The "Shut Up" Culture


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This happens on this board every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. Well.... Okay, maybe not in the wee hours of the morning. But average it out and I'm right -- Every minute of every hour of every day.

These days if you want to talk about liberal policy, if you want to talk about obama's liberal policy, Eric Holder's liberal policy or even liberal policy in general......

You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.

At all.

You see, they've already made their decision. They are not interested in what you have to say.

At all.

They've made up their minds, so sit down and just shut up.

This article is about the College Campus and rape. But it doesn't matter what the topic is, the answer from our liberal pals is always the same...

Shut Up!!

Campus Rape Culture | Crime Statistics | Due Process


Is campus “rape culture” off the list of acceptable debate?

Last week we featured Mark Steyn’s column about forced intellectual conformity on campus:

Universities are no longer institutions of inquiry but ‘safe spaces’ where delicate flowers of diversity of race, sex, orientation, ‘gender fluidity’ and everything else except diversity of thought have to be protected from exposure to any unsafe ideas….

As American universities, British playwrights and Australian judges once understood, the ‘safe space’ is where cultures go to die.

Almost as if on cue, some students at Cornell have sought to shut down a dissenting view on campus “rape culture.”

The spark was a column in The Cornell Daily Sun by student Julius Kairey, which we featured at College Insurrection. That column, titled The Truth About “Rape Culture” took issue with the statistics behind claims of an epidemic of sexual assault, and the related rush to strip the accused of due process rights:

I would be less concerned about the exaggerated statistics about “rape culture,” and thus less inclined to criticize it, if it were not causing concrete harm to students. But the belief that rape must be prevented by “any means necessary” has been used to justify the elimination of key protections for students accused of rape in campus judicial systems. Some want the claims of the alleged victims of rape to be accepted as true, and not scrutinized in a fair legal proceeding. Just two years ago, Cornell stripped those accused of sexual offenses of the right to retain an attorney in University proceedings and the right to cross-examine their accusers. A student accused of a sexual offense at Cornell is now not able to directly ask the person who is making a potentially life-ruining accusation a single question about the incident. This is an inexcusable erasure of the fundamental right to confront one’s accuser, a right that has existed for all of our country’s history. Such rights are not superfluous. They protect us against arbitrary action by those who hold the levers of power.

To make matters worse, the University has dropped the standard of proof in sexual assault cases from “clear and convincing evidence” to “preponderance of the evidence.” This means that a Cornell student accused of a violent offense that is sexual in nature will not have the legal safeguards given to others whose alleged offenses were non-sexual. With the punishment being so severe and so much on the line for the accused, how can we accept such a low standard of proof?

Given that this university has a tremendous power to punish students, we have an obligation to make sure that the innocent do not get hurt….

The loss of due process rights for students accused of sexual assault is a topic we have addressed many times here and at College Insurrection:

Kangaroo courts for men on campus
California Seeks to Redefine Consensual Campus Sex as Rape
California Consent Law | Campus Sex | Yes | Senate bill 967
Is Dartmouth now a due process danger zone for men?
Dartmouth | Amanda Childress | Due Process | Sexual Assault
Debunking ‘Rape Culture’ on College Campuses
Campus sexual assaults | rape culture | fraud
When it comes to campus sexual assault charges, being not guilty is not good enough
When it comes to campus sexual assault charges, being not guilty is not good enough

The response to Kairey’s column was fairly predictable, as we noted at College Insurrection. A group of Cornell students castigated The Daily Sun for running the column, and accused Kairey of fomenting further sexual assaults, The Danger of Rape Culture Denial:

We disagree with the decision to publish “The Truth About ‘Rape Culture,’” by Julius Kairey ’15. Kairey blatantly disrespected a sensitive subject by reducing and delegitimizing the scarring experiences of survivors. This newspaper erred in publishing this article and should now also take responsibility for the harmful, triggering effects that articles like these cause. We hope that in the future, the Cornell Daily Sun makes a conscious effort to ensure that their columnists treat subjects like sexual assault with respect. We call for an apology from Kairey and the Cornell Daily Sun…..

