The Siege of Richmond, 21st Century Style


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.
Wait ... WHAT ?!? ... Richmond is flaunting all their guns and you want to storm them? ... is your last will and testament in order?

Article !, Section 13 of the Virginia State Constitution: "That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."

Virginia AG is full of shit ...
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.
“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

Both the federal and state Constitutions affirm the people's right to keep and bear arms, and forbid infringement of this right. The federal Constitution, as this nation's highest law, takes precedence over any lesser law, state or federal, and I assume that the Virginia state Constitution similarly takes precedence over any lesser state laws.

The state certainly does not have any legitimate authority whatsoever to enact and enforce laws which violate the federal Constitution, and probably not to enact and enforce laws which violate the state's Constitution either; and any law-enforcement authority is certainly obligated to recognize and uphold the federal Constitution and almost certainly the state Constitution above any lesser laws.

It is the illegal and unconstitutional gun-control laws that the corrupt criminals who now run this state are trying to enact and enforce, which, in fact, have no force of law.
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.

So? They also hold them selves above the people In their communities. they won't give up or jeopardize their positions just so you can keep your gun. So if neighbor Bob who works for your local PD says "Morning" to you, that very same day neighbor Bob if instructed will be at your door in a minute for what you have if he was told to do so. They are humans to. They will hold their families well being above yours.
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.

So? They also hold them selves above the people In their communities. they won't give up or jeopardize their positions just so you can keep your gun. So if neighbor Bob who works for your local PD says "Morning" to you, that very same day neighbor Bob if instructed will be at your door in a minute for what you have if he was told to do so. They are humans to. They will hold their families well being above yours.

You keep shrinking the situation to an individual size. Once something like that has begun, it would be a statewide matter. Their well-being would not be served.

Not a threat, merely an observation of human nature.
Democrats fired back.

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

“Neither local governments nor local constitutional officers have the authority to declare state statutes unconstitutional or decline to follow them on that basis,” Herring wrote in the opinion. “Neither the Federal Constitution nor Virginia law recognizes any “anti-commandeering” principle that allows localities or local constitutional officers to refuse to participate in the enforcement of state law.”

Virginia AG Declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities Have ‘No Force Of Law’

January 20 we storm Richmond in response.

"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.

So? They also hold them selves above the people In their communities. they won't give up or jeopardize their positions just so you can keep your gun. So if neighbor Bob who works for your local PD says "Morning" to you, that very same day neighbor Bob if instructed will be at your door in a minute for what you have if he was told to do so. They are humans to. They will hold their families well being above yours.

You keep shrinking the situation to an individual size. Once something like that has begun, it would be a statewide matter. Their well-being would not be served.

Not a threat, merely an observation of human nature.

Really? In the past I agreed. But now? Na, I don't. In the end they will do what they are told. It's just like when 43 told us we needed the patriot act. That we needed to give up some of our privacy in exchange for security. How did that work out for presidant 45? over the last 20,years my faith in people who hold official positions has evaporated. Yes, there are cops who would not do this, but only because they would turn in their badge and say no. The majority of LE won't do that.
"Storming Richmond" is not something I would do. The point has already been made by the people.

What the AG says is of no consequence. The National Guard cannot be used for domestic law enforcement.

If the local police departments refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws, which they will both on principle and for their own safety, there is nothing the AG can do.

Blackface Ralph should reconsider his path.

I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.

So? They also hold them selves above the people In their communities. they won't give up or jeopardize their positions just so you can keep your gun. So if neighbor Bob who works for your local PD says "Morning" to you, that very same day neighbor Bob if instructed will be at your door in a minute for what you have if he was told to do so. They are humans to. They will hold their families well being above yours.

You keep shrinking the situation to an individual size. Once something like that has begun, it would be a statewide matter. Their well-being would not be served.

Not a threat, merely an observation of human nature.

Really? In the past I agreed. But now? Na, I don't. In the end they will do what they are told. It's just like when 43 told us we needed the patriot act. That we needed to give up some of our privacy in exchange for security. How did that work out for presidant 45? over the last 20,years my faith in people who hold official positions has evaporated. Yes, there are cops who would not do this, but only because they would turn in their badge and say no. The majority of LE won't do that.

Let's watch and see.
I doubt that. I'm thinking most cops will show up and do their thing. I have had to sit outside my home while a SWAT team set up on my bed so they can shoot a wife beater who wasn't even home. The whole time they made my pregnant wife and daughter sit on a couch down stairs. I lost all faith in law enforcement and have zero faith in their scruples. In the end they are humans just like you and me and they won't give up their power or place in society just so some guy in Virginia can keep his guns.

We're not talking some guy, but all guys.

Cops live in the community, with their families.

So? They also hold them selves above the people In their communities. they won't give up or jeopardize their positions just so you can keep your gun. So if neighbor Bob who works for your local PD says "Morning" to you, that very same day neighbor Bob if instructed will be at your door in a minute for what you have if he was told to do so. They are humans to. They will hold their families well being above yours.

You keep shrinking the situation to an individual size. Once something like that has begun, it would be a statewide matter. Their well-being would not be served.

Not a threat, merely an observation of human nature.

Really? In the past I agreed. But now? Na, I don't. In the end they will do what they are told. It's just like when 43 told us we needed the patriot act. That we needed to give up some of our privacy in exchange for security. How did that work out for presidant 45? over the last 20,years my faith in people who hold official positions has evaporated. Yes, there are cops who would not do this, but only because they would turn in their badge and say no. The majority of LE won't do that.

Let's watch and see.

I agree.
<nitpick> 2nd Amendment Rights are reserved for those suitable for militia duty ... so no felons, crazies or Californians ... the Virginia Constitution requires "[those] trained to arms" ... </nitpick>

The AG is just covering his ass because he's supposed to be chasing the pencil-pushers out of the Pentagon ... "that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty" ... some people just don't understand our system of government ...
<nitpick> 2nd Amendment Rights are reserved for those suitable for militia duty ... so no felons, crazies or Californians ... the Virginia Constitution requires "[those] trained to arms" ... </nitpick>

Really? Where does it say that in the Second Amendment?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It cites the need for a militia as the cause, but it identifies the right as belonging to the people [not stating any exceptions], and forbids infringement of this right.
Article I, Section 13 of the Virginia State Constitution ... yeah, local tax-payers short changed my high school education as well ...

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