is embrace those who switch parties)...but what they themselves would and have done.

<Insert mic drop here>
I've been accused of being a Democrat because I slam Trump and his supporters.

But I'm not. I could never be a Democrat.

I'm competent at what I do.
Because of people like you we have all the policies that you whined about.
I can't remember ever seeing a political party as incompetent as the Democratic Party of today. And after four years of Trump and the GQP, that's saying something.

So what is the solution offered? They passed bills on the platforms that got them elected. The outsized power of the minority has kept those bills from passing the Senate.

You are sticking to voting party over constituents.
Manchin keeps getting reelected, so he is doing something right for his state.
He's not a republican, he's more of an Independent.
He does nothing for his state. He espouses Republican viewpoints in a bright red state.
The minute he starts advocating for better healthcare, better education, and an equitable tax system,
those red voters will turn on him. End of story.

So what is the solution offered? They passed bills on the platforms that got them elected. The outsized power of the minority has kept those bills from passing the Senate.

LOL we'll see who is in the minority this Nov when Dems get foot stomped for passing their leftist agenda.
He does nothing for his state. He espouses Republican viewpoints in a bright red state.
The minute he starts advocating for better healthcare, better education, and an equitable tax system,
those red voters will turn on him. End of story.

That is YOUR opinion, and not that based on facts. He is more middle of the road.

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