Rape culture describes the systematic denial of justice for victims of sexual assault: The deck is always stacked against the survivor, and the ignorant defend this status quo. Those, like Kairey, who have the power to create change by advocating for survivors instead choose to ignore their voices, erase their rights and refuse to hold perpetrators accountable….
Read the whole thing.

It nicely fits with what Steyn called the “shut up” culture on campuses.
More links at the site. If you're interested.

It's time we told the left to just Shut Up for a change. I'm tired of hearing their bullshit
And the same happens when the right speak, the left speak, whatever, whoever.


Because people are too comfortable to give a damn about finding the TRUTH.

The truth doesn't matter any more.
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!

So much irony...................................
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!

So much irony...................................

the truth is many times ironic. the comments about liberals being intolerant of any viewpoint but theirs is very true up to the head liberal of the land, BHO.
the truth is many times ironic. the comments about liberals being intolerant of any viewpoint but theirs is very true up to the head liberal of the land, BHO.

Most people are intolerant. That's the truth.

The irony is that the right slag the left off for being what they are.

Each side does the same thing. It's ridiculous.
the truth is many times ironic. the comments about liberals being intolerant of any viewpoint but theirs is very true up to the head liberal of the land, BHO.

Most people are intolerant. That's the truth.

The irony is that the right slag the left off for being what they are.

Each side does the same thing. It's ridiculous.

to a point you are correct, but there is no one on the right who has said and done things similar to those said and done by Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Schultz, Wasserman-schultz, weiner, and the HRC Clinton.
And the same happens when the right speak, the left speak, whatever, whoever.


Because people are too comfortable to give a damn about finding the TRUTH.

The truth doesn't matter any more.

Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.
to a point you are correct, but there is no one on the right who has said and done things similar to those said and done by Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Schultz, Wasserman-schultz, weiner, and the HRC Clinton.

Depends how you define "similar" I guess.

However both push the game, both allow those who control politics to get away with it while they concentrate on the useless game which just diverts attention.
Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.

I think the problem is that people often don't come to debate, they come to be right or to push their view. Yeah, a lot of posts end in insults, or just diversions. I've even been told that going in depth into a topic is bad. As if you have to just keep to the surface.

The truth matters a lot.

However, the point I was probably making is that to most people, the truth is just an irrelevance. They play the game.
coming from the op who calls all democracts, liberals, etc.

and he emphasizes ALL when he says it

scum, liars, etc.

to a point you are correct, but there is no one on the right who has said and done things similar to those said and done by Reid, Pelosi, Maher, Schultz, Wasserman-schultz, weiner, and the HRC Clinton.

Depends how you define "similar" I guess.

However both push the game, both allow those who control politics to get away with it while they concentrate on the useless game which just diverts attention.

unfortunately, thats what politics is all about, denigrating your opponents.

The point being made is that the rhetoric coming from the left is much more vile and poisonous, the congressioinal actions from the left are more mean spirited e.g. Reid blocking all GOP passed bills from reaching the senate floor, ACA being passed by dems only in the dark of night with no open debate or amendments allowed, Reid changing the rules of the senate in order to pass ACA, obama shutting down national monuments. etc.
For the most part, I don't even try anymore. I hang in the social threads, and post pics from Pinterest. The "Jane, you ignorant slut" riposte got very old a very long time ago.
The point of honest debate is to arrive at a snythesis that is closer to the truth than was previously thought.

There are seldom any HONEST debates here because people here are partisans not philosophers

What is a philosopher?

1. A lover of truth

2. A person who will allow new valid information to color his or her perception of reality.

A person who doesn't feel like having been wrong about something means they must defend that wrong thinking because failure to do so reflects on them as people.
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!

So much irony...................................

the truth is many times ironic. the comments about liberals being intolerant of any viewpoint but theirs is very true up to the head liberal of the land, BHO.

Anybody that has ever had employees or even subordinates knows that he or she sets the standard of behavior.

Anybody that has ever Commanded knows this as well.

You're right, the lying, the corruption, the 'Shut Up' culture comes from the top and filters down to the lowest form of life in the Country..... dimocraps.

