The simple way to instantly fix health care!!!'re not REALLY opposed to the Gov interfering in the long as they do it YOUR way?

the govt is already hugely in the market with almost total libNazi control. Switching to capitalism would mostly eliminate their role.
. Instead of "Subsidies" you prefer the word "voucher", they are both the same.

wrong I said vouchers that turn into cash if not spent and published prices to incite competition based on price and quality. totally different!!!!
. Instead of "Subsidies" you prefer the word "voucher", they are both the same.

wrong I said vouchers that turn into cash if not spent and published prices to incite competition based on price and quality. totally different!!!!

Why would you consent to just giving away tax dollars for nothing? Why not just stipulate buy your insurance or not, but if you don't we'll just plug the cash back into the system? That way you would fund it no matter what. That would be a win win for everyone, all programs need the cash to remain solvent. By plugging it back into the system you are putting cash where it needs to be and not having anyone drain it out by usage.
But you need the Gov to change the laws regarding the system to het it to do what you want. You're simply exchanging one set of laws for another.

laws that support capitalism are good; laws that support libsocialism or fascism or crony capitalism are bad
But you need the Gov to change the laws regarding the system to het it to do what you want. You're simply exchanging one set of laws for another.

laws that support capitalism are good laws that support socialism or fascism or crony capitalism are bad

(sigh) ALL insurance by it's very nature is socialistic. It is spreading the cost and the risk over a population.
. Almost everything you have posted is either dead wrong
why not give best example????

How about the fact that you don't seem to recognize that Medicare is funded by tax dollars that come out of just about everyone's paycheck? If these people are even already contributing through taxes on their paychecks, drawing out their funds before they reach age 65 makes the whole system insolvent. Then you have those that don't contribute at all!
The only thing in a capitalistic world that will drive prices down is competition.
exactly and when people are shopping with their own money providers will have to compete on basis of price and quality. 1+1=2

Medicare pays every doctor the same. There is little difference in what different providers charge because it doesn't matter to the provider. They get the same amount from Medicare every time.
Trump's plan is a huge bureaucratic libsocialist mess, much like Obamacare, that is hard to understand or support. What could be easily understood, broadly supported, easily understood and implemented, and reduce prices 80% is putting everyone on Medicare, publish prices, and give everyone vouchers to buy health care that could be converted to cash if unspent at the end of the year.

As prices slowly dropped 80%, the govt could reduce the vouchers , and taxes to pay for them, accordingly until eventually most people could afford their own health care.
How about everyone pay for their shit?
Can you tell me how insurance companies improve health care of patients?
same as auto insurance companies improve health of your car
Private insurance works for Cars but not health care.

If you are a high risk driver because of tickets, accidents etc., you will pay very high rates if you can get insurance at all. This is totally fair. Why should we all have to pay for high risk drivers.

If you are a high risk for health care because of being old or have a chronic disease you will pay very high rates if you can get insurance at all. Is that fair.

Having a car and insurance is not a necessity of life.

Health insurance is a necessity of life.
Do you use auto insurance to change brakes?
Is it cheaper to pay for maintenance than to let maintenance go and end up paying for a whole car?

Don't pay for check ups, people more likely to have a major health crisis
Sure, but do you need insurance to pay for maintenance? That is pre-paying for something you may not need.
Without Insurance only the top 1/4% would have the means to all healthcare

good point and with national or international competition among insurance companies their efficiency would be pushed to the absolute limit!!

Again, how would you ensure portability?
You may not be able to do that.

Not without more federal interference. He can't see that because in his own mind he is the only one who can be "right".
Frustration mounts over ObamaCare co-op failures | TheHill

Aug 1, 2016 ... Republicans have seized on the co-op failures as evidence that the ... Kathleen Gmeiner, project director at Universal Healthcare Action ...

This is good for a laugh, coward. The least you could do is thank me for helping to educate you.
I felt like I was conversing with Forest Gump.

He's simply not a bright guy.
Now I feel bad.

you feel bad having learned that co op's will fail because they have no capitalistic incentives?? Do you want co ops in all industries?? Moron trying to reinvent the wheel!!
No. I feel bad because you are not intelligent enough to have this discussion. Patient/Physician Co-Ops don't need incentives.

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