The Simpsons Episode Featuring Michael Jackson to be Pulled

the 1st Jackson hit song was a love song to a rat. this was a sick guy!

Michael kept pet rats himself. what is this fascination with "little" living things?

B'loney. "I Want You Back" hit the charts in 1970.
i meant solo hit songs

"Got To Be There" and "Rockin Robin" were his first solo hit from his first solo album. "Ben" was on the second album.

Seriously, this information is so easy to find. I've seen the "Ben" meme spewed around the interwebs. It's fake.
everything i say comes from meticulous research. i stand by every word.

i'm proud of my record

You’d be the only one proud, because you are wrong.
I learned everything I didn't know about street gangs from Mr. Jackson's videos. He was one bad mf'er.

"i am not a homo. not at all. what is it about me that makes people think i'm gay? is it my voice? all of us in our family have soft voices. is it that i dont have many girlfriends" - Jackson
He was gay, the problem is he liked little boys.
"i am not a homo. not at all. what is it about me that makes people think i'm gay? is it my voice? all of us in our family have soft voices. is it that i dont have many girlfriends" - Jackson
He was gay, the problem is he liked little boys.
No, he was a pedophile. If he was actually gay, he would like men but he wasn't attracted to adults.

Actually, Mr. Jackson was allegedly a Gay Paedophile , if you believe the story told on the HBO docudrama.

I'm not sure I do. The gentleman who was making the allegation about Jacko previously testified that that the weirdo never touched him- yet he sued Mr. Jackson's estate after the pop star's corpus was room temperature for a long time.

Since he was suing, it sure looks like he was just looking for a payday.

Jacko is only a few years younger than myself- he's my contemporary. I never heard of any gay child molesters among the black guys I knew in the Mid West.
For this bunch...not a surprise.


Jermaine Jackson is 10 trillion times more talented than Michael. period. end of discussion.

and he's not a pedophile!
"i am not a homo. not at all. what is it about me that makes people think i'm gay? is it my voice? all of us in our family have soft voices. is it that i dont have many girlfriends" - Jackson
He was gay, the problem is he liked little boys.
No, he was a pedophile. If he was actually gay, he would like men but he wasn't attracted to adults.

Actually, Mr. Jackson was allegedly a Gay Paedophile , if you believe the story told on the HBO docudrama.

I'm not sure I do. The gentleman who was making the allegation about Jacko previously testified that that the weirdo never touched him- yet he sued Mr. Jackson's estate after the pop star's corpus was room temperature for a long time.

Since he was suing, it sure looks like he was just looking for a payday.

Jacko is only a few years younger than myself- he's my contemporary. I never heard of any gay child molesters among the black guys I knew in the Mid West.
So, you would allow your 7 year old son to sleep with him night after night in the same bed, and then house you far away from that room, and then give you millions of dollars to turn a blind eye to what was actually happening, huh? This is what he did, and the stupid parents went along with it because he was paying them.Sorry if you can't see that.
And, what about all of the choir boys who have come out in later years and told what happened to them with the perverted, pedo priests? Were they lying too?
Don King told a young Michael Jackson: "the white man will never let you be bigger than Elvis! Bruce Springsteen can't dance like you!"
Don King told a young Michael Jackson: "the white man will never let you be bigger than Elvis! Bruce Springsteen can't dance like you!"

Don King is one of the great men of our time, without a doubt.

Yes, Jacko was a weirdo. And yes, it is the height of irresponsibility to let your 7 year old sleep in the same bed as Jacko.

But that doesn't mean that Michael Jackson molested these two boys as claimed on HBO. And if Jackson's music is removed from the airwaves because of this, you can expect HBO and the producer to get their asses sued.

Sure, maybe Mr. Jackson did molest these boys. But there is no proof of it. Further, Jackson's body has been cold for 10 freaking years.
America has an alleged serial Gang Raper sitting in Washington DC, 48 US Senators determined he was guilty as hell last fall of drugging and gang raping teenaged girls in Maryland. Mr. Kavanaugh is still alive, and free, and for all we would know, still involved in the same kinds of assaults. Let's investigate this, instead of a long dead pop star.
Don King told a young Michael Jackson: "the white man will never let you be bigger than Elvis! Bruce Springsteen can't dance like you!"

Don King is one of the great men of our time, without a doubt.

Yes, Jacko was a weirdo. And yes, it is the height of irresponsibility to let your 7 year old sleep in the same bed as Jacko.

But that doesn't mean that Michael Jackson molested these two boys as claimed on HBO. And if Jackson's music is removed from the airwaves because of this, you can expect HBO and the producer to get their asses sued.

