The Shroud of Trayvon

No,Snookie; since you ask, it was more like more like simple assault and battery, apparently; the problem was, the man he assaulted happened to be armed with a gun. It occurs to me, that if Trayvon felt so afraid/threatened/dissed, whatever, because Zimmerman was following him, he COULD have used his cellphone to call the police, instead of talking to his girfriend. Naaaw, I guess not; hell, that would have been too much like common sense, and we can't have THAT, not in your vision of America! I guess we could say that there were TWO people who took the law into their own hands that night; one died for the mistake, and your side wanted to lynch the other.

Just maybe, it might not be the best idea to celebrate or beatify EITHER of these two poster children for poor judgement, but...oh, snap! I forgot about the political need for martyrs, real or imagined; do carry on!

Symbolism is necessary.

Uh huh; but to who, and to what purpose? The problem with symbols is, they're in the eye of the beholder, and mean very different things to different people.

For instance, we see a lot of posts hereon Black crime and the reasons for it, and people here who are (or represent themselves as) Black, come across with talk like, "Yeah, I'm Black, and I'm BAAAAD! Follow me, you crack mother****, and I'll f***you up!" Empower yourself by acting thretening-it may be satisfying, but is that really the message you want to send? Well, IS IT? Then, if anyone reacts negatively to this message, well, "They're RACIST!" Then you glorify Trayvon Martin, and what other people see, is a thug-wannabe, with (by his own words) a racist attitude, and outrage from your side that someone who isn't Black had the audacity to defend himself from this "little angel" who was not quite the innocent, harmless little kid they media originally portrayed as a hapless "victim of a racist vigilante". Wanna know how that comes across? It comes across as, "Black people hate you, just for being, well, not Black, and so, they should be allowed to bully you, prey on you, and threaten you, without consequence to themselves; after all, you're not Black, so you deserve it, Cracka!"

Now, to a lot of us, if you're actually white, that comes across as self-serving pandering and/or misplaced guilt, at best, and if your'e Black, it's either faintly ridiculous posturing, at best, or downright menacing, at worst; you're either silly and annoying, or a threat to me and my loved ones. Either way, you're not my friend.That's bad enough, but the message you're sending to those young Black men who AREN'T thugs, is that there's nothing for them between acting like a punk, and acting like a groveling, subservient Uncle Tom. You're telling them that it's not only OK, it's good, and it's cool, to be a caricature, rather than just be a good man, and that's a damn lie.

So yeah, symbols say a lot; but you better be sure they're saying the right thing, not just whatever is expedient, or gives you a little visceral satisfaction at the moment.

Ok, ok.:(
You are an abject liar. Now you want to be a cracker. I wish you would make up your mind.

Talk is cheap. Prove it. link?


Bumping for the troll.
I think this thread has gone full tilt racist. .. :eek:


Yeah. That was the point. Lol

If the race baiters are going to continue to race bait the Zimmerman case where the only race issue going on was Al Racist Sharpton and Ben Racist Follow the Money Crump and Jesse Has Been Cheater Racist Jackson. Oh well and the victim who was nigga and cracka ing all over the place.


Black Actress Lays Into Oprah Over Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till Comparison: ‘Shame on You’

Aug. 19, 2013
Jason Howerton

In Stacey Dash’s mind, Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till are not the “same thing.”

The actress recently blasted Oprah Winfrey for making the controversial comparison, quoting Malcolm X to make her point.

“If You aren’t careful, The newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed And loving the people who are doing the oppressing ~ Malcom X,” Dash tweeted, later adding “shame on you @oprah.”

Dash also included a link to a story on the TV personality’s interview during which she compared Till to Martin and claimed President Barack Obama is “smart” for not appearing on Fox News.

Dash burst onto the political scene during the 2012 presidential election when she came out against President Barack Obama and pledged her support to failed Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Dash was viciously attacked on Twitter for supporting a Republican. TheBlaze’s story outlining the so-called controversy remains the third most popular story in this site’s history. Read it here.


Black Actress Lays Into Oprah Over Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till Comparison: ?Shame on You? | Video |
Anyone who's still in this thread is completely nuts. And needs to examine their internet priorities.

Good luck!

And yet here you are...

I keep telling you stupid fucking liberals to spend a few bucks and get a non glare monitor so you don't keep embarrassing yo-selves...:lol:

Hmm Obama dressed in KKK garb and then 2 images in a row of comical monkeys. What a great thread. Keep up the fight A.J! :laugh:


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