The signs of the GOP's demise were present even before this.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia Republican primary

"A US businesswoman who has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory has won the Republican nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now expected to be elected in November to represent Georgia's heavily conservative 14th congressional district, and become QAnon's first devotee in Congress.

It comes amid a social media crackdown on the conspiracy theory. QAnon says "deep-state" traitors are plotting against Donald Trump.

Ms Greene is part of a growing list of Republican candidates to express support for the conspiracy theory."
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

During the last 3 1/2 years there has been a deluge of illegal, unethical, immoral, corrupt, incompetent, actions taken by the Orange Menace. Not to mention unprecedented claims of expansive presidential authority. It has made it hard to maintain a sense of outrage as outrageous things have become the norm. However, we should be concerned that the GOP has become a party of bizarre conspiracy theorists.

We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?

The Dems have them too, look at AOC. Look who just won their Primary in Minnesota, and she's been openly supportive of those who do not like Israel. It was unheard of for a Dem candidate to be so strongly outspoken against U.S ally, but she has been, and rewarded for it by her constituents.

There are some very open socialist supporters in the Dem Party, what does that mean for them and their party?
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

Where did you ever get the idea that President Trump believes the story of Cruz's father or Mr. Scarborough?

He only recognized that a number of people were talking about those situations, and in the case of Scarborough, an investigation was warranted. What's wrong with Joe and Mika clearing the air?

As far as the Obama Regime "wiretapping" Trump Tower, of course they don't use wire taps anymore. But Trump was right, Obama was surveilling his domicile during the campaign and he was a subject of an investigation in an attempt to take him out.
If the leftardz can have a "big tent" that only excludes white men and pro-lifers. . . . why can't the GOP have a big tent of sorts too?
QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia Republican primary

"A US businesswoman who has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory has won the Republican nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now expected to be elected in November to represent Georgia's heavily conservative 14th congressional district, and become QAnon's first devotee in Congress.

It comes amid a social media crackdown on the conspiracy theory. QAnon says "deep-state" traitors are plotting against Donald Trump.

Ms Greene is part of a growing list of Republican candidates to express support for the conspiracy theory."
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

During the last 3 1/2 years there has been a deluge of illegal, unethical, immoral, corrupt, incompetent, actions taken by the Orange Menace. Not to mention unprecedented claims of expansive presidential authority. It has made it hard to maintain a sense of outrage as outrageous things have become the norm. However, we should be concerned that the GOP has become a party of bizarre conspiracy theorists.

We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.
An animal is more dangerous in its death throes.

The party will be okay once this type is marginalized. It'll have to be different. That may take a while, though.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?

The Dems have them too, look at AOC. Look who just won their Primary in Minnesota, and she's been openly supportive of those who do not like Israel. It was unheard of for a Dem candidate to be so strongly outspoken against U.S ally, but she has been, and rewarded for it by her constituents.

There are some very open socialist supporters in the Dem Party, what does that mean for them and their party?
Actual Marxists run political offices in CA. The Liberals are the ones losing their party.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?

The Dems have them too, look at AOC. Look who just won their Primary in Minnesota, and she's been openly supportive of those who do not like Israel. It was unheard of for a Dem candidate to be so strongly outspoken against U.S ally, but she has been, and rewarded for it by her constituents.

There are some very open socialist supporters in the Dem Party, what does that mean for them and their party?

It's the mere fact that someone who supports and believes in conspiracy theories could find a home in the Republican party and get elected to a seat in Congress. Do you think this would have happened 20 years ago?...30? Criticizing our relationship and the actions of a foreign country isn't the same as vocally putting forth belief in conspiracy theories. Nor is socialistic leanings in the Democratic party. That's kind of a given. I don't see anyone on the left hand side of the aisle giving quarter or welcoming conspiracy theorists. This is a seat in the House of Representatives. It used to mean something.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?
There was a time when someone who espoused the crazy things QAnon people believe it would have been immediately disqualifying to be taken seriously as a candidate for public office. No longer.
The party will be okay once this type is marginalized. It'll have to be different. That may take a while, though.
I guess that's the question. Is the damage Trump has done to the party fleeting or irrevocable?
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The party will be okay once this type is marginalized. It'll have to be different. That may take a while, though.
I guess that's the question. Is the damage Trump has done to the party fleeting or irrevocable?

You tell me. If President Trump were to lose this year, would you as a liberal contribute and work for the Never Trumper heroes like Romney, Kasich or Powell who will be in the running for 2024?
If the leftardz can have a "big tent" that only excludes white men and pro-lifers. . . . why can't the GOP have a big tent of sorts too?
I realize the woman in the video is part of your posts as an attempt to poke fun at those who reacted strongly to Trump's election. The thing is, history has proven she was right to feel that way. His presidency has been an abomination from day 1.
The party will be okay once this type is marginalized. It'll have to be different. That may take a while, though.
I guess that's the question. Is the damage Trump has done to the party fleeting or irrevocable?
I think it's fleeting, if we assume that the party will have to change somewhat. Most likely those who have sold their soul to Trump will still find an excuse to vote GOP once he's gone, if only to hold off the "commies". My guess is that his departure, whenever that is, will leave such a void that the more lucid elements of the party might be able to regain control.
The party will be okay once this type is marginalized. It'll have to be different. That may take a while, though.
I guess that's the question. Is the damage Trump has done to the party fleeting or irrevocable?

You tell me. If President Trump were to lose this year, would you as a liberal contribute and work for the Never Trumper heroes like Romney, Kasich or Powell who will be in the running for 2024?
I would support Kasich
I think he is a decent man

Reminds me of the Republicans I used to vote for
You tell me. If President Trump were to lose this year, would you as a liberal contribute and work for the Never Trumper heroes like Romney, Kasich or Powell who will be in the running for 2024?
Of course not. But because I don't agree with their positions on the issues. Not because they are batshyte crazy like Trump and the Q's.
I think it's fleeting, if we assume that the party will have to change somewhat.
They realized change was needed after the 2012 election. They did an honest self-assessment of what had to be done. Then they went in the opposite direction with Generalissimo Trump.

The biggest obstacle for the GOP to once again become a fact based, informed, patriotic party that puts the country first is right wing media. It's going to be very difficult to stamp out the conspiracy nuts and push them back to the fringe when Faux, Limbaugh, Breitbart, are all spewing lies and distortions of facts 24/7.

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