The simple way to instantly fix health care!!!

Obamacare... you can't keep your doctor, you can't keep your current insurance, premiums are far too expensive to afford, deductibles are so high you might as will not even have insurance, the fucking federal government dictates The type of insurance you should have in their opinion, and you're counting on insurance companies to cover you when there's no guarantee that they will - all in all you're basically paying for other people shit…

yep the solution is to put everybody in Medicare and switch it to capitalism with vourchers . The transition would be so easy compared to the new Republican bill.

Where does the money come from for those "vourchers" (sic)?
Ryan and the GOP have convinced weakminded followers that Medicare can save money by paying CEOs $multi-million salaries.

if true I will pay you $10,000. Bet????

obviously big companies pay huge salaries to save money not to lose money. Do you understand these basics??

  • Cigna CEO David Cordani: $17.3 million. Cordani's total compensation rose considerably compared to 2014, when he pulled in $14.5 million. ...
  • Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini: $17.3 million. ...
  • UnitedHealth CEO Stephen Hemsley: $14.5 million. ...
  • Anthem CEO Joseph Swedish: $13.6 million. ...
  • Humana CEO Bruce Broussard: $10.3 million.
Health insurance CEO salary tops out at $17.3M in ... - Fierce Healthcare
So, all of these fellows run multi-state corporations with 10's of thousands of workers.

You know who else makes huge yearly sums?

Keanu Reeves. 30 million
Johnny Depp 35 million
Arnold Schwarzenegger 29.25 million
Mel Gibson 30 million
Sandra Bullock 20 million.

How about some singers?

Taylor Swift 73.5 million
Kenny Chesney 39.8 million
Billy Joel 31 million
Luke Bryan 23 million

All of these people outstrip any corporate CEO, yet they don't do anything but pretend to be other people or sing a few songs.

Sorry if I'm not outraged at the incomes of CEO's who actually provide value to our society.
If you don't see a difference you're to stupid to argue with.

so Taylor Swift deserves more money than a health care CEO??? Why?? A liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism and not know that CEO's save money. If not stockholders would not hire them

So you want the Market to work in Healthcare but not the entertainment can't make this shit up.
Obamacare... you can't keep your doctor, you can't keep your current insurance, premiums are far too expensive to afford, deductibles are so high you might as will not even have insurance, the fucking federal government dictates The type of insurance you should have in their opinion, and you're counting on insurance companies to cover you when there's no guarantee that they will - all in all you're basically paying for other people shit…

yep the solution is to put everybody in Medicare and switch it to capitalism with vourchers . The transition would be so easy compared to the new Republican bill.

Where does the money come from for those "vourchers" (sic)?

Why Obama's money stash of course.
Ryan and the GOP have convinced weakminded followers that Medicare can save money by paying CEOs $multi-million salaries.

if true I will pay you $10,000. Bet????

obviously big companies pay huge salaries to save money not to lose money. Do you understand these basics??

  • Cigna CEO David Cordani: $17.3 million. Cordani's total compensation rose considerably compared to 2014, when he pulled in $14.5 million. ...
  • Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini: $17.3 million. ...
  • UnitedHealth CEO Stephen Hemsley: $14.5 million. ...
  • Anthem CEO Joseph Swedish: $13.6 million. ...
  • Humana CEO Bruce Broussard: $10.3 million.
Health insurance CEO salary tops out at $17.3M in ... - Fierce Healthcare
So, all of these fellows run multi-state corporations with 10's of thousands of workers.

You know who else makes huge yearly sums?

Keanu Reeves. 30 million
Johnny Depp 35 million
Arnold Schwarzenegger 29.25 million
Mel Gibson 30 million
Sandra Bullock 20 million.

How about some singers?

Taylor Swift 73.5 million
Kenny Chesney 39.8 million
Billy Joel 31 million
Luke Bryan 23 million

All of these people outstrip any corporate CEO, yet they don't do anything but pretend to be other people or sing a few songs.

Sorry if I'm not outraged at the incomes of CEO's who actually provide value to our society.
If you don't see a difference you're too stupid to argue with.
Clearly, you don't see a difference between whining like a little bitch over productive members of society, and remaining silent for the same issue with non-productive members.

As for too stupid, that would be you. Have a nice day.
Ryan and the GOP have convinced weakminded followers that Medicare can save money by paying CEOs $multi-million salaries.

if true I will pay you $10,000. Bet????

obviously big companies pay huge salaries to save money not to lose money. Do you understand these basics??

  • Cigna CEO David Cordani: $17.3 million. Cordani's total compensation rose considerably compared to 2014, when he pulled in $14.5 million. ...
  • Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini: $17.3 million. ...
  • UnitedHealth CEO Stephen Hemsley: $14.5 million. ...
  • Anthem CEO Joseph Swedish: $13.6 million. ...
  • Humana CEO Bruce Broussard: $10.3 million.
Health insurance CEO salary tops out at $17.3M in ... - Fierce Healthcare
So, all of these fellows run multi-state corporations with 10's of thousands of workers.

You know who else makes huge yearly sums?

Keanu Reeves. 30 million
Johnny Depp 35 million
Arnold Schwarzenegger 29.25 million
Mel Gibson 30 million
Sandra Bullock 20 million.

How about some singers?

Taylor Swift 73.5 million
Kenny Chesney 39.8 million
Billy Joel 31 million
Luke Bryan 23 million

All of these people outstrip any corporate CEO, yet they don't do anything but pretend to be other people or sing a few songs.

Sorry if I'm not outraged at the incomes of CEO's who actually provide value to our society.
If you don't see a difference you're to stupid to argue with.

so Taylor Swift deserves more money than a health care CEO??? Why?? A liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism and not know that CEO's save money. If not stockholders would not hire them
Then why do Americans spend twice as much as other developed nations?
. Instead of "Subsidies" you prefer the word "voucher", they are both the same.

wrong I said vouchers that turn into cash if not spent and published prices to incite competition based on price and quality. totally different!!!!

If all of those prices are the same wherever you go, how does that promote competition?
Medicare pays every doctor the same. .

read OP under medicare capitalism they would have to compete on basis of price and quality

Then that's not Medicare! Stop using terms you and the OP apparently do not understand.
we used medicare capitalism so you could understand it

"medicare capitalism"

You aren't even smart enough to know that this is an oxymoron.
Where does the money come from for those "vourchers" (sic)?
govt taxes it from all money used to pay for health care now, distributes it as vouchers, reduces taxes and vouchers 30% a year as prices fall.

My God, you are one of the hardest heads I have ever encountered. What about all of the people already on Medicare, Medicaid , or getting their care through the VA? Is that the funding you want to use?
No no no no rolling in dough and happy to raise prices and lower quality
remember how Stalin had to slowly starve 60 million to get them to work together in your no incentive libcommie world??
But there is no government involvement in patient/physician co-op, so how would that happen, comrade?

Are you against quality service at a low price?
Where does the money come from for those "vourchers" (sic)?
govt taxes it from all money used to pay for health care now, distributes it as vouchers, reduces taxes and vouchers 30% a year as prices fall.

Kid you are just not an intelligent person.
personal attack because the liberal lacks IQ for substance

You are definitely not a conservative, so why are you labeling people?

I have never met a so-called conservative who knew so little about a topic that has managed to run this long of a thread. You are a glutton for punishment!

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