The shit has hit the fan (at full speed) Pastor compares Obama to Judas

Rev. William Owens, founder of the Coalition of African-Americans Pastors, on Tuesday, compared President Barack Obama to Judas, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (video below).Rev. Owens said at the National Press Club: “The President is in the White House because of the civil rights movement, and I was a leader in that movement, and I didn’t march one inch, one foot, one yard for a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman.”“So the President has forgotten the price that was paid. People died or they suffered or they gave their blood to have equal rights in the United States. And for the homosexual community and for the President to bow to the money, as Judas did with Jesus Christ, is a disgrace and we are ashamed. We will not take it back. We will not back down. We are going to take action across this country to change the course that this President has us in.”
its nto even news anymore, its gotten to the point where people believe Obama can cure cancer with his tears, so i dont even pay it mind anymore.
i am not shock and understand where the minister is coming from...religion is blinding at times
i am not shock and understand where the minister is coming from..religion is blinding at times

So is race. Obama got a lot of free votes in the past just for being black. Many of those votes are about to disappear.:eusa_clap:
its nto even news anymore, its gotten to the point where people believe Obama can cure cancer with his tears, so i dont even pay it mind anymore.

You have Obama confused with Chuck Norris. The joke is "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried."
its nto even news anymore, its gotten to the point where people believe Obama can cure cancer with his tears, so i dont even pay it mind anymore.

You have Obama confused with Chuck Norris. The joke is "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried."

thank u im horrible about keeping up, but thank u, thats where it came from im sure.
This pearl clutching by so-called christian ministers is amusing....I will enjoy it while it lasts.

This pearl clutching by so-called christian ministers is amusing....I will enjoy it while it lasts.


and this shit tossing by so-called liberty loving Americans is even more amusing.... I will enjoy it until ya'll pop like zitz :blowup:

This small group of homophobic black pastors really has gramps engine running, doesn't it?

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