You really can't have a conversation with them any more.

I've been on Message Boards off and on since the late 1990's.

I remember when we could have excellent conversations and respectful debates with (what used to be) democrats. They were fun. Nary a harsh word was spoken. A little bit, but it was soon regretted and apologized for.

Those who did it constantly were banned forthwith.

But somewhere along the line, democrats became dimocraps and started using their 'Shut Up' tactics and found that they worked.

Question abortion gestational periods? You're a woman hater. You want to take away a woman's right to control her body and deserve to be called every name in the book.

Question the entitlement culture? You're a racist and deserving of being called every name in the book.

Question Tax Policy? You're for the rich and hate the working man and woman. And deserve to be called every name in the book.

Question gay marriage? You're a homophobe.

You even question the tactics they use and you can expect to get attacked and piled on by EVERY dimocrap scumbag in the general area.

Debate and compromise in this Country has been ended by obama and his dimocrap scum forever in this Country, IMHO.

Unless we get a Republican like Mittens or McRINO in Office that is such an incredible pussy that he 'forgives and forgets'

While dimocrap scum sit back and plot how they'll fuck the Country and, especially, Conservatives the next time they get the chance.

I think that Republicans know this. I think that's why so many of us sit home during general elections.

I think we want a Man or a Woman who will take power and eviscerate the dimocrap scum criminals and prosecute them.

I think we need a Republican who isn't cowed by the Press and their version of the 'Shut Up Culture'

I think we need someone who will tell it like it is.... dimocraps are the scum of the earth and need to be politically exterminated.

Then maybe we can hope to see a new liberal party formed. One that isn't a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. And maybe, just maybe, one that doesn't hate America :eek:

Or am I just day-dreaming? :dunno:
Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.

I think the problem is that people often don't come to debate, they come to be right or to push their view. Yeah, a lot of posts end in insults, or just diversions. I've even been told that going in depth into a topic is bad. As if you have to just keep to the surface.

The truth matters a lot.

However, the point I was probably making is that to most people, the truth is just an irrelevance. They play the game.

the diversions and insults always start when a liberal has had his/her position destroyed by the truth. Liberals cannot deal with any facts that do not support their view of the world and the policies of their leaders.

For example, most conservatives will readily admit that Bush made mistakes. We are still waiting for the first liberal to admit that obama or clinton ever made a mistake.
Redfish. Seriously. I cannot take you and your hyper partisanship seriously. It is neither the left or the right. It is those who cannot, and will not, see people and instead see and attack political positions.
unfortunately, thats what politics is all about, denigrating your opponents.

And why is it? It's because people allow it to happen. It's because the system is set up for it. It's because the money wants it this way.

So, people play their part, they accept their role in the whole charade.

The point being made is that the rhetoric coming from the left is much more vile and poisonous, the congressioinal actions from the left are more mean spirited e.g. Reid blocking all GOP passed bills from reaching the senate floor, ACA being passed by dems only in the dark of night with no open debate or amendments allowed, Reid changing the rules of the senate in order to pass ACA, obama shutting down national monuments. etc.

No, the rhetoric coming from the left isn't more vile and poisonous.

It's all the same. It's all designed to do the same thing. If you say one side is worse than the other you're playing the game, you're doing what you're told to do.

Demand CHANGE, real change. I mean PR or some system that gets rid of the horrible monopoly that is killing the US.
It’s cultural Marxism, a gift given to us by the baby boomers. Their love of the hippie lifestyle and the progressive counter culture pushed by hardcore communists in the 60’s and 70’s have given us the ‘glorious’ mess that goes for MSM culture in the entire western world today.

Next time you see a baby boomer, tell him/her what a truly great impact they have had on modern culture.
What hypocrisy. My apology in advance if I am wrong, but doesn't the OP flower his usual post with terms like "dimocrat scum" and other such colorful wording? Some of the foulest, lowest class ignorant people on the net can be found in the ranks of the right wing posters at this site. I was just reading a thread where a lady was calling her critics worms.
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