The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
You are right taken by force and violence by men with guns, representatives of the government. Your stupidity makes a mule look compliant.
How many times have armed men come to your door to take your money
That is none of your business. How many laws, Tax, drugs,criminal and etc. and etc. are on the books promising the siezure of your person and property if you do not meet conditions set forth by federal, state and local government. Just more stupid questions to deflect the conversation not happening.
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
You are right taken by force and violence by men with guns, representatives of the government. Your stupidity makes a mule look compliant.
How many times have armed men come to your door to take your money

I had an irs agent find me, found me out back by my barn......i immediately assumed the position.... don't wanna dis authority......but she was nice .....i didn't ask if she CC'd....

Female IRS agents are HOT
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
No shit Sherlock
You stil blabbing the rush def?
if you have any idea what that means why not let us know??
It is both because socialism is well regulated capitalism,
it that according to you or Marx? sorry you skipped college??
I have a masters in history and you are a bozo. Marx changed socialism and made it the communism that ideologues tried in Russia Etc. It doesn't work. then the definition changed when people the world over realized that Russia was in no way Democratic at all.and now everyone in the world but cold war dinosaur Republicans knows that socialism is well regulated capitalism with a nationalization or two maybe, always democratic. "We are all socialist now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The Cold War is over snap out of it

Yup, keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said!
The Anti-Federalists have been proven correct time and time again.
The Confederates get proven right again and again.
Those old racist Democrats were right?
Dems then, repubs now
You'll never convince Oddball of that. Not without his head exploding from cognitive dissonance.
I think it was called the civil rights act.
These darn pesky uppity nixxers,
And you would have know the real Latin def of liberal?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
You stil blabbing the rush def?
who is talking about Lat definition of word? We are talking about today's defintion. Do you understand?

I'm talking the correct def
Not knees news or old white zero college farts definition
today conservatives are for freedom and liberals are for government. Do you understand?
well regulated capitalism won.

has the blind liberal ever heard of Bernie Sanders and Obamacommiecare??Trend has been clear since day s when liberals spied for Stalin. If you had bothered with college you'd know the basics.
Government helping people who need help
Omg, never do that.
I follow the good old American way.
I have mine, screw the rest
the way to help the rest is with capitalism not socialism which just killed 120 million
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
Constitution's Bill of Rights gives us freedom from liberalism but we don't have because we have too much democracy.
Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
I didn’t need trump to cut my taxes. He just caused inflation by giving everyone a tax break and added to the debt.

It should have been a middle class only tax break. That would have benefitted everyone because the middle class will spend that money at the makers business’

Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.

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