Sure, maybe Mr. Jackson did molest these boys. But there is no proof of it. Further, Jackson's body has been cold for 10 freaking years.
America has an alleged serial Gang Raper sitting in Washington DC, 48 US Senators determined he was guilty as hell last fall of drugging and gang raping teenaged girls in Maryland. Mr. Kavanaugh is still alive, and free, and for all we would know, still involved in the same kinds of assaults. Let's investigate this, instead of a long dead pop star.
Question: would you allow your 7 year old son to sleep nightly with a 34 year old man? And, would you agree to having a room way down the hall, or even on a different floor from them and then assume that nothing was going on? What if he appeared in public holding hands with him and sent him love letters?
And, as far as proof, did the altar boys have any proof of their molestation by the priests when they came forward as adults? Do you think they were making it up too?
Don King told a young Michael Jackson: "the white man will never let you be bigger than Elvis! Bruce Springsteen can't dance like you!"

Don King is one of the great men of our time, without a doubt.

Yes, Jacko was a weirdo. And yes, it is the height of irresponsibility to let your 7 year old sleep in the same bed as Jacko.

But that doesn't mean that Michael Jackson molested these two boys as claimed on HBO. And if Jackson's music is removed from the airwaves because of this, you can expect HBO and the producer to get their asses sued.

Sure, maybe Mr. Jackson did molest these boys. But there is no proof of it. Further, Jackson's body has been cold for 10 freaking years.
America has an alleged serial Gang Raper sitting in Washington DC, 48 US Senators determined he was guilty as hell last fall of drugging and gang raping teenaged girls in Maryland. Mr. Kavanaugh is still alive, and free, and for all we would know, still involved in the same kinds of assaults. Let's investigate this, instead of a long dead pop star.
Question: would you allow your 7 year old son to sleep nightly with a 34 year old man? And, would you agree to having a room way down the hall, or even on a different floor from them and then assume that nothing was going on? What if he appeared in public holding hands with him and sent him love letters?
And, as far as proof, did the altar boys have any proof of their molestation by the priests when they came forward as adults? Do you think they were making it up too?

I would not allow a 7 year old to sleep with adult men.

However, that doesn't mean that Jackson did anything. Sure , he might have, but I would want to see proof.

After all, Michael Jackson was a close friend of President Trump who is as straight as the day is long. Indeed, Trump used to be Jacko's landlord as well as BFF. And believe me, Trump was never interested in taking it in the ass.

Michael Jackson’s Unlikely Friendship With Donald Trump: A Timeline
Don King told a young Michael Jackson: "the white man will never let you be bigger than Elvis! Bruce Springsteen can't dance like you!"

Don King is one of the great men of our time, without a doubt.

Yes, Jacko was a weirdo. And yes, it is the height of irresponsibility to let your 7 year old sleep in the same bed as Jacko.

But that doesn't mean that Michael Jackson molested these two boys as claimed on HBO. And if Jackson's music is removed from the airwaves because of this, you can expect HBO and the producer to get their asses sued.

Sure, maybe Mr. Jackson did molest these boys. But there is no proof of it. Further, Jackson's body has been cold for 10 freaking years.
America has an alleged serial Gang Raper sitting in Washington DC, 48 US Senators determined he was guilty as hell last fall of drugging and gang raping teenaged girls in Maryland. Mr. Kavanaugh is still alive, and free, and for all we would know, still involved in the same kinds of assaults. Let's investigate this, instead of a long dead pop star.
Question: would you allow your 7 year old son to sleep nightly with a 34 year old man? And, would you agree to having a room way down the hall, or even on a different floor from them and then assume that nothing was going on? What if he appeared in public holding hands with him and sent him love letters?
And, as far as proof, did the altar boys have any proof of their molestation by the priests when they came forward as adults? Do you think they were making it up too?

I would not allow a 7 year old to sleep with adult men.

However, that doesn't mean that Jackson did anything. Sure , he might have, but I would want to see proof.

After all, Michael Jackson was a close friend of President Trump who is as straight as the day is long. Indeed, Trump used to be Jacko's landlord as well as BFF. And believe me, Trump was never interested in taking it in the ass.

Michael Jackson’s Unlikely Friendship With Donald Trump: A Timeline[/QUO

There are pictures of him with small boys,holding hands with them and hugging them. And how would you see the proof? How does any child who is sexually abused show any proof?

Oh, and because he was a close friend of tramp gives him a pass? The same tramp who raped a 13 year old girl and pissed Epstein off because he wanted to take her virility first??? Seriously???
He did not molest any kids. Corey Feldman who's ready to reveal any child predators that had sex with him as a child. That he said that Michael never touched him. And they removed the videos or I can't even find them. That the so-called young victims came out and told the truth. That Michael Jackson never touch them. That their parents made them do it. In this Eddie Griffith video. That he talks about those so-called young victims saying that their parents made them do it.


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