The Ship Sailed Long Ago for the Gun Grabbers

There are no "gun grabbers," only those that are care about a bullet in the head of our children in schools. Some care, some don't.
There are no "gun grabbers," only those that are care about a bullet in the head of our children in schools. Some care, some don't.
Right, commie, just come get them ok?
The commies are people like yourself, who put ideology before the lives of our children. You are just too stupid to realize it.
And you're a liar to boot. Start rounding up our guns commie! What are you waiting for?
And you're a liar to boot. Start rounding up our guns commie! What are you waiting for?
You're hysterical, boi. Care about the unnecessary death of children, then your perverse desire to own weapons that will slaughter them. You are a good Stalinist! A Stalinist who thinks he is above all.
Gator breath wants convicted murderers and rapists to be able to buy guns when they get out.
I oppose, so I’m a gun grabber.
I have no problem with those who have served time and pay their debt to society having their rights restored. If they are not safe to be out with rights restored, why are they out?
There are no "gun grabbers," only those that are care about a bullet in the head of our children in schools. Some care, some don't.
Go ahead amend the constitution and ban guns what are you waiting for? Oh wait, you can't muster the support of the people to do that, got it. :eusa_hand:
“It’s far easier to slander one’s political adversaries and to demand that responsible citizens forfeit their constitutional rights than it is to examine the cultural sickness giving birth to unspeakable acts of evil,” Cruz said. “It’s far less comfortable to ask why despair and isolation and violent hatred is so prevalent in America. It requires a sick soul to drive a truck into a crowded sidewalk, to plan a bomb at a marathon, or to fly a plane into a building. It requires a sick soul to open fire in a movie theater or in a church or in a school. A speeding automobile in the hands of a madman is as deadly as is a jet airplane.”

“Tragedies like the events of this week are a mirror forcing us to ask hard questions, demanding that we see where our culture is failing, looking at broken families, absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media bullying, violent online content, desensitizing the act of murder in video games, chronic isolation, prescription drug, and opioid abuse and their collective effects on the psyche of young Americans is both complicated and multifaceted,” Cruz continued. “It’s a lot easier to moralize about guns and to shriek about those you disagree with politically, but it’s never been about guns.”

- Ted Cruz

“I strongly believe that the right to bear arms is an important safeguard against potential tyranny of government. Historically, maintaining their power over the people is why those in power did not allow public ownership of guns.”

- Elon Musk

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